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Photo TR: Fantazy Land, Alexandria, Egypt.

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Hey dubaidave,


Could you go and get some of the use tires in the park and send them to the Six Nations Reserve by my house?




(If you want to know why is because the Natives are rioting about 10 mins from my house because the goverment built on they're property so they're rioting and flipping cars and making piles of tires on Highways and burning them.)

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My first thought was of an old Mystery Science Theatre episode called "Warrior Of The Lost World"....really post-apocalyptic!


Then I started thinking of those occasional PTR's that show up on sites where people sneak into old closed down parks for photos...but then it hit me...this park is actually OPEN!

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Dave definately wins the award for finding such a gem! This should be the next TPR trip. "Parks of the Middle East" requires that you have a passport, an automatic weapon, and the ability to use it.



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Holy crap!!! I wouldn't risk my life on any of those metal death machines. You are smart for not riding anything that was open.


You mean like the ones here at Castles n' Coasters?


The death machines at Castles n Coasters look 97 times safer than the ones I saw in these pictures.

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I reckon Bin Laden's hiding in there somewhere, maybe in that strange concrete building in the middle of the park!


Seroiusly it does look like a fair ground in the middle of Iraq.


Dave you are one hell of a brave man!


*Someone go over there and save the flat rides, if you dare*


I'm now going to treasure every minute I spend in a little park

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Okay, I think each one of us should go to our respective home park this weekend, walk through the front gate, stop and give a give a big sigh of relief in thanks for where we live!!

Just think, that's actually really fun recreation for those poor kids over there.

Bless their hearts!


Thanks for showing us how the "other half" live, Dave.




Scott "God bless the USA" B.

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words are hard to discribe this. credit or no credit i would have ran as fast as my leg would have went. they almost should post a sign out front "Tetanus shots required before entering gates". yeah i cant wait for the video. although just watching it may scare me.

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The whole park just looks like some plotline that should be used in "My Name is Earl":


"Years ago, Earl and Randy stumble upon an abandoned amusement park. As an unknowning tourist arrives and asks how much to enter the park, Earl has an idea to make some money and scam a camcorder. After raising the admission price several times, the tourist enters the park, Earl tries to make it seem like the park is operational while Randy attempts to steal some stuff off the 'customer'. After karma visits Earl years later, he is forced to pay retribution to the coaster enthusiast by taking him to an actual operating theme park."


Don't worry Dave, in a few years Egyptian Earl will come knocking on your Dubai Door and whisk you away to any park of your choosing.

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Well that was interesting


LOL! Such a long post of honest and true words... maybe he was so stunned he couldn't say anything else but that.


Anyways, this looks blantly like a tourist trap for American Coaster Enthusiasts (well not the group but pretty much Coaster Enthusiasts that are American to come in the park) and then... who knows link:


But yeah, you're definately braver than I am, I would have stayed wide away from that.. I know one thing for sure, "Makes Cypress look like Disney World"



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Well I guess i can never ever complain about some of the places I've been to again after that report.. Wow that park really sux !!


Quite alarming they had some decent flat rides there though. Would you risk your life on a credit with not a full compliment of wheels or a even risk riding the power surge !!


The park definately did you a favour by not operating any rides...


Classy !! Very classy !!

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