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I had a pretty big dream last night.


It was a school day, and it was 8:30 in the morning. My mom wanted us to walk to Walmart, and it's like 3 miles away. We started going, with cleats on becasue it was snowy and icy out. I was I was going to stay at my grandma's, while my mom walked a little further to Walmart, then she would come back, and we would both come back home in time for me to go to school, but I was already late. On our way we ended up in Kings Dominion, I've never been there before, but there were three coasters and I wanted to go on them.


We walked passed an S&S tower, it was inflatable, green, and the car was pulled up and down very violently by bungey cords, and the tower would balloon in and out as the car passed over it (remember it was inflatable). My mom decided that she would keep going, and I could stay at the park. There was Hypersonic XLC, an Arrow Corkscrew, and I think a wooden wild mouse.


I found 10 dollars in my pocket, and went to buy some tickets (each ride was one ticket). I was really nervous about Hypersonic's strong launch. I watched it go a few times, it rolled back 2 times in a row. So I went over next to this big swimming pool to a small counter where that short black guy who says "What you talkin' 'bout Willis" was working. I couldn't really understand what he was saying, but ended up with 5 tickets. I went to ride the corkscrew first, I didn't want to go on Hypersonic just yet, and in line I woke up.


I hope you had fun in my dream.




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Heres a screwed up dream I had.

I got grounded and couldn't go to SFHH, so I went to SFMM. Then I saw that they got a slingshot, so I rode it, flew off the ride and landed in the wavepool at SFHH. I was then taken to a jail cell to rot in hell forever. There I found Eric Cartman. Then I found a hole in my cell. I crawled out and ended up at Drayton Manor. I then decided to ride the only thing that looks fun, Apocylpse. When the ride dropped, I woke up.

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I had a fairly strange/major dream last night...


My family and I went on a holiday to America, a mountain range to be exact. We got to the top and set up a camp. My mum and brother went to find something to eat while my sister and I looked around. A kite (a small bird) came and allowed us to stroke him. He let me stroke him first, then my sister. After a few strokes from my sister, the bird bit her. I grabbed it's neck and twisted it, killing the bird. A hawk came along and the same thing happened. We had 2 dead birds to get rid of, but when we threw them off the mountain, they floated upwards...


We got back to the tent and my mum had bought some food and some t-shirts for me and said there was a shop half way down the mountain that I would like.


The following morning, we woke up and went to see this shop. It was fairly gothic with loads of twists and turns, many UV shirts, trousers, visors, cyber CD's and cyber music playing in the background. They invited me to have a free piercing in my ear. I bought along my camera to take a video of myself with. This changed models several times throughout, but it was my 'original' to begin with.


So I start recording the piercing and this person says he needs someone to video his upcoming movie, set on top of the mountain. He saw me making a documentary of my piercing and invited me to the set so I could record it.


(camera change here) We went to the set and it had been ruined by a polar bear who was eating a nice juicy steak. We headed back to the shop to get my piercing finished as the needle was still in my ear (camera change here). After finishing the piercing, they bought me a complementary hat thing that had different coloured UV ropes coming out of it. They then invited me to stay for the July halloween festival (camera change here) so I could film it and advertise if I were to do this, I'd get anything the shop supplied free each month.


The festivities began and I found myself on my own walking through the shop, candles burning in skulls, ghosts and spiders suspended from fishing line that would drop as you walked by or underneath. A zombie jumped at me and grabbed at my arm. Laughing I shrugged it off, thinking it wasn't real. Another one appeared, then another and another. A broom fell from the cieling and I used it to skewer zombies, clearing a path for me. I then realised I had left my camera where the first zombie attacked. I went back to get it and the first zombie was mid-chew on the apature.


I was then chased by spiders, skeletons and zombies around the ever twisting shop, through clothes isles, CD isles and finally out of the shop. I bumped into the owners and explained what had happened. They said 'We know, they're our family.'. It turned out they were vampires and they wanted me as a 'top up'. I saw my family behind them, my parents hanging from spiderwebs covering the walls, body parts ripped off and blood splatters all up the wall. My sister slowly being eaten by a demon child with mouths in its' hands and fireballs where its' eyes should be. Another demon was tormenting my brother, breaking all his fingers and toes, then devouring them by vomiting and sucking up the acid.


I was dragged away by the vampires to a dungeon where I was left to be tormented by another demon. This one uses body parts from its' victims to disguise itself from humans, however, it had misplaced them around its body. hands were used as feet, the mouth contained many tongues and many rows of pointed teeth made of bones, its eyes were a shade of crimson as he threw himself onto my, knocking me down. He slowly walks up to me. I try to stand and defend myself, but he had knocked me onto a sticky substance that he knew about, sticking me to the floor. He peered over and looked at me with piercing eyes, grinning everso slightly. He opened his mouth and...





... I woke up.


I really wanted to know what happens next. Unfortunately, I probably won't ever know, unless the dream returns to me tonight, which I certainly hope it does, it was fairly scary!


Sorry for the essay, I didn't realise I knew so much about the dream...

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I took a nap earlier today, and I was like half asleep because I could see my room, but it was like IM boxes kept popping up and I was trying to read what people were saying to me but it was hard to do and I got annoyed because I shouldn't have to talk to these people while I was trying to sleep.








I'll just add another dream onto here. My cousin, grandma, and me were in this big field, but the spot we were had trails leading from it, and the spot we were at was all metallic, because something was in the ground. It was a huge building, 28 stories tall, but it would fold down flat when not used. We, and others who were going into it, would gather in a spot on the metal area, and walls of an elevator would rise out of the ground (I remember saying how it was so cool everytime it happened)and you could look up and see the building rising taller and taller, allowing the elevator to go up into it. When we would come back down, the building would fold away, and the walls of the elevator would drop into the ground.


I just remember going back into the building alot, always marveling at the whole thing as the elevator walls came out of the ground.


My brother, cousin, grandma, and me were then in a city (We're always the ones who travel together, along with my mom, but she wasn't there.) We had to find a place to eat, and the only place we found was a seafood place, which none of us really liked. There was a small store inside though, and then we were all sitting in a cart, going through the aisles of the store to look for something to eat.


It was weird but very cool.

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I dreamed I lived in the Haunted Mansion, but the ghosts and everything were real, not like a ride. Most were pretty nice, but some liked to keep scaring me when I was alone at night. And somehow I also had a wardrobe full of the prettiest most expensive ball gowns EVER and I had parties every night to wear them. That would be nice........ Personally, I think it would be FREAKIN AWESOME to live in a real haunted mansion. I'd so do it. Great dream, though. Wish it would actually happen

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My dreams... Well.


To make it simple, I jumped off a skyscraper and then the scenery (You do know I'm talking about a dream) changed to just jumped off a plane. So I did the most humane thing ever.



I crashed into SoB with the loop.


WDWliker: Ace at dream control

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WOW, I just remembered the insane dreams I had last night.


I was reading Harry Potter right before bed, and in this dream it was almost like a subway station. We were celebrating Harry's birthday or something, and I decided to walk through this HUGE empty hotel, it was really fancy, but kind of creepy. I came out into a room that had a huge pool, and there was a mix of my friends and some other Harry Potter characters. After being in there for a while, I said, I should probably go back with Ron and Hermione. They understood and I went back through the massive, elegant, and dim hallways.


On one side of the train station type place, there was a HUGE room, and it was like a fun center or something. It was all enclosed and dim, with cliff walls, and the ground was mostly rocky, similar to an area that had a lava flow. There was mini-golf, and these kind of troughs that curved all around and you would try and roll a ball through it all the way without it falling out. A friend of mine from India was there, and we went walking along the cliff walls, and started to play one of the "roll the ball through the trough" games. For some reason something got really creepy, and I insisted that we get out. So we went back into the station.


Then, I think it was me and my mom, and there was this fortress type place, it's own island, towering up above the water. It wasn't all gloomy, it was a nice day and the fortress was all white. I went inside, because there was an advertised kiddie coaster inside, and I hoped to get the credit. I talked to the guy that built it, and climbed into the one person car, pushed myself around a turn, and down the small hill. I remember hitting the unbanked left turn, and after going around it went up, but came up a few feet short from getting back so I had to pull myself up the rest of the way.


People were coming after us, and we had to escape from the island. We were on the rooftops, and crowds of people dressed all in black were crowding around us.


After that I ended up in my living room, looking out the window. There were kids in the yard, playing in the few feet of snow. An SUV came through our fence, and was facing backwords to the house, stuck in the snow. I kid was standing right by the tire, and I knew what was about to happen, the SUV backed up, and I ran in the other room, knowing I would be calling 911 for the first time. They lady said how can I help you, and I first said my address, and then quickly what had happened. I looked back out the window, and saw that the kid only had a hurt hand, so I told the lady, "It's up to you if you still want to send people", and I really wasn't sure what to do. I ended up talking to her for a while, and then we talked on the computer, I don't know what about, but the screen was green.



Nick "I'm checking out the Dream Dictionary book when I go to work at the library tonight" Cramer

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My dream is hard to explain other then I was in complete harmony with my body and my mind.


I was in a school setting, with hallways, almost like a courthouse, it was very interesting.


I could fly through the hallways, dodge people and in the background was harmonic music... like a flowing river.


It was the most spiritually harmonizing dream I've had...


But then I woke up, but I felt pretty good, usually I feel like crap when I wake up.


I think the music I listened to before I went to bed effected me somehow..

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We were on Lake Ave(a road that extends out of my city, and the highschool is on one side.) and next to the high school there was some type of fair going on. None of it looked all that safe, but my whole family went there. There was some type of sky coaster/bungee ride and my three brothers and I, along with a few others at the park, were getting strapped up to go on it. We all had to lay on the ground, and the ride ops would stick a pin up on the side of your forehead, and use it as something to tie this string around. When they were done, they'd take out the pin.


The whole place was run by monstery type people, like in The Hills Have Eyes. They began chasing us and we tried to hurry up lake ave. One of my brothers was killed. As we went further away, we realized my other 2 brothers were still back there, and looked to see them hanging on the bungee thing. My mom and I were still trying to get away so she jumped on a fold out table, and I folded 2 of the legs together and she flew away, and I started to fly away on a broom. We got back into the city, and everyone was trying to catch us. We ended up some sort of festival going on, and I landed in there because I found one of my brothers alive.



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Wow, you seriously have the craziest dreams ever.^


I swear, working at Sea World gets you obsessed about that place.


One day I go into work and then apparently it has been abandoned for 20 or so years. Everything is falling apart and paint peeling off everything but it looks like the park just closed one day and all the stuff was still in the gift shops, trains on the tracks etc. What made it really trippy was that all the animals had died but their skeletons were still swimimng around. I was just wondering around the park and all of sudden it went back to normal and then I woke up.



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The Police Tried to confinscate my Video Camera for having footage of Two Diffrent Parks on one tape, I refused and had to out run the Police and ended up at a friends house. Then I rode Maverick and ended up in a Pizza hut. The Police were there and I ended up locking myself in a freezer with my video camera and froze to death.

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I dreampt I lost my family in a fatal car crash, and my whole life went downhill from there. Have you guys ever woke up crying because the dream felt so real, and loved ones died? Its wierd but it happened to me...

I think once or twice that has happened to me, you wake up worried and go check if everything is ok Realizing it was just a dream *sigh*......

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I had a dream I had a brain tumor. I got surgery, and the cancer went away but I grew like all of those super tall guys with that brain tumor thingy and I was the world's tallest teenager.


I hated that dream because I'd never want to be any taller than 6'4.

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  • 1 month later...


Just want to share a dream because it sort of had something to do with Rollercoasters.

The dream started off with me outside a half-finished house, some blue-prints (though not blue) on the other side, and a miniture scale of the house in wireframe on those blue-prints. I got the feeling I was in a Make Over program, though it wasn't Extreme Home Make Over with Ty, and though I got the feeling it was something like Fab-something, it wasn't really that either. Then at some point I saw some technitions go in and out of the house, and one of them asked me to come in. I went in and found myself inside a rollercoaster station. It looked like people were taking out a break fin from a stormrunner coaster and they handed it to me. Not sure if I was just gonna hold it or throw it away. And there was something strange about it. Think of a break fin, attached to a piston, and on the other end there was just this little box the same size as the piston. I was walking about turning it up-side down and right-way up watching the fin extend and retract smoothly like if it was connected to the track. Also I was talking to a mechanic about something. Not sure what.

Anyways, just thought I'd share this with you guys for some reason. Anyone wanna analyse this dream of mine?



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