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Everything posted by arby

  1. ^^no worries. I knew I shouldn't read the thread until I was caught up, but I couldn't resist. That sucks about the ad. I hate when they do that.
  2. To me, intimidator has the most floater air time of any B&M hyper that I have ridden. I still think they all (the hypers I have ridden) are pretty much equal on overall forcefulness including my sentimental favorite, Intimidator.
  3. Why are they extremists? I have been an animal advocate for over a decade and I certainly don't consider myself an extremist. Is it extreme to have a different view than you? I was using the term lightly, and didn't mean to offend you. My apologies. I should have said 'activists' and not 'extermists'
  4. ^^most of the b&m hypers are all about the same for me and in reality should share a single number in my top 25. It has gotten to the point that I can't differentiate most of them and classify them all as 'fun.' I don't think forcefulness plays into any of those. I have only been on one wing rider so far so I don't have any opinions on those.
  5. Great TR and pictures, Chuck! We missed our trip to Christmas Town this year.
  6. An El Loco would fit perfectly in my back yard! I wouldn't turn down any flats, though, if any of you have one sitting around you would like to donate...
  7. I don't agree that the new B&Ms are 'forceless' but I do understand where people are coming from. For example, at Carowinds we have an old school and a new school B&M. I can ride Intimidator about 10 times without getting off before I need a short break whereas I can only ride Afterburn about 2 times before I have to get off and take a break. My body is telling me Intimidator has forces, just less. I also understand why typically younger people often rank force as their top factor for a coaster. In my early 20s in the Marine Corps I got to do some fast roping and was lucky enough to ride on the rope a few times under a helo flying 100+mph through the air... it was a huge thrill and exhilarating. That would be too much for me now. So for me now, forcefulness is not one of the top factors that I consider for a good coaster although it still is one of my factors.
  8. All those extremists haven't even made me consider dumping my SeaWorld stock. In fact, none of this has appeared to have any direct impact on their stocks. If any of this has a major impact on their quarterly earnings and revenue numbers, then that will impact their stocks. As I previously mentioned, the GP will forget about all this soon and SeaWorld will continue to move forward.
  9. I am afraid of Ferris Wheels - go figure - although I still think every park should have one because I love how they look.
  10. If you want to do everything in the park, zoo, and chocolate world including creating your own chocolate bar, I would recommend two days. Great pics and TR, Aaron!
  11. Testing photo upload now that I configured it properly. EDIT: Worked perfectly. This is almost easier than using the computer.
  12. Yes, thank you for the forums, Club TPR, and all you guys put into TPR! I enjoy coming to the forums nearly every day to catch up on some of my favorite topics.
  13. Congrats on # 400! I can't wait to make it to Alton Towers. The way it's looking my #400 may be there too.
  14. My favorite is Jack Rabbit at Kennywood.
  15. It's 76 here right now although that cold front will hit us by Sunday with highs around 41. Brrrr...
  16. I don't like going backwards through a loop. Other than that I really wouldn't mind boomerangs. With that loop I get too disoriented.
  17. Doh! That's what I get for reading this thread and I haven't watched last night's episode yet. It sounds interesting, for sure.
  18. ^^I haven't experienced any bee issues at Carowinds, not to say there aren't any. Rumors are they removed the Thunder Road tunnels because they couldn't control the bees in them. I never tried to verify that. There are certainly numerous options for Cedar Fair to purchase that mall with an indoor waterpark being a good option. It'll be interesting to see if anything pans out.
  19. 2005 if I recall correctly. I wish I were collecting ornaments back then - that one would be great in my collection and is a rare find.
  20. It used to be burgers! One of my favorite foods was a fresh burger (not frozen). Then I got a cholesterol test this year... Now it's low-fat burritos!
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