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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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^^ It really makes no sense the way it's stated in the article. He hung onto the door because he thought it might not be locked? That's all kinds of stupid.


Possibly an international student based on his name. May not have been working the ride long. Might possibly even be a little bit of a language/training issue. (Though, of course, that's all pure speculation on my part.)


I'm going to say we need more information on this one, in order to make any sense of it.

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Thie is pure speculation on my part.


The ride op tries to grab the door to make sure it is properly closed, but does this while the car is very close to leaving the station. The car swings toward the ride op then forward momentum from the cable pulls the car forward while the ride op is still holding on to the door. Then a split second later he is already past the edge of the ride platform and still holding on.

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Possibly an international student based on his name. May not have been working the ride long. Might possibly even be a little bit of a language/training issue. (Though, of course, that's all pure speculation on my part.)


It probably wasn't a language issue because he lived in the US since he was 11.


How it happen, I agree with the post above. He may have been near the edge when he tried to check the door when the momentum of the carriage may have carried him out over the edge where he then hung on.


If anyone has been on the Skyride, you would notice that they do come out fast out of the station once they are release.

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^ I am unconvinced that valedictorian automatically equals "not a dummy." But, in any case, I wasn't calling the guy stupid--just pointing out that the article makes it sound really stupid. But my conclusion from that was that the article was leaving something out, not that the dude was an idiot.


On the other hand, I was totally wrong on the international student thing. Guess I could have read the fucking article.

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^ The article from espn.com was written horribly. Took me a couple time to realize he was the employee. At first I thought an employee and the football player were hurt.


Get well wishes to him. Seems FL theme park are having a bad run of luck recently.


I would think it's because we're in the busiest tourist season down here at the moment. The only time that even equals business at the theme parks here is the week between Christmas and New Years but that's nothing like July here (nor is it as hot, ). Being hot and busy wears the employees down and makes them more prone to making stupid mistakes I would think.

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  • 1 month later...

UPDATE: Opening Weekend Trip Report - Go To Page 2


Busch Gardens Tampa Bay officially announced the re-theme of the Land of the Dragons area to Sesame Street Safari of Fun. Along with re-theming the exsisting rides, the land will feature Air Grover, a new family themed roller coaster and Rosita's Djembe Fly-Away swing ride. An another element of the land will be a Sesame Street character breakfast and lunch. And finally a new 3D movie will round off the new additions, "Sesame Street presents Lights, Camera, Imagination!" All of these new additions will open in the spring of 2010.


Below are a list of the new and re-themed attractions:



Edited by live2tell75
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Sounds like a nice kid's area, Eric (and like they're getting a different 4D movie from what we have in Williamsburg). Is this a significant redress of the old Land of the Dragons?

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^ I updated the first post by adding the 3D movie. I couldn't find any info on the website about the movie. But all of our local papers have been saying the park would be adding the Sesame Street presents Lights, Camera, Imagination! 3D Movie.


Other than the 2 new rides I mentioned, looks like all of the old Land of the Dragons attractions/area will be re-themed to Sesame Street. So I believe LOTD will be no more.

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^So, it is the same movie as in Williamsburg? Their description implies otherwise--maybe they're talking about the theatre itself by saying "go deep into our African land."

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^I wasn't sure if the Sunny Day Theater and it's description referred to a new live stage show? If it did, I assumed that it would be where the existing Land of the Dragons stage show - open-air theater is.


Or maybe it is a brand new 3D-movie for the Timbuktu theater. I'll do some research and try and find out.

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I'm glad Busch is keeping in with the themes of their respective parks for each of these Sesame Street makeovers. Land of the Dragons needed a good refurb and I'm glad it is getting some TLC.


But now, I'm waiting for Busch to install more good "flat rides for all ages" instead of kiddie section or big coaster after big coaster. Knowing Busch, I doubt they will ever install any more flat rides inside BGT (le sigh).


Again, this looks like a great makeover!

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Even though I thought Land of the Dragons was well done and very cute, I always thought it didn't go with the theme of the rest of the park. In Williamsburg, LOTD totally fits in, but not so much with BGT's African theme. I'm glad that the Sesame Street area will have a safari theme. I pray that they keep all of the giant trees that keep that area of the park nice and shaded and cool.


As some have mentioned, I hope we do get a hyper for 2011, but I think this will still be good for the families. The park will now have a pretty good selection of coaster intensity levels for everyone: Air Grover for kids, Cheetah Chase and Scorpion for families. Kumba, Montu, Gwazi and Sheikra for thrill seekers.

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^ You are right. It's funny, I thought the one in Williamsburg from the photos looked kind of bare for having "Forest" in it's title. The ironic thing is BGT's version of Sesame will feature a lot of desert themed items, but the area, if kept as is, will be more forest-like than desert-like. Oh well.

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Seems like a good move for BGT and the kiddie area, but I agree that some aspects of the addition are kind of...ironic?


There is even an oxymoron in the name:


Sesame Street Safari of Fun

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