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Everything posted by Jojo19799

  1. Thanks Elissa. I pretty much said the same thing to my mom, but she's just uneasy still. I realize there's nothing I can do to relieve any of her fears, even though I've mentioned a million times that you've done all the research. What's the countdown to Mexico now?
  2. ^All the more reason I want to go. I was there back in high school and survived. My parents were the ones that signed the permission form for me to go! I understand that things changed in the last 14 years that I've been there, but there was still that sense of caution when I was there. We were very careful and didn't do anything stupid, which is a surprise for a group of high schoolers.
  3. ^That would have been hard for me to do. I would need to ask her for a ride to the airport.
  4. I'm all for Mexico, however my mom is not. She's really scared that something will happen. Any ideas on how I can help calm her fears? I keep telling her that we will have reputable guides and transportation and that I won't do anything stupid like go out by myself at night, stay in well lit areas etc. She's still uneasy. She obviously can't stop me from going, but being her only child right now I need to convince her that it's going to be OK and I will return to Chicago in one piece.
  5. The same as any other participant. I'm not sure if your dad will be going or not, but I've been on several trips with minors, and we have treated each other like family.
  6. I'm really looking forward to Mexico. It looks like it will be a very interesting trip.
  7. I'm not sure why I rode Vortex last time I was at KI. I just wanted to ride it, and after it was all over, I regretted it. I had a headache for a little bit, but I moved on with life. I'm really not going to miss this coaster. Did anyone notice that at the end of the SoB demolish video someone yelled "yeah"? I guess they were not a fan either.
  8. Since I missed out on all the fun last year, I will participate this year!
  9. I am trying for Mexico, but just have to see about getting off work and money. Hope to see you two there! Providing that Mexico is announced.
  10. In no particular order: Dollywood opening weekend with friends in an awesome cabin (seriously - when are we going again?) Road trippin with Shawn before the Leviathan trip (when are we doing this again?) The Leviathan Trip - even though things may not have gone as planned, it was still fun! Holiwood Nights (enough said on that one!!) Haunt at King's Island with a couple of amazing friends!!
  11. I said it on FB and I'll say it again here. Does this mean Disney will be releasing the Star Wars Christmas Special on DVD? That's really all I care about. Lucas is laughing to the bank right now.
  12. FYI I voted for Mexico. But, if there are any bashes during the Texas/Midwest trip I'm sure I'll be there.
  13. It does look like a gold pass (mine looks similar). However, a friend of mine who has a pass from La Ronde had to go to Guest Services to get a ticket. I guess the barcode on his season pass wasn't being read by the scanners they used at the front gate. If worse comes to worse, just call the park you'll be visiting. I'm sure they'll be able to help you.
  14. I've never been to a shoot before, but they do sound like fun. Even though you may have to wait around for awhile. I did sign up for SFGAm's shoot, hopefully I'll hear something in the next couple of days.
  15. ^I've never been on SoB, but I heard the stories. Maybe it's a good thing that I never rode it. I like KI a lot, it's one of my favorite CF parks (next to Knotts). I can't wait to see what they develop.
  16. I am so bummed I could not make this journey. Hopefully next year I will be able to go.
  17. Did you have to pay extra for the houses this year? I know you did in the past, but I didn't see any prices on the website. Unless it was posted and I just missed it (which could have happened).
  18. Something tells me that if Robb and Elissa could, a trip to Japan or Tokyo would be mandatory every year.
  19. I don't look at it as a revenue raiser. It's your money you put into the machine to get the card. I guess if you're local and you go back to the park so often, then it really doesn't matter but I do see your point. I was just using $20 as an example.
  20. Regarding the Wally Cards, when I was there with TPR we were told that it helps prevent theft by employees. I would imagine its easy for someone to slip $5, $10 or even $20 bucks here or there in their pocket while they work. Think of how many other parks have to deal with theft on a daily basis, having the Wally Cards eliminates this because there is no cash to pocket. Also Mom and Dad can give little Timmy a card with $20 and that's his spending money for the day to play games, buy food or buy a souvenir. I think it's easier on the parents to set a spending limit this way, plus it teaches kids responsibility.
  21. Oh I can already tell you I don't like it, but I'm very curious about it. I really like how parks decorate for Halloween events. And if I did ever get the guts to do Trapped, I can tell you right now it will make for great video.
  22. I'm not really a fan of mazes/haunted houses, I guess it's a "personal space" thing for me. However I'm really interested in Trapped. I can tell you that if I were there, I would probably be curled up in the fetal position crying trying to say the safe word. It wouldn't be pretty, however it would make great video and friends would be making fun of me for the rest of my life.
  23. This is fantastic news! Waldameer is a great park. I had a lot of fun there on the Leviathon trip and I hope to go back in the next couple of years.
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