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Everything posted by Jojo19799

  1. Wes you have produced a masterpiece with both the video and TR. I was laughing so hard tears were coming out of my eyes. I need to go ride Flying Unicorns now. I do have one question though, when did Robb turn into a waterfountain? Jojo
  2. His name is Scott Murphy. I tried looking for some info on him, but I couldnt find anything. If you happen to have a card of him I would love to see it.
  3. If you're ever in the Milwaukee area, check out Miller Stadium. It is open year round. They have a TGI Friday's there along with a pro shop with tons of merchandise. I recommend picking up a bottle of their secret sauce. It's good stuff. I think its better than ketchup! (sorry Ryan!!) They also have tours there, but I'm not sure what the price is on it. As for Camdem Park, I would love to go back. My junior high school principal use to play for Baltimore, but I don't know what years. I'll have to look that up. Anyway, he set up a surprise trip to the ballpark for us while we were on our 8th grade Washington DC trip. That alone was worth the trip.
  4. The first time I rode ME was in March 2005. I enjoyed it, although it wasnt the best ride out there. It was rough for me and after riding it I had a bit of a headache. The second time I rode it was June 2007. It was so much better! It wasnt as rough as before. I was very suprised. I'm going back to Vegas this coming March. Hopefully I'll get to ride Speed and get over to Adventure Dome this trip.
  5. Well since I'm not going on the Europe or East Coast trip, my friend and I decided to do our own Mini Midwest Trip. We're going to be heading too: Michigan's Adventure (possibly, not sure on this one yet) Fun Spot Indiana Cedar Point Kings Island Coney Island (this one is a maybe) Kentucky Kingdom Holiday World SF St. Louis I'm also going to Vegas in March. I've done the coaster at NY-NY twice now, but I havent hit Adventure Dome or Speed. I'm going to try to get on those two this time around. I'll probably do some day trips to the Dells, Little Americka and SFGAM.
  6. Two summers ago I was stuck in the break run on Whizzer. I know no big deal, but the kid I was babysitting was with me and he thought it was great. Later that day he got stuck in the break run on Spacely Sprocket Rockets. I think the highlight of his day was getting stuck on two rides.
  7. ^Vu wasnt my thing either, and with the long lines and constant closure of it, I never bothered with it. It is sad to see it go. I hate to see any coaster close though.
  8. Well if you didnt get to ride it, I dont think you were missing much. Everytime I went to the park it was either closed or had a line which looked to be 3 hours long. Besides, I went on Face/Off and I hear that is a hundred times better than Vu anyway.
  9. I was at the park Saturday night and while looking at Theater Royale and S:UF, I couldn't quite picture where exactly the new Dark Knight coaster will be. But with the sudden depature of Vu, I have been told (by someone who worked at the park this past season) that the Dark Knight coaster will be put where Vu once stood. I find this hard to believe because the coaster will not fit the theme of the area. I think we're just going to have to wait and see what happens during the off season. Frankly I could care less where they put it, its a coaster and another credit for me to obtain.
  10. An actual conversation I had with some cheerleaders while I worked at SFGAM several years ago assigned to IW. Me: Girls, why are you taking your shoes off? Cheerleaders: Because they'll fall off Me: How can they fall off when you'll be standing in them? Cheerleaders: (blank stare at each other) Oh, we're not sitting down on this ride? Me: No this is Iron Wolf, you stand up on this ride. Science has proven that shoes will not fall off if you're standing in them. No offense to any cheerleaders on this board. I think their ponytails were a little too tight that day.
  11. I have been to the park several times after the 1st article was written, and I didnt notice any change in policy. I saw the same signs stating that smoking is only allowed in designated areas. I also saw some people smoking while walking in the midway, and not one employee walked up to them to say "you're being kicked out." I don't believe anything that the 2nd article says either. Besides, if it was true, I would think most major news outlets would have ran the story after the 1st article was written. I didnt see anything in the Daily Herald, Chicago Tribune or Lake County News Sun which would cover news in the Gurnee area. I'm beginning to think that someone just had a slow news day.
  12. So they're only giving away one season pass per weekend. How exactly do they work this? Let's say you have 20 people who want to do this. Do they let all 20 complete the task, then enter their name into a drawing? Or do they just randomly pick one person? Also, I know this may be a bit off topic, but at the other SF parks, does the fright events start at 2pm? Thats what they do at SFGAm, and I was just wondering if this is a parkwide thing.
  13. Hello! My name is JoAnna and I'm from IL. My homepark is SFGAm, and I used to work there. Last summer I went to Virginia and was able to go to Kings Dominion and Busch Gardens. I've also been to Cedar Point, Kings Island, WDW, SFSTL, SFoT and Kiddieland. Sadly, I dont know what my total coaster count would be. My favorite woodie is Viper and I just LOVE Millenium Force, although I havent been to CP in a LONG time. I joined so I could meet fellow coaster lovers and possible go on a trip in the future. I'm heading to SFGAm in the next couple of days, so maybe I'll run into everyone on the midwest trip.
  14. Jojo19799


    You can find discounted tickets for Kings Dominion at some of the local grocery stores. Food Lion is the only store that I can think of at the moment, but I know there are other stores that offer the discount. If I think of any other names, I will post again. Some of the banks in Virginia offer discounted tickets for Busch Gardens. I don't remember the name of them, but I'm sure if you were to pick up a newspaper something would be advertised as to where to get discounted tickets. I do know that Kings Dominion offer a military discount so if you are in the military or you are going with someone that is, you can get it for around $30. Busch Gardens only lets military and immediate family in for free. I don't know of any discounts for Hersheypark, but I'm sure they are out there!
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