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Sexual Orientation

What's your orientation?  

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  1. 1. What's your orientation?

    • I'm a guy who likes girls
    • I'm a guy who likes guys
    • I'm a girl who likes guys
    • I'm a girl who likes girls
    • I'm a guy who likes guys and girls
    • I'm a girl who likes girls
    • I haven't figured out what I like yet...
    • Hobosexual (I'm a person who likes hobos)
    • Hoosexual (I'm a person who likes owls)

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^I must have matured faster than most then, because I always found $100 pairs of jeans ridiculous lol. My entire wardrobe (two weeks worth of different clothes) only cost me about $600 total, and that includes 6 pairs of jeans, about twenty shirts, two hoodies, two pairs of shoes, and a very nice, knee-length coat from Guess which by itself was $180. That is the only piece of clothing that I own that was just a pure indulgence. I really liked it and needed a warm winter coat now that I have to walk outside to get to classes and I also needed a relatively formal coat for when I go out to nicer places. This coat fit all these needs and will be with me for a long time lol. I basically shop in the discount or bargain bins at the cheaper brand name stores, unless I find something cheap at one of the nicer stores. For example, I have two Hollister shirts I love to wear, both of which were on clearance for $10 each. So I was fine with that lol. I usually go to Gap to get my clothes. They are more comfortable than A&E, Abercrombie, etc. and personally I think they look and fit better. Speaking of shopping, I need to get some more clothes actually. I've lost 20 pounds in the last three months and a lot of my clothes just don't fit at all anymore. Kind of bittersweet lol. I like a lot of my clothes, especially my button downs, but they just are too large now. I've definitely moved down a size since the last time I went shopping. Oh well, the price you pay for bettering yourself I guess lol...I just realized I have been talking about shopping quite a bit, something I actually kind of hate doing lol. I'm going to stop now.

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  rawrtotheargh said:
On a random side note. Has anyone noticed that at amusement parks mostly gay women couples tend to be the ones holding hands? I never see gay male couples holding hands while walking down the midway. I know when i've gone with boyfriends in the past I have held their hands.


I've noticed it's usually just lesbians that hold hands anywhere including an amusement park. Men are usually frowned upon for being gay more than women are. Not always, but usually. There's a lesbian at my school who has a lot of male friends, but they can't stand gay males. WTF? I never feel safe holding hands with a guy in public. Everyone stares at you and sometimes I get glares from people that are a little scary.


Doesn't Disney have gay day? I've heard people say Disney is an awful company because they hold a day to let homosexuals "get in the act". Huh?

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I basically shop in the discount or bargain bins at the cheaper brand name stores, unless I find something cheap at one of the nicer stores.


YES! I do the same thing and although I do not buy my clothes at Wal-Mart, or K-Mart, it is not that hard to find decent (name brand clothes) if you are a smart shopper.


For example, I got an Izod golf shirt that was originally on-sale at Bon-Ton for $29.99. I had a coupon for 40% off men's apparel from the weekly flyer I receive. Plus, if I used my Bon-Ton card, I got another 10% off. Not bad for a really nice name brand shirt which I really liked!


As you probably already know...buy the opposite of what season is forthcoming, if possible. Wait for the 50-75% off sales and buy the winter clothes in spring and the summer clothes in the fall.


Who says that gay guys can't be frugal, look nice, and be butch all at the same time??

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^Lol, exactly. I went shopping with my friends Morgan and Rachel (fashion designers) at the beginning of this school year and bought a few t shirts and short sleeve button downs, etc. They were extremely cheap. I think I got something like 7 or 8 shirts for only just under $100. I'm a good bargain shopper lol. And I also can't stand the big box stores. I will NEVER buy anything from Wal-Mart, K-Mart, etc. I get a bad vibe in those stores lol.


And I'm very frugal when it comes to anything else. Not cheap mind you. I will spend money if it means I'll be happy, but I'm not a fan of spending all of my money on worthless junk like some people. I like having money, and that's something that's hard to come by these days being a college student lol.


And the butch thing is so true. I'm a very masculine guy. I have my gay tendencies because...well...I'm gay lol, but the majority of the people I know were surprised when I came out. I am more attracted to masculine gays, but this can be a problem too sometimes. A lot of gay guys that I know didn't think I was gay, meaning they won't approach me. This means I need to approach them, and well, I suck at that lol. Too shy for my own good.

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  smartestcoasterkidever said:
Doesn't Disney have gay day? I've heard people say Disney is an awful company because they hold a day to let homosexuals "get in the act". Huh?


It's every June. If I wasn't on my way to Copenhagen during that time I would probably be there. I usually don't go into the park because it's a crowded mess. I usually hit the parties at night (benefiting the Elton John Foundation) and hang out at the pool at the host hotel during the day. A straight coworker went during that time and she said she thought it was interesting seeing all the red shirts that every gay people wear. You can usually look at gaydays.com for information on when it's held every year.


I basically shop in the discount or bargain bins at the cheaper brand name stores, unless I find something cheap at one of the nicer stores.


The secret is not what you buy, but how you look in it. I remember years ago this guy was bragging about his extensive Diesel collect that he was wearing to this national contest and when we ended hanging out at the contests and people were complimenting me on my $10 t-shirts and budget jeans over his expensive selections, he got bitter. Poor thing "clicked out" and tried to strand me the hotel when we were splitting the cost of the rental car. I just had the hotel drive me to get another car... then took a hot guy I had just met to Six Flags with his ticket I was holding! He called my cell phone cursing wanting his ticket. I said "Take it out the rental, b%$ch!" and hung up. The weekend began with drama and ended quite naughty!

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  jmicha said:
And the butch thing is so true. I'm a very masculine guy. I have my gay tendencies because...well...I'm gay lol, but the majority of the people I know were surprised when I came out. I am more attracted to masculine gays, but this can be a problem too sometimes. A lot of gay guys that I know didn't think I was gay, meaning they won't approach me. This means I need to approach them, and well, I suck at that lol. Too shy for my own good.


Agreed, I'm also very masculine, I dress and just feel that way, the kind of guy that likes rock, sports and beer. I'm out to very few people, even my closest friends don't know (do they need to?). I feel like I'm more comfortable talking about being gay to other people who are more obviously gay, and even at that I'm a bit nervous, afraid I'm talking to them solely because they're gay.


I have probably mentioned it before on this and other threads, I had a good friend of mine who was close but as time he went on, he just got to be more of a... prick. He once snapped at me saying I had "homosexual tendencies" and need to "straighten up." I did my best to deny I had these tendencies around him. Whenever he had a lady friend over at his place, and I dropped by, he would ask him "Does (CoastersNSich) seem gay to you?". He even snapped when he heard Dennis Miller There was another incident between us that I'd rather not mention, that resulted in the end of our friendship, but since then it's been for the best that we parted ways. For one, I've realized that I have these tendencies...


BTW, I am a DAAP alum (BUP) and am now working on my M.Arch at OSU. The clothing thing... I like wearing fairly fashionable stuff, and try to never pay full price, like no more than $40 for a pair of jeans, less than $60 on shoes, no more than $15 on a t-shirt. I like dept. stores like Macy's, Kohl's, and stores like AE. I admit I'm not too good at finding bargains at thrift/consignment shops but have had a bit of luck...

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Well, I'm almost as old as your bf, and one thing to remember is this - the inner ear kinda loses functionality with age and doesn't deal with balance issues as well as it used to, so there's a bona fide reason why us old farts tend to get queasier on loops. These days, two back-to-back rides on Medusa or V2 and I've had enough for a while.


Just as long as his other parts work...




Agreed. Even I get worn out after too many rounds of riding- And I respect his rights to non-inversion madness (How many loops CAN one body take???)- but I do have plans to get him on Monte or Revolution this fall (My BD this year is to do Disneyland- for the first time- as well as Knotts and MM if possible!)-



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  smartestcoasterkidever! said:
Doesn't Disney have gay day? I've heard people say Disney is an awful company because they hold a day to let homosexuals "get in the act". Huh?


The past two years they have been in October. For the one in Anaheim at least. I know this year is October 2-4. But its an unofficial thing. Its mostly that a bunch of people plan a weekend where gay people are encouraged to go and wear red shirts. I can't wait to go this year!

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BTW, I am a DAAP alum


Nice! Lol, I love DAAP. Kind of ruins my social life and ability to ride coasters, but I can deal since architecture is my greatest passion lol.


The secret is not what you buy, but how you look in it


So true. I will never buy any article of clothing unless it looks good on me. I'm a smart shopper when it comes to money, but if it doesn't look good, no thanks lol. It's good that I have so many friends in fashion design because my sense of fashion is...well, less than to be desired. I need assistance sometimes lol. What's most important to me is looking respectful, not necessarily trendy, so I'm happy I've matured in my clothing choices since getting into college.


(do they need to?)


I know that it is extremely important to only come out when you are good and ready (people knowing before you want them to can cause a lot of problems, especially at a young age) but I would say that it is better for your good friends to know. It really is a huge weight off the shoulders telling them, and you may be surprised how many of them already have figured it out or have suspicions. My best friend said he suspected I was back in middle school. I've known him 9 years now, and the moment I told him, although one of the hardest moments of my life so far, was one of the best feelings I've ever experienced. It was the only thing I kept a secret from him, and removing that final constraint was nice. Same goes for when I told my parents and brothers a couple months ago. Coming out is hard on anyone, and should only be done when you feel fully comfortable with telling people, but it is one of the most freeing feelings you will probably ever experience.

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  rawrtotheargh said:
  smartestcoasterkidever! said:
Doesn't Disney have gay day? I've heard people say Disney is an awful company because they hold a day to let homosexuals "get in the act". Huh?


The past two years they have been in October. For the one in Anaheim at least. I know this year is October 2-4. But its an unofficial thing. Its mostly that a bunch of people plan a weekend where gay people are encouraged to go and wear red shirts. I can't wait to go this year!


They had Gay week sometime 2 summers ago.

My dad brought the family and he's a "SUPER JESUS AWESOME FAGS ARE BAD" Type guy.. He was not amused, and I was pissed at him. Not fun having an argument about that mid vacation.


Disney surprised me though last time I went, This idiot was wearing a shirt that said "Silly Faggots, Dicks are for Chicks" and they rejected him entry!



Me, I'm straight

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^ Doesn't surprise me that the guy was denied entry. I would think that this sort of attire would be denied at just about any theme park these days. Of course, some will wear a jacket or sweater to get in through the gate and then take it off later...just to show how cool they are.



At CP, I believe that the Gay Day is every Father's Day. Michael and I went last year and had a great time! The day was very nice and there were not a lot of people there.


The highlight? Seeing two men about sixty five years old (maybe 200 pounds) that looked a lot like Santa Claus walking in Frontier Town proudly holding hands! I believe that they had blazing tight red shirts on with rainbow suspenders - totally awesome!

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  Philrad71 said:
^ Doesn't surprise me that the guy was denied entry. I would think that this sort of attire would be denied at just about any theme park these days. Of course, some will wear a jacket or sweater to get in through the gate and then take it off later...just to show how cool they are.



At CP, I believe that the Gay Day is every Father's Day. Michael and I went last year and had a great time! The day was very nice and there were not a lot of people there.


The highlight? Seeing two men about sixty five years old (maybe 200 pounds) that looked a lot like Santa Claus walking in Frontier Town proudly holding hands! I believe that they had blazing tight red shirts on with rainbow suspenders - totally awesome!


That might kinda, you know, be weird for some. A dad and his son going to park on Gay day might raise some eyebrows

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^ I don't see it as weird at all. I saw plenty of families that day and there could have been many that had gay kids and/or parents.


I don't think that the organizer of the event intended to have it on Father's Day to try and specifically entice gay father's and/or their gay son's to visit, I think it was just because they figured the park might not be as crowded.


Personally, I would have no qualms at all about taking my father there on Father's Day along with my partner, Michael. We all love coasters and Michael just so happens to be older than my father (both of our families know) by five years!


Guess, I'm just weird, huh?? Oh well, at least we're all a happy family!

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^My ex used to call me daddy.


Well it's was Papi, put you get what I'm saying. Father/Son means something different, as in Father is about 35+ years old and Son is 18-25. They aren't related though.


Did hear about some twins that was messing around with each other... but then they got paid big time to do that on film.



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^Yep. My dominatrix friend has me cracking up over the stuff the straight men call her up do to to them. One older guy asked her to verbally abuse him like a little kid! (She said "He wants to pay me to do that? I usually do it for free!") She had him in tears!


Freaky stuff!



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  terrancew_hod said:
^Yep. My dominatrix friend has me cracking up over the stuff the straight men call her up do to to them. One older guy asked her to verbally abuse him like a little kid! (She said "He wants to pay me to do that? I usually do it for free!") She had him in tears!


Reminds me of a TV show that showed adults acting like babies (wearing diapers and things like that) and being sexually aroused by it.

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I call on comedy for the 'role playing' thingy-


We all know that homosexuality is normal, as you see it in nature. It's proven. But how often do you see one cow tying up another cow and beating it for sex?




That's a pretty rare farm occurance!


(Sorry, I know- Bad BAD joke, but when people start talking about roleplaying- it comes to mind. MANY PROPS to Suzanne Westenhoeffer for the joke, BTW!)

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  paintballer said:
  Philrad71 said:
^ Doesn't surprise me that the guy was denied entry. I would think that this sort of attire would be denied at just about any theme park these days. Of course, some will wear a jacket or sweater to get in through the gate and then take it off later...just to show how cool they are.



At CP, I believe that the Gay Day is every Father's Day. Michael and I went last year and had a great time! The day was very nice and there were not a lot of people there.


The highlight? Seeing two men about sixty five years old (maybe 200 pounds) that looked a lot like Santa Claus walking in Frontier Town proudly holding hands! I believe that they had blazing tight red shirts on with rainbow suspenders - totally awesome!


That might kinda, you know, be weird for some. A dad and his son going to park on Gay day might raise some eyebrows


I've been to Gay Days at both Disneyland and WDW. Nothing weird about families being there at all. It's not closed to the public and I'm sure most "normal" park visitors aren't even aware it's Gay Days. It's just "Red Shirt Day" to many of them I'm sure.


The ones I always think are funny is the family who all got matching red shirts, but OBVIOUSLY aren't there for Gay Days. They get caught totally unaware.


As for bad behaviour, I've never seen anything of the sort during the Disneyland or WDW events. Unless you have a problem with 2 guys are 2 chicks holding hands.

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One older guy asked her to verbally abuse him like a little kid! (She said "He wants to pay me to do that? I usually do it for free!") She had him in tears!


Easy money for her!!!!



Reminds me of a TV show that showed adults acting like babies (wearing diapers and things like that) and being sexually aroused by it.


An actual tv show about adult babies? And here we are in America stuck with Desperate Housewives - uggghhhhh!

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  rawrtotheargh said:
  smartestcoasterkidever! said:
Doesn't Disney have gay day? I've heard people say Disney is an awful company because they hold a day to let homosexuals "get in the act". Huh?


The past two years they have been in October. For the one in Anaheim at least. I know this year is October 2-4. But its an unofficial thing. Its mostly that a bunch of people plan a weekend where gay people are encouraged to go and wear red shirts. I can't wait to go this year!


Not quite Disney, but there is Gay Night at KBF coming up on May 15th to tie you over!



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