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Waldameer Discussion Thread

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^No doubt about that, the NY/PA/Canada trip is looking good! I think this will be Waldameer's Kentucky Rumbler, in the since that this may get the park a bit more notoriety. I liked Waldameer the one time I went a few years ago, and this can only help in making it better if it is a quality ride that GG is becoming know to make.

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^You say that, but Kentucky Rumbler put Beech Bend in a pretty poor financial position. Yes it's an awesome ride, but now only time will tell if it pays off. And Waldameer have spent a lot of time and money getting permits and going through the red tape for Ravine Flyer.


I really hope for theirs and Waldameer's sake it does all work out for the best. They're both charming little parks and would be a shame to see them suffer after all their hard work.

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I really hope for theirs and Waldameer's sake it does all work out for the best. They're both charming little parks and would be a shame to see them suffer after all their hard work.


Beech Bend??


I'd hardly call that park charming.


Waldameer though I found to be a very nice little park. Definetly looking forward to getting down there for RFII.

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The T-Bars and seat belts better not fail when the coaster flys over the bridge section otherwise your be like the PS3 game called "Pain"..


The bridge looks amazing, I agree there will be a lot of , is that gonna be too much ...


View of bridge from different angle, it's gonna be a wild ride.

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Looks great! I'll definitely be hitting his park next year, so I'm pretty excited about this coaster. The only thing I hate about modern woodies are hybrids. I think the steel supports take away from the look. Oh well, as long as the ride is decent

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^^Just by looking at the curvature of the bridge, I sure there will be awesome floater airtime to be had.


Just remember that the track won't follow the exact curvature of the bridge. The track itself probably won't be nearly as steep as the bridge supports.


Though it should hopefully still provide a decent pop of air.

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Just remember that the track won't follow the exact curvature of the bridge. The track itself probably won't be nearly as steep as the bridge supports.


Though it should hopefully still provide a decent pop of air.


I realize that, but it does look like you will get some nice airtime over the hill. It isn't very tall and it is right after the first drop, so you will hit it at full speed. I'm very excited for this ride!

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The video on the Graivty Group website makes it look better for me. It looks like this should be a wild ride reminiscient of Hades.


One thing struck me though:

(On an unrelated note) the website has a concept called Splinter, and in the video they just show Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain, yet they claim it's unique and never been done, blah blah blah. I realize that GG came from the remnants of CCI, who did LoCoSuMo, but it's still odd they don't give the ride name during the video.


Ravine Flyer II, however, definitely looks like a winner. I may have to go to Pennsylvania this summer.


-James Dillaman

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  • 2 weeks later...

Coaster101 interviewed Steve Gorman of Waldameer about Ravine Flyer II:


Why did the park decide to go with Gravity Group when designing Ravine Flyer II over other companies?

We felt comfortable with designer Larry Bill and wanted to stay with him.



The Ravine Flyer II has been talked about for years, how did it feel to see the coaster finally coming to be a reality?

Awesome! After talking about it for so long and dealing with all the delays, it is so exciting to see it taking shape. I am so anxious to ride it!



What kind of challenges had to be overcome to allow Ravine Flyer II to travel over the highway?

We needed to satisfy the requirements of PennDOT, which really weren’t too difficult. But it took several years of many discussions with their engineers and legal department to get final approval. PennDOT required the screening over the bridge to prevent any objects from falling onto the road, and chose the color blue for the bridge.



Some enthusiasts are afraid of this being a "$6,000,000 coaster with a $4,000,000 bridge." How much was the bridge in comparison to the total product?

I hope that these concerns will vanish after you ride the ride! I’ll estimate that the bridge cost about 15-20% of the total project cost.



Was an under-the-highway tunnel ever considered for the coaster? Or was the focus always on the highway crossover?

No, there never was a consideration to tunnel under the highway.



How do you expect Ravine Flyer II to affect your attendance?

We expect that this ride will give us a nice bump in attendance (we do need to pay for it!) It should bring more people to our park that felt we were too far to travel for what we had to offer, or had never heard of our park.



Why did you go with the two-bench PTCs instead of the single-benches?

No disrespect to PTC, but we felt that we had to go with a proven car design. This ride means too much to our park to have any delays in opening. I sincerely hope and expect that PTC will develop a single-bench design.



Will there be any homage to the original Ravine Flyer incorporated into Ravine Flyer II?

In our marketing and in information that we provide to publications, we pay homage to the original ride. Possibly in the future we will have a sign or plaque to document the history.



Is Ravine Flyer II the start of a multi-phase expansion plan for the park?

We have always had and will continue to have future expansion plans for our park. There are amusement rides and water attractions that we have desires to add, staying with our family-friendly mindset.



With the new coaster opening, dose Waldameer have any plans to host and enthusiast event in the near future?

We have 2 events scheduled so far for 2008: Western NY Coaster Club May 24 and Great Ohio Coaster Club August 16

I believe that ACE is trying to pick a date. We do not have a generic coaster enthusiast event planned - maybe in a future year.

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