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Sexual Orientation

What's your orientation?  

2,138 members have voted

  1. 1. What's your orientation?

    • I'm a guy who likes girls
    • I'm a guy who likes guys
    • I'm a girl who likes guys
    • I'm a girl who likes girls
    • I'm a guy who likes guys and girls
    • I'm a girl who likes girls
    • I haven't figured out what I like yet...
    • Hobosexual (I'm a person who likes hobos)
    • Hoosexual (I'm a person who likes owls)

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Well there are 12 lesbians here..... somewhere.


Hmmm...that is interesting. Perhaps we have some new (shy) members? Nahhh...I have a feeling that someone is voting lesbian just so we quit talking about not having any lesbians in TPR!

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I'm gay...


I'm only 13 years old, but I do openly say it.

At school, im the only one who affirms himself, thought im sure im not the only one [Fact: 1/10 is gay].


I know im gay since...oh well...probably 3-4th grade.


When i started to affirm myself (Which was in september of this year) i was really surprised to see how my friends and the sutents in general reacted. It was a 98% positive reactions (except for my friend who had already slep over and was scared of mee...).


I really dont care saying im gay...


I could talk about for lines and lines...but i'll stop me there



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Wow, at 13 that's extremely impressive to already know you're gay. I didn't know for certain until I was around 14 or 15, but good for you. Just be careful, while I'm very happy to hear that you've gotten generally positive reactions from people, there are still a few people out there that aren't as accepting as others. Just watch out for yourself around some people, and be careful on how much you let out around certain people or groups. Be smart and you wont have any issues.

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I know about this...and in fact, saying im gay draw a line between friends, and persons who just dont like me...

I just love my life, and being gay is something HAPPY for me.

I still haven't told my parents, and that's the next thing i wanna do in 2009 (:


Just for people who still dont know how to say to their friends if you're gay... Chose girls!!

I have a lot of girls friend, and I love them sooo much.

A girl is someone who knows how does a gay feel...!





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I know about this...and in fact, saying im gay draw a line between friends, and persons who just dont like me...

I just love my life, and being gay is something HAPPY for me.

I still haven't told my parents, and that's the next thing i wanna do in 2009 (:


Just for people who still dont know how to say to their friends if you're gay... Chose girls!!

I have a lot of girls friend, and I love them sooo much.

A girl is someone who knows how does a gay feel...!






Well, JpDupuis,

it is amazing that you feel so comfortable with you sexual orientation at such a young age. Always stay strong, because we all know for a fact that life can be rough in High School ... expecially when you are ''different''. [For the record, I came out at 14, now being 17]


Also, always make sure that the people you trust feel the same towards you.


[if there's something, you can always send me a message. C'est bon? Bonne chance ]

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I know about this...and in fact, saying im gay draw a line between friends, and persons who just dont like me...

I just love my life, and being gay is something HAPPY for me.

I still haven't told my parents, and that's the next thing i wanna do in 2009 (:


Just for people who still dont know how to say to their friends if you're gay... Chose girls!!

I have a lot of girls friend, and I love them sooo much.

A girl is someone who knows how does a gay feel...!






Well, JpDupuis,

it is amazing that you feel so comfortable with you sexual orientation at such a young age. Always stay strong, because we all know for a fact that life can be rough in High School ... expecially when you are ''different''. [For the record, I came out at 14, now being 17]


Also, always make sure that the people you trust feel the same towards you.


[if there's something, you can always send me a message. C'est bon? Bonne chance ]



Yeah, I know alot of gay guys my age and none of them are as secure with it as you seem. I came out when i was 15, and im 17 now and I'm still not completely happy with it and myself. I mean, I know they say all teenagers are insecure, but I think if your gay it could be worse, but you proved that wrong and deff seem to be on top of things. Thats good!

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Hello! First, I would say about me I'm heterosexual, married to a wonderful wife and have two lovely children.

to topcub, and everybody else I would like to say:

it really doesn´t count what kind of sexual orientation a person has, it is much more important to see who somebody really is, to see its advantages and its disadvantages.

as an owner of 2 restaurants and a club, I have some homosexual employees and in private I have 2 good friends who are openly gay and I would say that among them are the warmest and friendliest people I know.

I hope it succeeds me, to teach my both kids not to judge people by the color of their skin, their gender or sexual orientation but after what they are: equivalent human being.

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That was a really nice reply you wrote,

I can't tell you how refreshing it is to hear that there are people out there that think about you as a person rather than their sexual orientation.

You have given me a new confidence, Thank you.


I am not openly Gay (or obviously gay I should say) and when people find out that I am they are usually shocked,


I don't feel its important enough to say when meeting people "oh by the way I am gay", However things are getting better,


Looking forward to meeting some of the group some day,


PS has anyone been to Gold reef city in Johannesburg? I am going there next month and wondered if its worth the visit

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PS has anyone been to Gold reef city in Johannesburg? I am going there next month and wondered if its worth the visit


gold reef city is really worth the trip. nice landscaping and some good coasters, like the tower of terror (if you´re a fan of oblivion, than you will love it!) or the anaconda (looks like a b&m-inverter but was buildt by giovanella). but keep care of your personal items, especially your wallet, there´s a lot of pickpocketing.

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I'm seriously considering writing a book all about gay. I've been thinking about it for months now, and I'm going to start writing down ideas for what I think needs to be discussed. I don't want people to only be accepting of gays, I want them to understand it.


For anyone that remembers this from about a year and a half ago, an update:


I wrote my heart out over the course of a year, and after some ordering around and chopping stuff out I have what I call a book. It's about 100 pages long. I've had some friends/teachers reading it over the past while, and after having gotten their copies back I'm using their criticisms to edit my work. I found a self publisher I think I'm going to go with, I just need to do a little more finishing. I'm just getting antsy.



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