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Everything posted by Jojo19799

  1. ^Patrick, it was pretty easy to spot, you really couldn't miss it. I have the urge to walk around my office on my tipy toes now saying "check".
  2. Kerry don't feel so bad. I am not able to go, but I will be there next year. I think 2012 will be the year of bashes for me.
  3. The one and only! Neil does a great impersonation. Very true. He was doing it during DSB and I nearly peed myself. Oh and I saw the scariest drag show video. Edit: Now that I think of it, I'm pretty sure Neil and I greeted each other at DSB by walking on our tip toes saying "check".
  4. Thank you Steve, I now want a crepe. The Nutella, banana and strawberry one that I had was oh so delicious. La Ronde wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. Nice park, but crappy operations like most have said. If they ever build a new coaster, then I'll consider visiting again. But for now, I want to stay far away from French Canadia as possible. They're so primitive there, our hotel didn't have electricity but we had water, oh yeah and tons of alcohol.
  5. DSB was the best day ever. I'm glad that our boat wasn't the only one that rocked. I missed getting the employee's name (the one at Monster Mansion), but she was really awesome. Please, give her some kudos! She really enjoyed her job and let all of us know it! I'm really enjoying all the different TR's for this bash. Can't wait to see more!
  6. That's nice. Jake forgot to turn his on when I tried to take a picture of him at the aquarium.
  7. I'm starting to think about going to this. Maybe if I get a decent price on a flight.
  8. ^Did he at least turn his camera on before giving it to you? I'd much rather be back at SFOG than at work right now. It was an amazing day. I haven't gone to many bashes, but it was probably one of the best ones I've attended.
  9. Gary awesome TR. I remember seeing the "Jesus Saves" sign and the campground on my way to IB a few months ago. I don't think the bouncy thing was open when I drove by. BTW, you're a brave soul. I would NEVER do a cross country trip with my brother. I'd probably throw him out of the car! Or he would have left me at a rest stop. But I'm glad you two survived and I'm looking forward to the rest of the report.
  10. What about the hippos at WDW?? They need saving too!!!!
  11. ^YES!! But in all seriousness, many people think that X-Flight will go where IW is. We even heard people talk about this on the train. Just because one ride is leaving, doesn't mean that another ride will go in that same spot. X-Flight has a larger layout (at least from what the video shows) than IW. I do have one question, has anyone heard about Great American Raceway? Yes I'm fully aware they are removing it, but is there a chance that it might move somehwere else in the park?
  12. Yes I've been checking it now and then. It's supposed to get cold by Thursday here in Chicago so it's a good thing I'm going to Atlanta where it's nice and toasty! Although I did hear rain for Friday in ATL but who cares about that.
  13. ^Yes, X-Flight is going where Raceway/Splash is now. There's plenty of room for it. I am wondering what they would do with the sky coaster. It does hover over the Raceway track which would be the new ride area for X-Flight.
  14. ^I'd like to be the second (since you'd be the first) to sign that petition. I witnessed what happened that fateful night at Texas Giant Bash. *shudder*
  15. Waffle House will work. I can get a waffle and Coke to go. But if there's a fist fight, I'll be sticking around for that.
  16. Is there a Starbucks in the area? If so, I'll be walking there first then over to the park. I really can't wait for this event. I've been looking forward to going to SFoG for some time now.
  17. I'm on that list too right? I'm holding you to this Bobby! I have yet to go to SFA so I should head over there next summer. Plus, I need to get to a few other non SF parks in that area.
  18. Sorry, I just don't see how it's a wing rider. It could be a zac spin or even a sky screamer. I'm just throwing out different options. They haven't revealed much of the puzzle.
  19. You're right, I do! BUT the timing doesn't work out for me. I keep telling myself that if I find a sugar daddy soon, then I'll be able to go.
  20. Your Jedi powers are working. I'm rethinking trips here. It only makes sense to do the NW trip since I already did NE. But Italy and Europe look amazing as well. Maybe I could do Europe and NW?
  21. They still have a lot of puzzle pieces to uncover. The first is only 3 days away. I must be shtoopid and not see the wing rider in the picture. I still think it could be anything.
  22. I'm confused. Only 7 pieces of the puzzle were revealed and some say it's going to be a wing rider? Seriously? It doesn't look like anything to me at this moment in the game. Please don't think I'm trying to stir the pot here a bit and start something. I'm just expressing my own opinion.
  23. What if the new ride is one of those Wind Jammers? Just throwing an idea around.
  24. ^I've always wanted to do a beer tour. Any chance you may have time to do a tour of Miller when you're in town? I know it might not be the best, but it's a beer tour, and you do get FREE beer!
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