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Everything posted by chemical_echo

  1. Banks and Credit Card companies will never ask for your number or information. They know who they are calling and already know your information. It's pretty common sense by now to never tell anyone anything about your banking info.
  2. I guess the movie relates to you more depending what kind of experience you had working at a park. For me and my friend that went to see it, we both worked at the same park in the same time period and were able to see all of our coworkers in pretty much every character. Where robb's memory of working at a park was "god damn, that was some fun, FUN times!" Mine was "god damn, that was some fun, FUN times!..but some of the people really know how to suck that fun out and treat you like shit" As for not enough ride footage...the main characters of the movie were games employees, why would they show more ride employees and ride footage when they are just secondary people?
  3. I've never had a problem with them. They only kill your crotch if you are stapling yourself into the ride, or the ride attendants want to be jerks and make sure you're in there as tight as possible.
  4. Maybe because there's only half as many seats per row? That's about the only explanation I can come up with.
  5. I have now solved all riddles and discovered the identity of the spirit of arkham, all that's left from me getting 100% are the challenges. I really hope they make a sequel to this game.
  6. ^As the most popular ride there, I doubt it. I wish this was just a bad dream and they were really removing Cobra and sending Chang instead.
  7. Anyone know where to get cheap/discounted tickets for the Friday nights? I found coupon codes for Saturday that will save me some money, but since I lost my getaway guide, I got nothing for Friday. Thanks
  8. It's a good publicity stunt. They put some displays of dead celebrities up, they get in the news, people go to the park to see them, fans go to the park to complain, KI gets more news coverage.
  9. I just beat the Joker in Batman: Arkham Asylum on PS3. I was expecting more of a fight with him, especially with how hard the battle right before him was. Now to go and find all the Riddler's things and get myself 100%. I was going to buy Bioshock 2, but turns out it's coming out later on the PS3, so I'll have to wait.
  10. The park is on an island, and the ride is pretty close to one of the shores, so there is nowhere that would have any noise pollution from the ride. Plus, if I remember correctly, Cobra made just as much noise as Vampire did.
  11. Is there even any sound in space? I always imagined it a very silent place...unless you're directly next to a supernova or something of the sort.
  12. Metric and Alexisonfire just played at my school for Campusfest 09. I'm not a huge fan of either, but knew a few of their songs and really enjoyed the show each band put on. Video I shot of Alexisonfire performing their newest single Young Cardinals http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t41aaBCOFuY Alexisonfire again Metric again Metric Alexisonfire
  13. I've used Kijiji and Craigslist to sell random things from my room like old desks and pokemon cards. I typically put my ad up on both sites and take the best offer. I've also bought used video games and other things from both sites and always look for things that I might want or need.
  14. With the lines to meet a princess already as long as they are, I don't want to see what the lines will be like for dancing with Cinderella or getting picked to be part of the Beauty and the Beast re-enactment with Belle. The Sleeping Beauty actresses better be damned good at acting surprised since they're going to have several surprise parties throughout the day.
  15. I honestly can't wait to see this completed and for more details about the Forbidden Journey to come out. What I'm really curious about is how a wand will choose a wizard in Olivander's. It's a great way to get parent's to buy a wand for their kids..."But mom, the wand picked ME! It's my wand!"
  16. Bye childhood memories. I realize that they probably couldn't have kept HB forever, but I used to love that section, and I still love walking through there. As much as I love Snoopy and Woodstock, I love the HB characters more.
  17. All I can say to that is "(longer than usual pause) why?" I've been rethinking the tattoo thing lately. If I do get one I figure it will be something to do with my heritage. I've narrowed it down to the Maltese flag, the Maltese cross, or the George Cross. Maybe a falcon or rooster as well in there, but not sure.
  18. I haven't been to Universal in about 4 years now, but I remember their lockers being free then. Well, free up to how long they figured the line and ride would last and charging beyond that. As for the height issue; most river rapid rides, inverted coasters, and go karts all have maximum heights as well. Rapids and go karts because if the ride somehow flips, the park would prefer the weight of the vehicle on the headrest/roll cage than your neck.
  19. I've gotten air time on Crush'n'Gusher at Typhoon Lagoon. Air time on water slides isn't exactly a new thing.
  20. I get the Y and the 2: whYte Lightning Lightning strikes twice I just don't see the K.
  21. My guess is some kind of flume ride themed inside a bottling plant for this new whyte lightning drink. Also, seeing as CP is the only park with Crystal Rock Bottling Company in their sponsors page, I assume it's going to be just at Cedar Point.
  22. Come one, come all to the Jays clearance sale! This season only, take some of our star players for no money down and no money paid whatsoever! Jays just got rid of Rios to the White Sox for nothing in return. JP needs to get his ass out of the GM seat.
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