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Jeezus Juice

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Everything posted by Jeezus Juice

  1. Good luck you guys. I think your plan is technically doable, but driving from Cedar Point to SFStL by way of SFGAM is going to be hell! BTW, how are you leaving OAK at 10pm and not getting to Louisville until 11:30 the next day? You didn't buy the Delta "Louisville via Atlanta" route did you? I've looked at that route before and it makes like zero sense to fly nonstop all the way to georgia only to have to fly back to kentucky. Funny thing is that it's actually cheaper than just flying to Atlanta! Stoopid airlines! Screw the Amazing Race, I want to see a reality show made out of this trip! -Don
  2. ^ I now know the perfect thing to bring back from Germany "Don't worry Monica, I have the new bathroom theme ALL picked out!" That's awesome, but I feel really, really bad for the guy that has to clean off those urinal balls every night. GOOOOOOAAAAL!!!! -Don
  3. I had a really good ride on Fujiyama so I'll vote for that. Bandit was down when I was there last so I can't vouch for that. Standing and Loop coaster actually wasn't too bad either, definately way better than the two stateside Togo standies. Of course it's also much shorter than either of them and doesn't have a bunny hop of pain either. Bandit looked really good though! -Don
  4. Well, seeing as how we got so much accomplished the last time we had a war in Korea...I guess we got Corp. Klinger out of it all, and Radar got some work. And Col. Potter...always knowing whats best... LOLORZ!!!! HAHAZZORZ!!!!!
  5. You guys have no idea how long I've waited for a chance for Mulan and I to go adventuring together. We played in the snow, went and visited pooh, and then I dropped her off at her village. I'm thinking about seeing her again tomorrow, I think it's going really well! Seriously...this is the best game ever. And Mulan...omg...so hot. Don "Can't wait for the Kim Possible level!!" Garrison
  6. I'm jumping out of this thread early this time! The Sun Wheel is 16 Credits!!!!
  7. All right, I can't wait for these! Now I'll get to remember what I did that week... Hopefully you managed to get some good shots of Erik's jacket! -Don
  8. Is it allright if I bring my sleeping bag and a few tarps to make a fort? I want to be able to defend my territory in the middle of the night. Can anybody bring some couch cusions? I'd like to build a dungeon as well to keep the prisoners in. -Don "It puts the lotion on its skin..." Garrison
  9. No way, Montezuma's Revenge! With 1/6th gravity you'd get a good smack at the end of each spike!! -Dontezuma
  10. Allright guys! Way to finally go to that park up the street from you! So Tom decided to go to SFOG after all?! Awesome, it's totally worth the drive, even more so than Uncle Bernie's! Too bad Gold Rush was closed, that was my favorite of the 4 kiddie coasters at that park! lol -Don
  11. Yeah, that picture is of the arrow mouse at michigans adventure. Check out the picture below and you can see the froghopper in the lower right corner. Someone went through a lot of trouble for this though...weird. Photo by www.coastergallery.com, found via rcdb.com
  12. Had to clean out the photochop archives for this one. First thing Guy sees when he falls asleep.
  13. ^ I just found out that JetBlue flies to MCO! Hopefully they run a Oakland-Orlando nonstop. I'll make that my new route if so! Ugh..we we're delayed BOTH ways! Stupid weather! -Don
  14. Oh my god you guys really did go to the Citrus Tower! I would't feel bad about missing the garage sale though, nothing could have topped Uncle Bernie's on Wednesday! I wonder if I should have taken that guy up on his '100 DVD's for $125' deal, or that lady selling cell phones out of a dumpster... I hope you guys have fun today...I know you said you were going to Wild Adventures, but I'm sure you'll spend all day at Cafe' Risque' instead! I managed to make it home OK despite our 3 freaking hour flight delay. -Don "Hates San Francisco weather!" Garrison
  15. Noooo....! I guess I was lucky it was operating the one and only time I went to TGE. Too bad they have to lose such a kick-ass ride for an SLC. Here's to hoping it finds a new home quick! I was reading a Motley Fool article that mentioned that Shapiro and Co were working with a consulting firm to decide the best way to divest assets, which rides/parks to sell, which land parcels to get rid of. Maybe this is the first result to go through. At least the Comet was spared. Good looking out James. -Don
  16. You know I really should clear up the 'incident' so peeps know what went down. Basically it was a cart selling bootleg toys and plastic famicom emulators. There was this big FBI bust a few weeks ago and they busted the guys importing these due to Nintendo copyright/IP violations. Well I found a cart that was still selling these and started videotaping out of boredom (waiting for a table) and this indian dude running the cart just went ape$*it! He was totally flipping out and grabbing for my camera. We went in and got our table and he whipped out two cellphones and started making calls like crazy. Then his posse showed up and just started pointing and maddogging us for the rest of the night. It was funny as hell! Ahh...I haven't had that much fun in a mall in a while. Thanks for posting the pics Ry-Ry! -Don..."International Instigator!!"
  17. Yeah, I like Jarve's idea. I kinda like to see what the park is like when I watch videos. Good ride footage is great, but I kinda like to see things like how the park is laid out, what are the queues like ect. You know, give some context to how the ride fits into the park. Lately I've been doing POV's that show some off ride shots first, maybe what the station is like, ect. That way when you watch the POV you have an idea what to expect. Of course it's all personal preference. The best thing you can do is just make it how you want to. Everyone has their own flavor and that's what makes them interesting. Robb has his la-la cartoon music, I heat up food with hair dryers, and Tommy...well...we love Tommy! looking forward to whatever! -Don
  18. ^LOLORZ!!! We need back up at cart 12! Unlawful video and pointing in progress!!! Sorry we missed you Menefee, I tried to wait but the guys wouldn't let me!!
  19. I'd post photos but I'm at work right now...plus I'm still ducking the push-cart mafia after my undercover surveilance last night. I hope Sean will forgive us eventually, but it was way to rainy and cold to be at that park anymore... -Don
  20. I'll be there next month when they go daily, there is a new 'credit' after all... Plus it's looking like we'll be at PKI/PKD this year, although carowinds is getting the finger once again. I heard Guy can't make it...is it too late for me to cancel? j/k, see you guy's there (whatever "guy's" show up anyway!) -Don
  21. Allright, I ran it by the affected parties and it's all good! Enjoy guys!
  22. Well, a one day parkhopper ticket is $100.91 and a one day-one park ticket will run you $63.63... A Florida resident pass will cost you $215. So basically, how much do your parents love you? If you can only do ONE park then pay up and get the one-day and throw a dart to decide which one you really want to go to. What I would do is upgrade to a park hopper so you can at least do the major rides in both parks. One thing to consider though is that your going to be paying at least a third to a half of the cost of an annual passport. Even if you only go one more time this year you'll have paid for it. Otherwise SWO has a buy-a-day-get-a-year-free promotion I believe, maybe $10 more. Either way thay are all great parks and you'll have a blast! Happy Birthday -Don
  23. I'd say just go ahead and move. Phoenix is a dust hole and they are never getting a park, I don't care what anyone says! Go drown your sorrows at Kennywood, that's what I would do!! Then again, I give bad advice -Don
  24. ^ Actually that's biometric scanning, not fingerprint reading. What it's doing is using infrared light and an optical scanner to record features from your fingers. How far apart the joint is, how wide your fingers are ect. Do you know that there are people who think that it's actually an x-ray device?! "Sure, just stick your fingers in and we'll give you a dose of radiation right at crotch level!" Anyway, while you probably can't set up your own shop selling unused tickets across the street from one of the parks, I'm sure there is very little Disney can or cares to do about online sales of unused tickets. Of course the people selling them say you can use them, but I wouldn't trust them. After all, if you get denined entry at the gate you have no recourse at all against the seller. I think that if you try and use someone elses ticket they'll confiscate it. While you're not supposed to sell them, nothing says you can't give them away right? Anyone in guest services want to give us the rundown on resales? -Don
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