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Everything posted by Jojo19799

  1. I reeeeeeeeeeeeally wish I could have been there that weekend. Maybe next year if there is an event. I miss you guys and can't wait until our playdate at WCB (even though Joe might not be there, he'll be there in spirit).
  2. We have 3 yellow coasters? Seriously, this is how much I pay attention to the color of a coaster. Just go and ride it!!!
  3. ^I drive by the park on my way to and from work (Washington St. entrance to be exact). I haven't seen anything just yet.
  4. I just got the iPhone 4s (Sprint) last week. I don't know why I waited so long to get this phone. It's amazing. I'm still learning all the ins and outs of it. I do love Siri though, however when I ask where the nearest Carrabbas is, she replies "I don't understand where's the nearest karaba's."
  5. I picked up the red one!! I was really going for the present though. Some luck huh!?!
  6. I think I was one of the last ones that were able to play. I tried to go for a present, but picked up a red knobby ball for someone instead! I am going to miss this game.
  7. I've been in line since last night. I know they shut down for about 12 hours but I just wanted to get a place in line. Looks like it will only be another 5 hours before I play. Yay! I get to play it at least once this year!
  8. So our night ride on Excalibur meant nothing to you? Some 2011 highlights include: *The NE Trip - Seriously that must have been one of the best trips ever. Such a great group of people and I was so glad to see friends from the IntimidaTour on this trip. *Texas Giant Bash - Seriously go ride Texas Giant. I am so impressed with that ride. I miss it. I need to get back there (and for the Shockwave credit) *Deep South Bash - Yet another amazing event. I was very impressed with the park. I can't wait to go back.
  9. One thing to consider here folks: weather. This is the Chicagoland area. Anything can happen weather wise. We got one heck of a snow storm last year, and who knows what we're in for this year. They'll get as much done as possible while the weather allows it. X-Flight is slated to open Memorial Day weekend, and the park does have a pretty good history of opening their rides on time. Well minus that one snafu called Deja Vu.
  10. Um, wow is all I have to say. I'm excited to head back to Dollywood, going to parks with friends and just having a great summer overall.
  11. ^I guess. Besides, when I went to look again last night, the fare increased in price. I guess it was some weird 24 hour sale. That's fine because the flight times wouldn't work for me. I was just being nice and giving a heads up to those interested.
  12. If anyone is interested, it looks like Delta dropped some prices, at least from my area. It wouldn't hurt to check anyway. Roundtrip from MKE to LAX is around $200.
  13. Let's take some baby steps. We have to get her back on Mystery Mine first. We should also have her do a water challenge on the mouse coaster with the longest name ever.
  14. And to think that just a few months ago we were all on the NE trip enjoying a nice day at SFNE. I seriously thought Kristin was going to go into labor after that day. I'm looking forward to more Bean adventures.
  15. ^Trust me, I wish I could have ran over there and started to re-train those employees. Granted that some things may have changed, but I would like to give kudos to the ONE employee who pretty much held up the ride because he was the ONLY one height checking kids. He was so awesome he not only did the red side, but blue side as well. He should be employee of the month!
  16. ^Do you realize how many times I have rode red side of Eagle? I lost count after 10, and that was probably back in 92. So yeah. Anyway, I like blue side backwards the best. I was hoping they would leave it backwards for FF but maybe next year it will go backwards again.
  17. ^I can actually see that happening though!!! Glad Marley's moved to a new spot, I have yet to try that restaurant.
  18. ^The Marley's restaurant is now the nightclub?!?! I heard that they were adding a club, but I thought it was on the original Mt. O property and I couldn't even understand where they would put it. This makes much more sense now.
  19. ^Already done! I love kayak and I'm starting to use bing as well. I have a feeling that once January hits, lots of airlines will have some good sales. Well, I'm hoping anyway.
  20. Maybe that's why the one in Dubai is not running. I've heard before that they were going to re-theme the log ride. Any truth to this?
  21. From the picture that Jon posted, it looks like the skull rock is still there, but I can barely make it out myself (just look all the way to the left, there is this mass that resembles a rock). I remember seeing it there the last weekend of operation, but that was a couple of weeks ago so who knows what happened since then. The site where IW was will be used for something else in the future. I read it on their Facebook page and I would love to quote it but I can't access FB while at work. Dumb kids ruin everything for the adults.
  22. I'm really excited about this! Because I had so much practice with the Santa Claw, I was able to win two small spikey balls on the NE trip!
  23. Thank you for getting us safely to the hotel even though you were pretty much dead. I appreciate it, and so does my family. Maybe I can find a hotel that is halfway between the two parks, this way there isn't so much driving involved. Then again it's LA traffic and we all know how much LA traffic sucks.
  24. ^I sure hope so! I'll be there to document this momentous occasion for you.
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