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Everything posted by Jojo19799

  1. OH. MY. GOSH! This was or actually IS the best trip report I have ever seen. Thank you so much for making my day a million times better. It's been a rough morning so far and this has made it a lot better. Thanks again, and I'm looking forward to your report on Knott's.
  2. I love Nathan's! My mom kept talking about it before the NE trip. She did grow up in NY afterall. It was awesome to go to the original Nathan's. I'd like to head back there someday, and make a stop at Coney Island!
  3. I agree! I think if I did't go to WCB, I probably would have gone to WDW or DL for a few days just for this. Glad everyone is having fun, and I'm really surprised that the crowds are not that bad. I'll keep my fingers crossed in hopes that tonight the crowds will stay the same!
  4. Thanks for posting the updates! I'm sadly stuck at work and would MUCH rather be at FL right now. Although I shouldn't complain too much, the sun is out and it's warming up. Have a great day everyone!
  5. I can't wait for this report. It's going to be amazing!
  6. ^Probably not, but I did pass by the Washington St. entrance on my way to work. I saw a flatbed truck with part of the queue on it. I would have taken a picture, but I was driving and who wants to see a flatbed truck with the queue anyway?
  7. I had to talk him out of this at DSB. I did not witness any towel folding and ironing. I'm pretty sure though the whole entire time he wanted to fold and repack all my clothes as I just threw them into the suitcase.
  8. I applied for mine last Feb. and I got it within a couple of weeks, and that wasn't with priority. I really hope you guys go. If Mr. X decides to play TPR Quest again, I would be willing to help him.
  9. I went to Disneyland last week and I boycotted the Jungle Cruise ride because of their inhumane actions towards hippos.
  10. First off let me say a big thank you to Robb, Elissa, Magic Mountain and Knotts for an awesome weekend. I missed last year, and no way did I want to miss this year and I am looking forward to next year already. It's a nice escape to get away from the midwest and enjoy some nice weather in the middle of winter. This was my second WCB (first one was back in 2010). I thought the event 2 years ago was just awesome. We had lots of tours, ERT and it was a pretty jammed packed day full of fun. I still had fun at MM this year, but I have to agree with everyone's comments about the day. I understand the reasoning behind not doing any walkbacks or tours of rides. I believe Tim mentioned that they really didn't have anything going on, and they were only moving the stairs on Superman at the moment and no major construction was going on with Lex Luther yet. I do want say that the MM staff was awesome at check in. Neal helped me out greatly by getting a ticket for me since my season pass wasn't processed yet. Two years ago I thought MM did a much better job than Knott's - but this year I feel differently. Knott's had t-shirts made for us, free photos, ERT on awesome rides and some great tours. I liked how Knott's gave us ERT on Windseeker and Log Ride. It's nice to have different types of rides thrown in there besides just coasters. I really enjoyed our group photo that day too. It was awesome to be on the stunt show stage and have part of the cast in the photo. Oh, and the little "demonstration" at the end was awesome! I didn't mind that the park extended their hours either, I know it was something done last minute and honestly the waits for the coasters during that time were not bad at all. I'm looking forward to next year already. Thanks again for a great weekend!
  11. Didn't I see you at ElecTRONica that night? On another note - glad to see there are NO airport photos of me this time around!!
  12. I didn't think I was tipsy. I was just goofy, trying to have fun. It's ok though. Maybe next time.
  13. ^I can't wait to see the trip report! I know it's going to be awesome. It was great to hang out with the Bebe's at Knott's. We never did take a picutre of me seeking/finding wind though. Maybe next time.
  14. I think Vampire was one of the best coasters at the park, along with the indoor one. Also, the crepes were good. Thanks for sharing photos. It's bringing back some great memories.
  15. When you come back to the midwest you can get #17 and #43 crossed off in no time!
  16. I lost my first match, but I won the second. I think I'm going to get back in line again.
  17. I know I'm getting ahead of the schedule here, but please tell me we're going to watch Jersey Shore Shark Attack in June!!
  18. Ok, I have to make a decision. Go see Jordan Knight in concert Saturday, or stay home and watch Volcano. Hmmmmmm.......decisions decisions.
  19. The only bad thing about this park is that I can't go to it. I want to ride the Disco Stick.
  20. Locked in! I'm going with 7 as well! I have a good feeling about this round!
  21. Well, at least I can look at pictures of it since two people (who will remain nameless) broke it during ERT on a certain day back in May!!! I need to get back to this park. Maybe in the spring. I think I'll go look at flights!
  22. I would never go on that show, even if you paid me all the money in the world. There is no way I would ever eat such disgusting things, and I hate, hate HATE snakes, bats and most bugs in general. I would totally do Amazing Race though. I'd need a smart person to be my partner. Any takers?
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