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Everything posted by Jojo19799

  1. ^Yeah I've seen the GP comments and I have no idea if they were ever on the FB page or not. I really don't go on there that much. Honestly, the SFGAm FB page sort of grinds my gears. Everything everybody says on there is stupid, but then again this is the GP. Davey Jones' Dinghies? That was before my time. I started going in 86 (wow just dated myself there). BTW, I'd just like to mention that I've seen the Screams and Dreams show at the Pictorium (with other TPR members) and if anyone does go to the park check it out. It's very well put together and I'm hoping next season they'll have a part two. Part one is from 76-84 I believe (please correct me if I'm wrong though).
  2. EPIC WIN! TOTALLY AGREE! BRING BACK TIDAL WAVE! He was kidding. Tidal Wave, while fun enough at the time, had little ridership when it left. It was always a walk-on. V2 blows it away, though TW had the loop and was a Schwarzkopf. We were both kidding around.
  3. Yeah this is a lot nicer from when they announced Eagle blue side going backwards. They just posted random pictures of notes that were blurred out. I figured out the announcement on the first clue. Glad to see they're doing something a bit more creative here. I'm curious as to where this new ride is going. We all know it will be in the IW or Raceway/Splash area. Those are the only two areas that are cleared (or will be cleared) for the new ride. Although I still think that we should get Greezed Lightning back and call it Deja Vu. Thank you! I'll be here all night!!
  4. Oh boo-ums. My flight is at 2pm Sunday. Ah that's OK. I might be able to take a quick trip over there sometime during the day on Saturday.
  5. ^What is a "fried pie"? This event is going to be awesome. Is it Sept. yet?
  6. Don't worry Neil you were not the only one. I was scared and nervous. I was hanging on for dear life, and once we started swinging Canadian Nick is laughing is butt off. I wanted to hit him!
  7. I'm in! I could use a second Canada stamp in my passport. I really hope this part of Canada has power.
  8. It's nice to see the different views everyone had of the trip and it's bringing back some fun memories. I can't wait to see more!
  9. Agreed! The bathrooms were so much cleaner than other parks too! Can we go back on the trip? I am missing all the amazing people and work is just not as fun as this trip was!
  10. This is bringing back some great memories. I want to go back on the trip. It's a lot more fun than being stuck at work. Please share more pictures with us.
  11. ^^Cajun has a single riders line, but sometimes it's better off to get in the normal line. I was there today with a few other TPR members. I think the most we waited was a hour. It was for Eagle blue side to sit in the front (or back) of the train. Since it runs backwards now, I get more confused but it makes the ride so much better!
  12. Cool, I'm going too. This time I'm bringing my other half! Guess I'll see you guys there!!!
  13. PLEASE tell me you got pics of this! Sadly I did not take a picture of said person. I was afraid to. That's only in Texas kiddo!
  14. ^And for a tiny park, they sure did have a lot of signs! Seriously Steve, if you have more pictures please post them. It really was a great day and we need to go back! I'm sure we missed some signs!!
  15. I know several years ago IW received new restraints. That's when I noticed the ride wasn't as smooth as before. This is just my opinion, but I'm sure it also has to do with good ole wear and tear on the ride. Personally, I would be a bit sad to see this go. It has a bit of sentimental value to me since I was a ride op at it. If the park is to get rid of it, I would rather see it go to a different park than end up like Shockwave.
  16. Actually, there is this little restaurant called The Point. It's on the corner of Rte. 21 and Rte. 41. It's about 5 minutes away from the Washington St. entrance. It's good food and reasonably priced. I hear the baked apples are awesome but I have yet to try them.
  17. If you want some good laughs, just read the SFGAm Facebook page. There are too many to post here, but the basic gist is that everyone is complaining that the park was closed Monday, and limited rides were open yesterday and today. Hey, I think they're doing pretty darn good with power only working in select parts of the park!
  18. Awwww....I miss you guys!!! I almost went to Holiwood Nights, but I'll go next year for sure! I'm looking forward to more shenanigans!
  19. I will not be making the same mistake on the NE trip! I think our group kept trying to get over to Shockwave, and as usual I got everyone unfocused and never made it there until ERT. But, SFoT is such an awesome park, even if I did get all the credits I would go back.
  20. I honestly LOVE Little Amerricka. I know it's in the middle of nowhere and it's next to a cemetery, but that's what I love about this park! It has a lot of charm! Meteor is a wonderful ride, better than Little Dipper at SFGAm (just my opinion here folks). I wasn't a fan of Wild Mouse at first, probably due to the lack of restraints and the last few hills before the station, but it really is a fun ride! I'm very curious as to where they're going to build the log ride from Kiddieland. Thanks for sharing Griff! I can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve.
  21. Thanks for sharing Griff. I never knew this place existed. Is it far from you? I might have to make a pit stop there next time I'm in the area.
  22. Great pics as always Jeremie. I really had a great time at Texas Giant Bash. I agree with your thoughts on the theming and coaster collection. I was very impressed with this park. I need to get back there soon since I missed out on the Shockwave credit!
  23. My ticket as been purchased. I'm excited since I've never been to SFoG.
  24. Avoid the city during rush hour. Not sure what time you plan on leaving CP to head to Chicago, but it's best to drive through the city either early in the morning, or later in the evening. I would hit up Ragin Cajun first, then go pick up the flash pass. I've seen a long line for that on some days, but it should move quickly. I would then head over to Demon then Eagle (both those rides should be open by then, I'm not sure if they open at 11am). I would just take your time and not worry about getting the rest of the credits right away. You'll have a flash pass, and the wait shouldn't be very long that day. You'll be able to get multiple rides on Batman, Whizzer, Viper, Raging Bull and any other coaster you like.
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