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Walibi Belgium Discussion Thread

P. 28: Mecalodon family coaster announced!

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During the EAS in Amsterdam today, the new ride set to open for 2019 in Walibi Belgium was revealed to the public. ETF, Alterface and Joravision are responsible for the ride vehicle, ride design and fysical theming. The newly designed ridesystem called 'Erratic Ride' is the first of it's kind Interactive Darkride that includes a very small ride-footprint with the option to personally influence your own ride experience (depending on how good you're playing. The better you are, the longer the ride takes etc.). The ride will see it's first debut in Walibi Belgium in 2019.


The ride vehicle:




Concept video:





Source: Twitter Alterface and Pretpark.be

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I found an art concept posted online, for this new attraction.

And it looks like the haunted swing ride is a Bye-Bye, too?


Or as it was known...le Palais du génie.


And the Boomerang looks fine, set in there, with the theming around it.


R.I.P le Palais du Genie?

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  • 3 months later...
I found an art concept posted online, for this new attraction.

And it looks like the haunted swing ride is a Bye-Bye, too?


Or as it was known...le Palais du génie.


The haunted mansion will remain in the park, it's located near playland at the other side of Radja River, you can't see it on that concept art, however the area near the haunted mansion will (i think either this or next year) get a big update with a new small kid-coaster running over the path, between playland and the lake. (see attached photo)

btw, a few months ago i threw this togheter, its all the plants overlayed with the excisting sattelite pictures. https://imgur.com/a/5A9kF


*edit*, the new coaster won't run over the path, the main pathway will be moved towards playland so that it's more integrated into the park and not like some side area. Great move from Walibi! really digging their future plans.


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  • 2 months later...

The rebranded themed area 'Karma World' has some soft openings going on, including the all new interactive darkride 'Popcorn Revenge'. 'Fun Pilot', the Zierer Junior Coaster, is still in construction and will most likely open for public at the end of the month. Both areas will officially open at the end of May.


Some footage of 'Karma World' in it's current state:



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  • 3 months later...

I recently visited the park for the first time since 2008. Overall the park looks very nice and there is clear differentiation in the theming of each area. However, the coaster selection is extremely weak, especially when compared to Walibi Holland. I know the 2021 Intamin is right around the corner.


Now from the dark ride standpoint the park nailed it with Popcorns Revenge. This shooting dark ride is great. I rode it about 15 times. It makes Challenge of Tutankhamon looks like crap, but CoT still runs well (rode it 5 times). There was no wait for either ride on the slightly rainy/overcast day that I visited.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I had totally forgotten about this one, and now this thread has reminded me, I realise I've also totally forgotten the layout. Really looking forward to seeing this one! I feel Intamin have really matured over the last few years but are still those playful rapscallions that we love them for.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think the double spine makes it look more intimidating... and kind of wonky. It's Intamin though, it'll be really good.


I really like the forest green track color.

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