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Jeezus Juice

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Everything posted by Jeezus Juice

  1. Craig, your sister's hawt!!!! Not Kim Possible hot...but then what is?
  2. Chris, your the man! I'll save you an outside seat on Eejanaika! Is Nagspa really testing new trains on SD2K? I'm thinking about coming out again in october for ToT, but if I could get a Steel Dragon ride then I'd be all 'bout it 'bout it! Chris, you said that there was a train station right by Fujikyu right? Is there a way to take a train up there from Tokyo? Just incase...you know...you don't have that day off or something! Can't wait for that Full/Full! -Don
  3. Awesome man! Can't wait for the next part! (part 3 especially!!) -Don
  4. This is quite tragic...my thoughts go out to all of the families involved...Hopefully there can still be an Incan Fair this year. Maybe we should sacrifice corn to the idol...maseca!
  5. Ladies and Gentlemen...welcome to the new low! DO ME NEXT!! -Don
  6. I'm totally heartbroken! I look forward to this fair ALL YEAR AND STUPID GOD HAS TO POSTPWND IT!! Now I have to go all the way to Pharohs Lost Kingdom to ride a Pharohs Fury. Looks like my summer is ruined...Cecilia Field will NEVER BE THE SAME!!
  7. LOL at "YA'LL" instead of "Y'ALL" Someone at the point needs to check their redneck to english dictionary. Anyway, I am now leaning toward some serious competition with Storm Runner. How funny would it be if CP named it Steel Stampede or Renegade!?! -Don
  8. 2007...Millenium Force Clone...wrapping around PP, Xcel, and SS...Lime green track with bright orange supports... ...little bird told me! -Don
  9. Man, I forgot I even did that! Thanks for reminding me. Don't ask where I get this stuff, I just listen to the voices in my head. OMG, Paul Reuben got breast cancer! LOL You know what's weird about the whole thing? The actual campout was completely pointless. I see no reason why we couldn't have just shown up at 4am to get our wristbands...BUT the campout was the best part of the day so whoo-hoo! Even though I turned into a zombie around 6 am I had a blast! Thanks R&E and everyone, again. I have no idea how you guys pull all of this off! Can we do this again for flashback's re-opening? -Don
  10. Hershey, Dorney, and Knoebels are pretty near by. Lake Compounce and Quassy are on the way to SFNE. SFA is just about 150 miles away and PKD and BGE are another 50 or so from that. Have fun! It's a really cool area! -Don
  11. Not that I would ever do this but what about a camera locked inside of a cargo pocket? Otherwise maybe we can designate somebody an official TPR camera rack! Anyone have a parent that would be happy sitting out? It would save a lot of people from running back and forth up the hill! -Don "Not interested in a POV anyway, just want to ride" Garrison
  12. Yeah, I'm kinda laening toward the Aquatrax anyway, although I was hoping for a wing walker. Now, about AA at Lotte World...does it ever actually float or have a splashdown? From what I've seen of it it looks like simulated water drops and all coaster track. Also, what exactly is the Intamin water coaster at Gardaland? It had the Intamin T-bar restraints, Intamin tri-track, and an Intamin cable lift system but it also floats for much of it's course. It certainly felt like a water coaster to me. Yet rcdb does not list it. Does anyone have any real info on it? Hopefully it's good, but honestly without themeing I can see the ride being fairly dull. Kinda like Journey to Atlantis west vrs east. At least it's not a KumbaK! -Don
  13. Hey Shepp, I come down from San Francisco all the time to the DLR and your plan sounds just like the one I always use. You can hit Indy, walk on the matterhorn and grab a space mountain fastpass in an hour easy. By then DCA should just be opening. Usually the hub, Condor Flats, and Soarin' open about a half hour before the park does. If you're in the park before 10 you can grab a Soarin' fastpass and then wait for the rope to drop into Hollywood. Then you can walk on to Tower, have a modest wait for Monster's Inc, and then go hit the rest of the rides in the park (Coaster, Sun Wheel, Grizzly) and then use your FP for Soarin' before you leave the park. Usually I'm done with DCA by noon and on my way over to Disneyland (or I leave to get lunch, go to Knotts, whatever ). Now since you've never been to DCA you might want to hang out and see the 3-D films, farm displays, winery crap. Just make sure you stop and get a tortilla. Maseca!!! Oh, Block Party Bash can probably be skipped. I'm a big DLR fan boy and even I haven't seen it. If you're there on a day that the Aladdin show is playing I'd recommened seeing it between rides on TOT. The cast is really good, lots of quick changes and ad libs! Single rider on splash can be a bit confusing. There's not always a sign or any indication that they are actually doing it. Just walk up the exit like you know what you're doing and ask a CM and they'll show you where to go. Sure beats waiting 180 minutes in stand-by! What other tidbits can I think of...? Oh, Roger Rabbit's dark ride in toontown is not hooked up to the main DLR fastpass matrix so you can hold one for that ride in addition to any others you may have. Also, as a favor to yourself, try and watch the Billy Hill and the Hillbillies show at the golden horseshoe, even if you hate theme park shows. This one comes highly recommended! When does POTC reopen? We'll I'm sure you wouldn't miss that anyway! Have fun man! -Don recovering Diznoid
  14. I'm bringing: 8x10 head shots Sharpies ('cause you people NEVER think to bring your own!) Red Velvet Ropes Small square of red carpet for my... Designer leather event chair 6 bottles of chilled water (with lids pre-loosened) Pretty boy pouty face Yep, I think that's all I'm going to need. I'll only be out there for about 45 minutes, but you people should line up at least 5 hours prior to the posted start time. And make sure you have a pre-purchaced DVD in hand before joining the queue, thanks... -The Don
  15. I don't know if you're into camping but whenever we go to the Dells we stay at the KOA that is just behind Timber Falls. Just bring a tent with you, sites are only around $20-$25 and they're shower facilities are really good. We've stayed at several KOA's around the country and this is one of our favorites. Otherwise, depending on the kind of deal you get with Mt. Oly's hotel/motel, that might work out better fore you. How many park admissions do you get for staying there? I can see the value if you've got 4 people, and don't mind filthy carpets! -Don
  16. I made an expert artist rendering to help illustrate the grade change for you Vekoma Fan! The brake runs are in red. Side profile elevation of "The Voyage" by Don
  17. Can anyone check to see how the cable is doing? If it did snap you maight be able to see it hanging down below the track. I know I was able to get some pretty clear shots of the breakdown last year by the exit of the safari. Yeah, I'm not an engineer so I really have no idea. I'm just tossing things out there with the rest of ya! -Don
  18. So it looks like the top contender is a swooping Intamin wing-walker that may or may not have a launch. I'd say the lake turn is a pretty good give away. Runners up would be the Aqua-Trax (probably) or a Ball-Coaster (probably not). The more I look at the lake turn the more I see a Rita-esque layout with swooping direction changes. Hopefully they left some trees in that area. Of course it's probably an inverted wooden rapids ride. Can't wait for someone to post opening day pictures! -Don
  19. Sounds to me like an adjustment was not made reguarding the empty train vrs. full and the system overlaunched and sent the catch car into it's brakes too hard. Of course I know nothing and that's all speculation, but it may explain the bang! Meh...the real news is that the Batman side of Chiller is open!!! -Don
  20. Courtesy of my work filter, lol! What kind of coasterporn pictures are those?! -Don
  21. That's great that you managed to fit some parks in with your work trip. Ugh...I hate training classes, but I'd suffer through them for a few days of park hopping! Thanks for posting your pictures Dave. It gives me an idea of what to look forward too when I go in a few weeks. Maybe I'll have better luck with Villegende Hollander! -Don
  22. Not sure quite what you mean. The midcourse is just before the triple down... I still have 3 weeks to go until I get my ride. Good to know that the Darkride is up already. Hopefully they can finish the observation deck for Voyage soon! -Don
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