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Everything posted by chemical_echo

  1. I like 2 and 3 the best. I think the bright colours just make them stand out that much more and really add to the atmosphere of any park.
  2. The finale had to be one of the best episodes I have seen this season and I cant wait for the Road to Regionals.
  3. Thinking about it, I can't see why (unfortunately) they would need a castle themed queue for Dragons. They already got their main castle with Hogwarts, and I don't recall any others in the book. Unless Hogwarts is close enough to Dragons so the queue looks like an extension off of it, I can see why they'd change it to the Champion's tent.
  4. I'm aware of that, that's why I said I don't think it will stick that well. The story has already been told. With themes that stick, either the story is endless like spider man, or it has been around for a long time. The same as this would apply with wiggles world and Thomas the train. I'm not trying to be objectionable I'm just saying that I don't think it will stick for a long period of time, and it's sad that they are switching the classic Dueling Dragons to 'Dragon Challenge'. Why can't parks be original in themes? Walt Disney was original and look were it got him. While I only have the faintest idea of who the Wiggles are, I grew up watching Thomas the Tank Engine. I remember watching and my parents kind of in shock because Mr. Conducter was either Ringo Starr or George Carlin. Thomas has already passed the test of time for at least 23 years, I think he'll continue on. Besides, most little boys love trains. As for Harry Potter, most kids love dragons and wizards. I honestly think that this theme will stick and encourage future generations of kids to read the books.
  5. Was at the Weezer concert on the weekend in Toronto. Looks like it will be their last stop for awhile as Rivers' bus was in a pretty serious accident the day after leaving the singer with some broken ribs. The concert however, was amazing; Weezer just has some crazy energy on stage. Rivers was in the stands singing and dancing with the crowd, ended up in the middle of the moshpit after disappearing from stage, and was just all over the set. They did a lot of their older stuff, a few songs from their new album, and a cover of Kids by MGMT and Pokerface by Lady Gaga. They still didn't do Gone Fishing though... I'll post pics and video from the concert later.
  6. I mostly use twitter for following celebrities for movie updates (love the Iron Man 2 updates from Jon Favreau), bands (30STM always posting great stuff) airlines, or hotels (usually posting promo codes), but if you're inclined to add me: http://twitter.com/chemical_echo I don't update a lot, but you might see some occasional posts from me because of Soul Pancake.
  7. You're in Toronto too... Assuming you watched it on Global, the preview was right after it ended.
  8. Last night was probably one of my favorite episodes so far. So many things started to get resolved. Spoiler below. Anyone else notice in the preview for next week that Emma is at the competition instead of at her wedding? hmmm....
  9. I can never decide which is my favorite from the places I've gone. For escaping reality - WDW For fun and shows - Vegas For lying on the beach (and drinking troubles away) - All inclusive resort in Dominican or Cuba, or other Caribbean Island For eating more than my body can handle - a cruise
  10. I've played Xbox a couple times with friends but can't stand the controllers. I also don't want to buy a system that has known a known failure called the Ring of Death. I'm quite happy with my PS3 and my game collection is growing pretty nicely. In all, I have a PS, PS2, PS3 and N64 in my room. Only the PS2, PS3, and N64 are set up though.
  11. And the dawn of Speed Racer style racing and race tracks begins.
  12. Over the weekend I bought: 40" LCD TV with 1080p for $450 HDMI cables for $10 Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 for PS3 for $37 PS3 DualShock controller for $39 Big Bang Theory Season 1 for $12 Guess Purse for my cousin Guess Wallet for my mom UP + Monsters Inc + Cars BluRays for $31 (that's all, not each) I love Black Friday.
  13. I was having a really crappy and stressed filled day until I saw this. Made me smile and laugh.
  14. My intro to energy systems prof has got to be the worst professor I have ever had. I wrote him a "lovely" professor review where everything was either Neither Agree nor Disagree, Disagree, or Strongly Disagree. I also left a nice note at the bottom, ending with "I hope to never have a class with him again." A friend of mine actually typed up a page and a half complaint about him in Word before putting into to review survey.
  15. Did your teacher ask you to use TTD as an example, or is that your choice? The website you gave is focusing on momentum before and after collisions; something you don't really want to think about on TTD. You can always do it relating to Fabio and the Bird on Apollo's Chariot.... m1 = mass of Fabio v1 = velocity of Fabio right before impact m2 = mass of bird v2 = velocity of bird right before impact v1' = velocity of Fabio right after impact solve for v2' - the velocity of the bird right after impact.
  16. Is that video laggy as hell for anyone else? I think I'm just going to wait to buy the DVD to see the sneak peek, or wait till it actually opens.
  17. Forget 1337, it's all about Pirate.
  18. $140 for a twice used Nintendo Wii (with original box and everything included) from a house with no children. Should make a good Christmas gift for my girlfriend.
  19. Has it been confirmed it's a launched lift? I don't feel like searching through all the old posts, but if it's just an LSM instead of a chain, I'm just picturing something like Maverick; a quieter lift with a little more speed. I also imagine that if that's the case, it wouldn't be too difficult to program the lifts so they launch at the correct "dueling" speed each time.
  20. The one coaster where I actually got a good scare was Jack Rabbit at Kennywood. I thought just having a stationary lap bar and a small leather strap would provide excellent freedom. It didn't let me down when it felt like I was flying out of my seat on the double down. I once performed a small experiment when I worked at Dragon Fire at Canada's Wonderland dealing with forces and everything. The ride was empty and we were running trains with around 5-6 passengers each, and we found a penny in one of the back seats. We decided to leave it there to see if it would come back...it stayed in it's spot in the seat for a good 1.5 hours until we closed. We even checked to make sure nobody glued it to the seat. That little experiment kinda reassured me that doesn't matter what restraint, the forces will keep me in on loops and corkscrews.
  21. $5 on a pre-order of BioShock 2 for PS3 91 days to go...
  22. I'm going to take a wild guess and say that they thought about people slowing down or speeding up in the bowl to cause a collision. They probably designed the entrance slides so one has enough of a lead on the other.
  23. Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (first time there, also was their Christmas event) Canada's Wonderland Cedar Point Not really a theme park, but Atlantis's water park in Nassau.
  24. I gotta disagree with Volcano. Every picture I see of it, I can only think "wow, that's ugly."
  25. Some of my favorite taken with my old camera at Canada's Wonderland. pre-ugly orange supports
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