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About jpdupuis

  • Birthday 05/24/1995

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  1. For the "extra november days" coming up at SFGADV, are Kingda Ka and El Toro closed ? Is there a full list of the rides open this week?
  2. Does anyone know if I should jump during the daytime or during the nightime...Big dillema for me!
  3. I don't know if this is the right place to ask, but i'll give a try! I'm going to Orlando next week (July 31-July4). I'm staying 4 days, and I'm arriving at 1pm. I am doing 3 full days at Universal Studio. Here's the dillema : Considering the lines at Universal Studio, should I buy a Sea World ticket (The After 3Pm Ticket), or should I go half a day at Universal. I really have no clue on which option to chose, because I don't know how will be the lines at Universal & IOA but I wanna be real sure on doing all the rides. So can you please help me on this one? Thanks Jp
  4. Hey guys! I'm going to Orlando next week (July 31-July4). I'm staying 4 days, and I'm arriving at 1pm. I am doing 3 full days at Universal Studio. Here's the dillema : Considering the lines at Universal Studio, should I buy a Sea World ticket (The After 3Pm Ticket), or should I go half a day at Universal. I really have no clue on which option to chose, because I don't know how will be the lines at Universal & IOA but I wanna be real sure on doing all the rides. So can you please help me on this one? Thanks Jp
  5. Right now, How many trains are running on track? Have they gone up to 5 or 6 ? And how many trains do the have in store? Thanks Jp
  6. But can I use a credit on a McDonald, for an example, for lunch? Or that's a total waste, because I am also going and I took the deluxe dining plan. . .
  7. Heyy Guys, I got a question for you I am going to universal on march, during the first week. I was wondering, while checking the hours, why is universal closing so early! It closes a 6P.M ans that's way to early for a theme park, isn't it Seing those hours made me a tad sad because i won't have the chance to see HRR all lit up, which it the most awesome thing about this ride... Anyways, can someone just tell me why is it closing that early!! Thanks JpDupuis
  8. Hi. I'M asking for the calendar because, I remember, 3-4 years ago, when i went back there, Typhoon Lagoon was closed all week long, and I Knew it when I did the reservations for the room. So I'm just wondering if i'll have another surprise like this on my next trip. Thanks. JpDupuis
  9. Heyy. I am now planning to WDW next march. However, I'd like to know a few things. -When will the calendar for the activities/special events/refurbrishements will be released. -Which all-star resort should we choose, depending on the attendance of the shuttle bus. - Anything else to know ? Thank You JpDupuis
  10. And that's why they will come with the first vertical wooden lift hill
  11. Amazing job! I'd like to have mine! Jpdupuis Park: La Ronde Coaster : Goliath
  12. I also think there's too much supports in there...but i still like the colo sheme...
  13. Heyy! This is my new coaster NO2 [Nitro.] It includes some AWESOME features. - Non Inverted Immelman - 100° High Turn - 3 air-time hills - **NEW** Inverted Helix - Norwegian Loop - 155° Stengel Dive Hope You Like It. POV comming soon Comment JpDupuis Pretty good banking there... 155° Enterring the Norwegian Loop Inverted Helix Layout NO2.nltrack
  14. However...we have some clues. Apprently, dueling drongs is closing in august...for it's transformation. But when you think about it, Universal is reporting as late as posible the closing of the coaster. They know it's a big attraction, so they close it only for real work on it, to re-open it as soon as possible. ALSO. The first date was...2009? So...i think they did push it to early 2010. So i guess it should be open for spring break, which is in march... That's my thought...
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