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Everything posted by Jojo19799

  1. I'm not sure, but my guess it has something to do with being in Wisconsin. It's not. It is a death ride though.
  2. ^Well I'm just going out on a limb here and guessing Great America. But I could be totally wrong here too. It wouldn't be the first time.
  3. ^We need to see the Amazing Schu next time we go! We kept missing his how.
  4. I love Little Amerricka. Yeah it's ghetto, it may not have a lot of rides and it's in the middle of nowhere, but it sure is fun! BTW, I bet I know you're next adventure!!
  5. I mentioned this at work yesterday, and a co-worker says "Well, I'll be expecting them to knock on my door and file a lawsuit on behalf of the porterhouse steak I had for dinner last night which BTW was mighty delicious". I know that cruelty towards animals is no laughing matter, but PETA takes it too far. I bet half of their members like a good porterhouse steak now and then.
  6. They're safely stowed away in my car! They'll stay there for awhile! So gotta ask, where does your adventure take you next?
  7. Random thoughts: Is PETA really expecting an orca whale to get up on the stand to testify? Will PETA file a lawsuit against all the zoos in the US? How about a lawsuit against other theme parks that house animals like Dollywood or Busch Garden's properties? I get what PETA is trying to do, I'm not a fan of cruelty towards animals either. But, filing a lawsuit is a little ridiculous. I'm hoping this is from the Onion too. I've never heard anything like this before.
  8. I love your trip reports Chuck. Looking forward to seeing the rest of it!
  9. I really enjoyed Bay Beach. I do hope that the park adds a few more rides, even if it's just a small kiddie coaster. It's a really beautiful park too. I need to go back up there next summer. I still have the tickets in my car. If they didn't change the color, then I'll use them!
  10. Why was Canadian Nick torturing me? I can't figure that out. I'm sure there was a reason behind it. Anyway, seeing these pictures makes me miss everyone! I had such a great time on the trip. I can't wait to see the Great Adventure pics.
  11. ^I think a Real World type show with TPR members would make interesting TV. Would I watch it all the time? Probably not. I have never been on a cruise before. I really want to go on one. I think I'll have to book one soon, especially one for this ship.
  12. ^Yeah, season tickets and maybe individual tickets might be hard to come by, but they offer lots of packaged deals. Friends of my parents go several times a year doing this. Obviously, if its a game against Chicago or Minnesota you're going to pay more. I think the cheapest package deal starts around $500 a ticket, BUT this includes good seats, hotel for a night, transportation to the stadium from the hotel, tailgating before the game (with all you can eat AND drink mind you). Plus, for an extra $20-30 you can upgrade your seat to one in the first 5 rows behind the goal posts. Mom and I are going to go someday, we just haven't picked a day yet to go!
  13. This was my first stadium tour and it was awesome!! Yes I'm a little biased since I am a Packer fan. I need to get back up there to see the trophy.
  14. Wow, there is a lot to see at this park. I need to go there. Looking forward to your next adventure. Wait, I'm in one or two of them aren't I? And how did I miss this comment????
  15. I don't understand people sometimes. They're nice one week, then the next they just don't acknowldege you at all. Weird. Oh well.
  16. I'm patiently waiting for part two. I enjoy your TR's and need more!
  17. I very much agree with this. I think this is exactly why I'm not a huge fan of CP and I have not been there for 10 years. I have been to other CF parks (just recently used the fast lane system at KI and absolutely loved it!) As much as I would love to see CP get the fast lane system, I don't think it would work out well for them. I think the q-bot system would work best since you can reserve your time for the ride while doing other things. CP is a pretty big, high capacity park afterall.
  18. You tell them to grow a pair if balls, stop being a pussy, and walk through the maze like a real man. This is pretty much what I did when I went through Terror Town at KI. I'm not one for mazes/haunted houses but it really wasn't that bad. The little kid in front of me kept on yelling "boo" at the scare actors, so if he could get through it so could I.
  19. LOL! Kevin, that has got to be the best picture of me on the trip. I really enjoyed our time at Old Orchard. I wish we had more time though. Hey, it gives me an excuse to go back. Looking forward to the rest of the pics!
  20. I love reading all the updates from this trip. I miss everyone and everything about it so much.
  21. ^Totally agree with you there. Although next time, maybe I'll spring the extra cash for the Fright Lane passes. The lines for the mazes had to have been at least 2 hours which is expected since it was a Saturday and a really nice day.
  22. ^That is the plan. Things could change though. As far as going on a Friday night, I think it's worth it really. I've checked out other parks' haunt events on a Friday before, and wait times were fairly low.
  23. Good thing we're going to try out those handy dandy fast lane passes!
  24. Alcohol, pizza, coasters, alcohol, coasters, alcohol, no power, alcohol....yep...sums up the trip. It was the best trip though. Good times.
  25. I wonder if Neil would record a video of his impression of "tippy toe check guy" and post it in the thread. That would be amazing. I'd just like to say that the ONLY good thing about La Ronde (besides the alcohol and crepes) was that their boomerang was closed.
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