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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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It's ageist the rules, and would get you banned from this site. (As TPR rules state that you shouldn't break rules like that or hell would break loose)


I think it's possible to fine a few more spots for photos, and once Busch announces the coaster, they might provide official updates.


If the blueprints are true, then the coaster is going to go well in public view. If the skyride/monorail entrance is going to be the ride station, then it shouldn't be a problem to get photos from the top of the colonial house. Same thing if the new pathway is open, you just have to be patient.

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I'm heading to the park this Tuesday for the first time so I have a few questions.

Are Quick Queues available in the park or do we have to buy them online?

Are there any problems with flip flops or sandals that don't stay on your foot?

What should I go to first?

What shows do you reccomend?

And finally

How wet do the water rides normally get you?



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I'm heading to the park this Tuesday for the first time so I have a few questions.

Are Quick Queues available in the park or do we have to buy them online?

Are there any problems with flip flops or sandals that don't stay on your foot?

What should I go to first?

What shows do you reccomend?

And finally

How wet do the water rides normally get you?





Quick Queues are available in the park... however, I've never really had any troube with crowds at BGT (except for during Howl-O-Scream and even then it was only moderate). Especially mid-week. If I were you, I'd check out the status of some of the coasters first then decide.


Sandals and Flip Flops are not a problem, but you'll have to place them in a cubby for floorless coasters (Montu and Sheikra) upon boarding. The park is big and there is a lot of walking. Make sure they are comfortable.


As far as what to do first, Rhino Rally seems to get rather busy, as its one of the few attractions which families can do together... keep in mind, it is now in its modified, "waterless" incarnation now with the construction going on... (youtube a video if you don't know what that means...)


There are 3 water rides. Stanley Falls (a log flume) which gets you moderately wet. Tidal Wave (a large boat flume) can get you soaked... And Congo River Rapids (raft ride) which nearly drowns you... I personally don't like to get wet so I generally pass on the water rides. But lately the high temp in Tampa has been nearly 100 degrees in the afternoon, so a soak down might be a welcome change to you.


As far as coasters go, Gwazi (wooden coaster) get a rather long line early in the morning since it is right in the front of the park. Later in the day the line typically dies down. (Oh and should you choose to ride Gwazi, be sure to ride closer to the front of the train... the back is just terribly rough... the front is marginally better...) None of the other coasters tend to be all too busy really (generally 20 minutes or so...)


Hmmm... shows... Ummm... well there is Katonga... I personally didn't care too much for it but it will get you out of the blazing sun for 45 minutes... otherwise, I really enjoyed the new Seasame Street Film Festival (a 4D movie)... that was fun...


Oh and be sure to check out the new "Walk-About Way", the new Kangaroo/Wallaby enclosure... It only opened up this past week and looks great...


So now that schools are out, the park might be a bit busier, but I'd still check it out before dishing out the money for the Quick Queue... Drink lots of water and have fun...

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BGTNation has posted a great update of what is going on with the latest construction on the 2011 coaster and the new Edge of Africa pathway.




I have posted a few photos from the report, but to see it all, make sure to visit the above link.





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I came across this article that was an interesting read. What caught my attention most is the part about the new teaser sign being a clue to the theme of the attraction.


For months it seems as if BGT has been leaking clues all around the area, and with the teaser sign it pretty much continues that tradition. First clue, a topiary in the shape of a cheetah in front of the now closed Clydesdale Hamlet. Second clue, Creative Director Scott Swenson says on his personal Facebook page to the effect that he was at a zoo in another city and learned so much about cheetahs from that zoos cheetah habitat. Third clue, trademarks were filed using the term "Cheetaka" which has an "African" sound to it. Busch Gardens Tampa fansite BGT Guide even found a supposed layout of the coaster (click here for that layout) which describes three launches, which is actually the fourth clue. Cheetahs are known for their great speed, which is allegedly the basis of this coaster. Fifth clue, the gift shop in the Nairobi area cleared out the section in front of the store showing off "Katonga" merchandise and video clips and replaced them with...you guessed it, cheetah merchandise and film clips. The final clue is in the teaser. If you look past the yellow streaks you will see brown spots. In certain eyes and angles this looks as if there was a cheetah running past very fast, as you can see a faint blur of a head and tail.



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WOW! all of this sounds fantastic!I have no doubt this will be a great addition. Question: I'll be returning to the Orlando area to visit parents and such, and was counting on their Florida residents discounts, what are the stipulations? I would imagine Florida I.D. would be required for purchase, but will I have to show proof of residency upon entering the gate? This question also applies to Sea World, Universal parks and Universal hotels.

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^^^Wouldn't it be fun to print that logo on a shirt and wear it in the park? And get a picture of an Intamin or Mack track or something and put it on the back of the shirt. I wonder how long it'd be before someone stopped you..

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MUST DO!!!!!!



When I go back to the park next week to take more photos I'll be sure to do that. Granted It won't be professionally done, more like just me drawing arts and craft time. In regards to the cheetah chase/new ride name thing. I'm just gonna talk to my friends high up there in the park 8D.

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New Campaign Teases Coming Attraction Through QR Code Technology


For several weeks now, guests entering Busch Gardens Tampa Bay have been met with construction walls in the southeastern corner of the park, and many have speculated as to what Busch Gardens is building.


Starting Saturday, June 26, new signs on those construction walls will give curious visitors a taste of what’s to come through the use of some unique new technology. Quick Response – or “QR” – codes featured on the posters invite smart-phone users with a reader app to take a photo of the black and white code. These codes, which look like pixilated bar codes, automatically direct the phone’s web browser to short video clips that will hint at various components of the new attraction, which is scheduled to open in Spring 2011.


If you don’t have a smart phone handy, the signs also announce a new website – http://www.BuschGardens2011.com – for those interested in watching the videos, becoming a Fan on Facebook, following the park’s blog or signing up for e-mail updates.


“You’ll definitely want to stay engaged with us over the next few months because you won’t believe what we have planned,” said Jim Dean, Busch Gardens’ park president. “For now, we can tell you it will be a one-of-a-kind experience, and we’ve created a fun way to keep our guests informed of its progress.”





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After watching those videos, I wouldn't be suprised if the leaked layout was indeed accurate. This looks like it's going to be a multi-launching, multi-inversion attraction (I see barrel-rolls/zero-g-rolls in he video ) I cannot wait to see more!

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Finally went to the park for the first time in AGES and it felt wonderful to ride Montu and Kumba again! It's been forever...


Also, I'm not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but the new pathway between Nairobi and Edge of Africa is now open and workers were planting grass in the new path area. Didn't get a pic, but I figure five other "full-time geeks who run a blog" would have taken 50 pics of it at different angles.

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