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Age: 23

Middle Name: Robin

Pet Peeve: People who try to hard for acceptance

Color of your bathroom: White and beige

Best Movie of ALL time: The Blues Brothers

Best Song of ALL time: Suburban Legends - "Bright Spring Morning"

Best TV Shows: The Simpsons, 24, The Office, 30 Rock

Favorite Band/Artist: Metallica

Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: Good Tower

Yummiest Ice Cream: Chocolate Peanut Butter

If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be: Winston Churchill (alive would be Ron Toomer)

Morning Person or Night Person: Night person

Pets: None

Favorite Color: Blue

Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park): Pub/movies

Coke or Pepsi: Coke

Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: How can you not like it?

Best Vacation Spot: Virginia Beach

Cook or Go Out: Cook...its cheaper that way.

Beach, Desert, or Mountains: Beach.

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Age: 18

Middle Name:

Pet Peeve: Never getting a seat on the train.

Color of your bathroom: white

Best Movie of ALL time: Finding Nemo!!!

Best Song of ALL time: Foo Fighters - Everlong

Best TV Shows: Scrubs, That 70's Show, Heroes, My name is Earl.

Favorite Band/Artist: I have LOADS but probably Foo Fighters or RHCP's.

Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: Good Tower

Yummiest Ice Cream: Cookie Dough or Phish Food

If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be: The Alvey's or Dave Grohl.

Morning Person or Night Person: Night Person

Pets: Two Golden Retrievers, Kayla & Oscar

Favorite Color: Blue

Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park): Union, cinema, gigs, friends.

Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi

Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: YUCK!

Best Vacation Spot: Orlando

Cook or Go Out: Go Out

Beach, Desert, or Mountains: Beach

Crazy Factor: Bungee Jumping

Favorite Subject: Physics

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Age: 17

Middle name: Macmillan

Pet Peeve: People with pessimistic/bad attitudes

Color of your bathroom: Blue

Best movie of ALL time: hmm, Spaceballs

Best song of ALL time: I dunno ><

Best TV shows? Dont watch TV much

Favorite band: Do I have to choose?

Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: Tower!

Yummiest Ice Cream: Cookie dough

If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be: Woodrow Wilson

Morning person or night person: Night person

Pets: 2 Cats

Favorite color: Green with orange close 2nd

Where would you go for fun (not an amusement park): Movies

Coke or Pepsi: Coke

Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: Never had peanut butter, Im allergic >.<

Best vacation spot: Florida

Cook or go out: Go out

Beach, Desert, or Mountains: Beach

Crazy Factor: Skydiving

Favorite Subject: Science in general

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Age: 28

Middle name: Scott

Pet Peeve: Commercials that aren't mixed right that so they are about 2 times louder than other commercials.

Color of your bathroom: One is a neutral color. The other is some kind of blue color.

Best movie of ALL time: A few of my favorite movies are Good Fellas, Menace 2 Society, Friday, and the Big Lebowski.

Best song of ALL time: Pretty much any Bobby Brown or Bel Biv Devoe song.

Best TV shows? Lost and Scrubs.

Favorite band: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Foo Fighters, Weezer, and Tool.

Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: Splash Mountain (Disneyland)

Yummiest Ice Cream: Orange Sherbet

If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be: He is in my avatar.

Morning person or night person: I am an afternoon person.

Pets: 2 dogs

Favorite color: Blue

Where would you go for fun (not an amusement park): Las Vegas

Coke or Pepsi: Coke

Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: Fair

Best vacation spot: Las Vegas (been to), Japan (want to go)

Cook or go out: Love grilling.

Beach, Desert, or Mountains: Mountains.

Crazy Factor: 7.5 out of 10

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Age: 17

Middle Name: -__-

Pet Peeve: breeders

Color of your bathroom: red and white (interesting Q)

Best Movie of ALL time: Mean Girls

Best Song of ALL time: Enjoy The Silence

Best TV Shows: Project Runway, The L Word, Lost, idk what else

Favorite Band/Artist: Depeche Mode

Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: Splash Mountain

Yummiest Ice Cream: Mint n chip

If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be: Ellen DeGeneres

Morning Person or Night Person: i like to stay up the whole night through the morning... so... both?

Pets: None

Favorite Color: Black

Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park): Comedy Show

Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi

Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: 2 Girls 1 cup? IDK

Best Vacation Spot: -__-

Cook or Go Out: Cook

Beach, Desert, or Mountains: Mountain

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Age: 25

Middle Name: Michael

Pet Peeve: people who take shopping carts out for two light sacks

Color of your bathroom: Rellow, it is from the 60's.

Best Movie of ALL time: Monty Python And the Holy Grail

Best Song of ALL time: Transiberian Orchatra, Carol ol ye bells

Best TV Shows: NCIS, Dirty Jobs,

Favorite Band/Artist: Charlie Danials Band

Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: Everest

Yummiest Ice Cream: Don't like Ice Cream

If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be: Mike Roe

Morning Person or Night Person: I have to be at work at 10am at my p/t job and get off my f/t job at midnight

Pets: One long haired, shedding white cat

Favorite Color: Green

Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park): Bowling Alley

Coke or Pepsi: Water, but I buy Desani water bottles.

Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: Haven't had it in a while, good if I don't have to make it.

Best Vacation Spot: Right now, Florida, but I haven't been anywhere else lately

Cook or Go Out: Cook

Beach, Desert, or Mountains: Beach.

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Age: 32

Middle Name: Roger

Pet Peeve: People with no common sense

Color of your bathroom: Tan walls, green tile (so stylish!)

Best Movie of ALL time: Cannonball Run, Gung Ho

Best Song of ALL time: Confusion (Blade Soundtrack)

Best TV Shows: Currently: I don't watch TV. EVER: Battle Bots, Robot Wars

Favorite Band/Artist: Firehouse

Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: Haunted Mansion

Yummiest Ice Cream: Rainbow Sherbet

If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be: Bettie Page or Dolly Parton. Fun and lotsa good stories

Morning Person or Night Person: Both

Pets: None right now.

Favorite Color: Green

Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park): Dinner out with friends

Coke or Pepsi: Frozen either!

Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: Goober Grape. Mmmm...

Best Vacation Spot: Tough one. Been to several.

Cook or Go Out: Cooking is fun.

Beach, Desert, or Mountains: Beach

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Age: 27

Middle Name: Louise

Pet Peeve: People who don't respect personal space. For example, when people stand way too close while on a line, or sit too close on a train when there is plenty of room or seats available.

Color of your bathroom: Light blue

Best Movie of ALL time: Not the best, but my favorite is Clueless

Best Song of ALL time: Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen

Best TV Shows: 24, Lost, The Amazing Race

Favorite Band/Artist: Green Day

Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: Haunted Mansion

Yummiest Ice Cream: Anything with peanut butter

If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be: Neil Patrick Harris

Morning Person or Night Person: A little of both

Pets: Cat and dog

Favorite Color: Green

Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park): Theatre

Coke or Pepsi: Neither

Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: Love peanut butter. Jelly's ok.

Best Vacation Spot: Disney theme parks

Cook or Go Out: Cook

Beach, Desert, or Mountains: Mountains

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Age: 27

Middle Name: Danger

Pet Peeve: People that bite their eating utensils as they pull it away from their mouth. People that don't use their turn signal and or leave their signal on.

Color of your bathroom: nasty pastel yellow

Best movie of ALL time: Dead Poets Society, Clueless, Airplane, Alice in Wonderland.

Best song of ALL time: either Disintegration or Doing The Unstuck by The Cure

Best TV shows: Currently: A Haunting, Ghost Hunters, Family Guy

Favorite Band/Artist: All time favorite is The Cure. Favorite punk band: Crass

Favorite ride at Disney parks: Haunted Mansion.

Yummiest ice cream: I'm more about frozen yogurt but lets see...Rocky Road or Pistachio

If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be: Jesus or Martin Luther King Jr.

Morning person or Night person: night...as I type this its 4:10 am

Pets: none

Favorite color: dark purple

Where do you go for fun (not an amusement park): dancing at a club or out to a show or concert.

Coke or Pepsi: Don't like most sodas, but Pepsi

Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: PB&J.....great!

Best vacation spot: England in the winter

Cook or go out: Cook

Beach, Desert, or Mountains: Beach from sunset into the night, mountains in the morning.

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Age: 27

Middle Name: Christine

Pet Peeve: Hearing the words "expecially" and "excape" instead of especially and escape; Tyra Banks

Color of your bathroom: Pink and black

Best Movie of ALL time: Dawn of the Dead

Best Song of ALL time: Dio's Rainbow in the Dark

Best TV Shows: Currently: Project Runway, Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job, Dirt, America's Next Top Model (I love to hate Tyra) EVER: The Dukes of Hazzard

Favorite Band/Artist: Coheed and Cambria

Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: Haunted Mansion

Yummiest Ice Cream: Soy Delicious Cherry Nirvana

If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be: Ronnie James Dio

Pets: A boy cat named Meatball, sex yet-to-be determined turtle named Mr. T.

Favorite Color: A certain shade of green.

Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park): A bar

Coke or Pepsi: Neither. Cola makes me vom.

Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: Delish, as long as the ratio of crunchy peanut butter to raspberry jelly is 3:1... then grill it. It takes the yum to another level.

Best Vacation Spot: Vegas.

Cook or Go Out: Cook. Vegan food is hard to find at restaurants in West Virginia.

Beach, Desert, or Mountains: Beach, armed with SPF 50.

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Age: 13

Middle Name: Christopher

Pet Peeve: Homophobes

Color of your bathroom: Tan

Best Movie of ALL time: Don't have one.

Best Song of ALL time: I'm A Fake by The Used

Best TV Shows: Not really sure.

Favorite Band/Artist: The Used, Silverstein, and Atreyu.

Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: Haunted Mansion

Yummiest Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip

If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be: My best friend.

Morning Person or Night Person: Night person

Pets: A cat.

Favorite Color: Green

Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park): Concerts.

Coke or Pepsi: Coke.

Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: It's alright?

Best Vacation Spot: Somewhere in the mountains that's cold.

Cook or Go Out: Go out.

Beach, Desert, or Mountains: Mountains.

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Age: 19

Middle Name: James

Pet Peeve: Hippies

Color of your bathroom: I live in a student ghetto, so cinder block?

Best Movie of ALL time: I can't choose just one

Best Song of ALL time: Phantom Limb- The Shins

Best TV Shows: South Park, House, Greys (before this season), ATHF

Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: Splash Mountain

Yummiest Ice Cream: Cake Batter at Cold Stone

If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be: Ann Coulter

Morning Person or Night Person: Night, but I'm forced to be morning as an athlete

Pets: There are stray cats in my neighborhood, does that count?

Favorite Color: Red

Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park): I love concerts

Coke or Pepsi: Coke.

Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: I eat cheap so I can go to parks

Best Vacation Spot: Anywhere with a B&M or Intamin

Cook or Go Out: Cook because I try to save money for road trips

Beach, Desert, or Mountains: Mountains

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Age: 15, (16 on April 6 though)

Middle Name: Rose

Pet Peeve: combining names of people in a couple (like Brangelina) and people who don't capitalize proper nouns

Color of your bathroom: red, tan, and hot pink (my towels are the hot pink)

Best Movie of ALL time: mm... I don't know. I have a lot of favorite movies, but I don't consider them to be the best movie ever

Best Song of ALL time: probably The Kids Aren't Alright by The Offspring. I can listen to that song all the time.

Best TV Shows: How I Met Your Mother, Scrubs, American Idol

Favorite Band/Artist: I like pretty much most bands and artists... no personal favorites

Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: um, Splash Mountain

Yummiest Ice Cream: Ben and Jerry's Vanilla Ice Cream

If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be: ooh, toughie... probably Sarah Chalke from Scrubs. She seems so cool.

Morning Person or Night Person: neither... afternoon person

Pets: none

Favorite Color: hot pink

Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park): going shopping!

Coke or Pepsi: coke (more specifically Cherry Coke Zero)

Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: gross

Best Vacation Spot: Florida

Cook or Go Out: go out

Beach, Desert, or Mountains: beach

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Age: 14

Middle Name: (blank)

Pet Peeve: Selfish people

Color of your bathroom: White and Yellow

Best Movie(s) of ALL time: Life of Brian, Terminator 2, O brother where art thou, LOTR's, Shawn of the dead and Hot Fuzz. EDIT: And Back to the Future.

Best Song of ALL time: Don't really have one

Best TV Shows: Some Simpson episodes and a few others.

Favorite Band/Artist: Don't have one

Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: Never been...

Yummiest Ice Cream: Vanilla

If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be: well...

Morning Person or Night Person: Nighty

Pets: A tiny cat and two goldfish

Favorite Color: Blue

Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park): Some where with Man-manufactured entertainment (movies, bowling).

Coke or Pepsi: Need I say it.

Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: Thumbs up!

Best Vacation Spot: Anywhere

Cook or Go Out: Out if I had the choice.

Beach, Desert, or Mountains: Mountains

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13, 14 in August.


Middle Name:



Pet Peeve:

- Grammar mistakes.

- Ignorance/stupidity.

- Close-minded people.



Color of your bathroom:

Blue and lime green.


Best Movie of ALL time:



Best Song of ALL time:

I have countless favorite songs, so it would take forever to list them all.


Best TV Shows:

- Gossip Girl.

- Heroes.

- The OC.

- Family Guy.


- Nip/Tuck.

- Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List.


Favorite Band/Artist:

I don't have a favorite in particular.


Favorite Ride at Disney Parks:

Tower of Terror (WDW version).


Yummiest Ice Cream:

Orange and cream.


If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be:

David Beckham.


Morning Person or Night Person:

Night person.



A dog (shih tzu).


Favorite Color:



Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park):

Out with friends.


Coke or Pepsi:



Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly:

Don't fancy it.


Best Vacation Spot:

France in the springtime.


Cook or Go Out:

Go out.


Beach, Desert, or Mountains:

Mountains... although sometimes I do prefer the beach.

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Age: 15

Middle Name: Matthew

Pet Peeve: Hearing the word "Loop-de-Loop" said, Homophobes, people who dont like Sarah Silverman [not always ]

Color of your bathroom: blue

Best Movie of ALL time: Scary Movie 3

Best Song of ALL time: Never Let You Go by Third Eye Blind

Best TV Shows: Currently: Law and Order: SVU, The Sarah Silverman Program, Family Guy

Favorite Band/Artist: Third Eye Blind

Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: Space Mountain

Yummiest Ice Cream: Strawberry or that Berry Berry Extrodinary sorbet flavor from Ben&Jerrys

If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be: Sarah Silverman

Pets: None right now

Favorite Color: Purple

Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park): Laser Tag, Shopping, Arcade..

Coke or Pepsi: Neither. Coke

Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: um..its good? But only with Creamy Peanut Butter, and there has to be more Jelly than Peanut Butter, if theres too much its gross.

Best Vacation Spot: um..Wildwood..I <3 Morey's Piers

Cook or Go Out: Go Out

Beach, Desert, or Mountains: Beach

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Age: 13

Middle Name: Samuel

Pet Peeve: idiots. that is all.

Color of your bathroom: White

Best Movie of ALL time: Up

Best Song of ALL time: Beast and the Harlot -- Avenged Sevenfold

Best TV Shows: Mythbusters, Attack of the Show, Ninja Warrior, The Soup

Favorite Band/Artist: Avenged Sevenfold

Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: Space Mountain (DLR)

Yummiest Ice Cream: Mint Mint Chocolate Chocolate Chip @ Cold Stone

If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be: Adam Savage, or Slash from Guns N Roses

Morning Person or Night Person: Night Person

Pets: A cat named Puppy, and a bird without a name

Favorite Color: Red

Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park): Practicing with my band

Coke or Pepsi: Coke, hands down.

Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: Love peanut butter, hate jelly.

Best Vacation Spot: Snowboarding at Lake Tahoe!

Cook or Go Out: Go Out.

Beach, Desert, or Mountains: Mountains.

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Age: 18 in 8 days

Middle Name: D.J.

Pet Peeve: people who still use the "your mom" jokes.

Color of your bathroom: Beige/peach/orangish colour

Best Movie of ALL time: The Shinning

Best Song of ALL time: Young Folks - Peter, Bjorn & John

Best TV Shows: Currently: Family guy, The Simpsons, Friends, Seinfeld

Favorite Band/Artist: Supertramp

Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: Rockin' Roller Coaster, Space Mountain

Yummiest Ice Cream: S'mores flavoured

If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be: Michael Moore

Morning Person or Night Person: Night person

Pets: a budgie

Favorite Color: Bright green, blue

Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park): movies, downtown.

Coke or Pepsi: Coke

Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: Keep the peanut butter lose the jelly

Best Vacation Spot: Orlando, Maui, Alberta, British Columbia

Cook or Go Out: Cook

Beach, Desert, or Mountains: Beach with mountains in the background

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Age: 32

Middle Name: Anne

Pet Peeve: tailgaters

Color of your bathroom: some flowery crap

Best Movie of ALL time: The Wizard of Oz

Best Song of ALL time: IDK

Best TV Shows: Currently: Grey's Anatomy, CSI, SouthPark

Favorite Band/Artist: Nickelback

Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: haven't made it to Disney yet!!

Yummiest Ice Cream:Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia

If you could eat lunch with one person, Barack Obama

Morning Person or Night Person: Night person

Pets: a wiener- ( my dachshund- get ur minds out of the gutter) ha ha

Favorite Color: purple

Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park): jet skiing down the Caddo River in East Texas

Coke or Pepsi: Coke

Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: Yummy

Best Vacation Spot: My families place in upstate NY

Cook or Go Out: Cook- Bar-b-Que

Beach, Desert, or Mountains: mountains

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Age: 14

Middle Name: Keenan

Pet Peeve: People who don't wash their hands after using the restroom

Color of your bathroom: one is white, one is white and maroon (burgundy)

Best Movie of ALL time: The Heartbreak Kid! Or Mean Girls

Best Song of ALL time: Dream On by Arrowsmith

Best TV Shows: Currently: South Park, American Idol, George Lopez, and Desperate Housewives (yeah, yeah...)

Favorite Band/Artist: T-Pain, Nickelback, Lifehouse, and FM Static

Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: Hmmm... I guess SM at WDW

Yummiest Ice Cream: Vanilla, or Vanilla-Chocolate Swirl!

If you could eat lunch with one person: MILEY CYRUS!

Morning Person or Night Person: Night person

Pets: 2 cats, one is Kitty, the other is Grey Cat. Yes, I'm serious. lol

Favorite Color: Metallic Blue

Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park): The beach!

Coke or Pepsi: Diet Pepsi (don't kill me...)

Opinion about Cedar Point: Favorite amusement park

Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: PB= YUM! J= (VOMIT)

Best Vacation Spot: Cancun, Orlando, and Panama City!

Cook or Go Out: Eat out

Beach, Desert, or Mountains: BEACH

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Age: Over the hill. It shows near my user icon anyway...

Middle Name: Danger. Actually it's Patrick, but Danger sounds cooler.

Pet Peeve: Rude people.

Color of your bathroom: Eggshell upstairs, some goofy electric blue downstairs. The wife got the electric blue on sale at Lowes because someone had the color mixed and then didn't like it. I can't imagine why!

Best Movie of ALL time: I have a few favorites, but I never get tired of watching Forrest Gump so I guess that's my favorite.

Best Song of ALL time: Comfortably numb.

Best TV Shows: Currently: Lost... EVER: Leave it to Beaver.

Favorite Band/Artist: Pink Floyd.

Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: POTC at Disneyland.

Yummiest Ice Cream: Orange Sherbert.

If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be: Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones... Who would I eat for lunch: I can't really think of anyone for some reason.

Morning Person or Night Person: Night person

Pets: 2 dogs (sisters from the same litter) that are a mix of black Labrador and Dachsund... So yeah, imagine a 1/4 size black lab with short little legs and you've pretty much got the mental picture. We also have a tabby cat.

Favorite Color: Toss up between green and blue.

Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park): Las Vegas.

Coke or Pepsi: Diet Pepsi.

Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: I'm ok with it, but not a huge fan.

Best Vacation Spot: DLR

Cook or Go Out: Go out.

Beach, Desert, or Mountains: Mountains.

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Age: 14

Middle Name: Billy

Pet Peeve: Narrow minded/Judging people

Color of your bathroom: Blue i think

Best Movie of ALL time: Gosh changes from time to time but probably Pay it Forward

Best Song of ALL time: Forever changing but at the moment Pluss 44-No it isnt

Best TV Shows: Currently: LOST Rules and Skins is great

Favorite Band/Artist: Gallows/Enter Shikari/Blink 182

Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: Have only been once and I just happened to be 2 Years of age so i didnt ride anything

Yummiest Ice Cream: Ben & Jerrys cookie dough

If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be: Any hot chick Who would I eat for lunch: LOL Dunno

Morning Person or Night Person: Night

Pets: None

Favorite Color: Green Red and Blue

Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park): Watch a good band with an awesome atmosphere with awesome moshes and you are aloud to crowdsurf!

Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi or Diet Coke

Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: Is that peanut butter and jam? well i have never had it but peanut butter = EWWWWWW

Best Vacation Spot: Paphos-Cyprus

Cook or Go Out: Go out

Beach, Desert, or Mountains: BEACH!!!

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Age: 19

Middle Name: Wayne

Pet Peeve: Dumb A$$ People!

Color of your bathroom: White... well actually its more of an eggshell!

Best Movie of ALL time: Bringing Down The House!

Best Song of ALL time: Umbrella by Rihanna!

Best TV Shows: Currently: New Adventures Of Old Christiane, CSI Miami!

EVER: The Simple Life, Nip Tuck!

Favorite Band/Artist: Superchick!

Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: Expedition Everest!

Yummiest Ice Cream: Cake Batter!

If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be: Queen Latifah!

Morning Person or Night Person: Morning Person!

Pets: One Cat! Her name is: Snuffaluffaguss Floccinaucinihilipilification Lynn Esophagus Stout!

Favorite Color: Red!

Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park): Lake!

Coke or Pepsi: Coke!

Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: I love Peanut Butter and Jelly, but not when you put them together!

Best Vacation Spot: Orlando!

Cook or Go Out: Cook!

Beach, Desert, or Mountains: Beach!


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Age: 14

Middle Name: Caleb

Pet Peeve: annoying people

Color of your bathroom: pink and white FTW

Best Movie of ALL time: Nightmare Before Christmas

Best Song of ALL time: Stairway to Heaven

Best TV Shows: The Office

Favorite Band/Artist: Too many

Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: Matterhorn

Yummiest Ice Cream: Cookies and Cream

If you could eat lunch with one person: Walt Disney

Morning Person or Night Person: Both


Favorite Color: red

Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park): houseboating or camping

Coke or Pepsi: Coke

Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: tasty

Best Vacation Spot: camping

Cook or Go Out: Cook

Beach, Desert, or Mountains: Mountains


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