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Knoebels Discussion Thread

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I rode it today. It is surprisingly good for a kiddie coaster. I'm happy to say that no one should really have a problem with fitting. I'm 6'2" or 6'3" and had no problem fitting.


While I was standing in line the ride operator stopped the ride after the 2nd lap to let some kids off. He then proceeded to give them their tickets back. My friend and I immediately said, "Only at Knoebels."


Here's a video I took. The coastertube version also works now: http://www.themeparkreview.com/coastertube/play.php?vid=M4H00371_w70q


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That video is just one of many things that is making the single week before my visit seem so long. It looks like a worthy successor to HSTC. Kudos to Knoebels and Kozmo's Kurves.

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I rode it today. The line was still all the way across the bridge, and it was moving slowly because some kids were actually afraid to ride it! (The lift hill is much higher than HSTC was, I suppose to make up for the chain not throwing you over it violently. But the height requirement is much lower, due to the individual lap bars.) They let one very small girl off after one lap, and then gave the remaining riders three uninterrupted laps. Despite all this, the ops were having fun. In fact, one guy said that he loved running it and wished he could stay there all the time!


The lift seemed to be running faster than in the video. Sometimes the train would almost come to a stop in the station between laps, other times it would proceed directly onto the chain. Other than checking for kids in distress, they're probably still trying to get a feel for the operation of the ride. Hopefully they'll get it flying up to their normal standards by Phunfest, when enthusiasts will descend upon it in large numbers.


I'm glad to see that it doesn't smash the hell out of my knees since the cars are more open than the old ones, nor smash the hell out of my ass and lower back since the hills aren't as violent. (They're still good, just not insane.) My only concern was that the custom lap bars, which are T-bars, would endanger my crotch. Luckily both the bar and my crotch stayed where they were supposed to. I did keep smashing one thigh against the bar on the turns, but no damage was done. I refrained from suggesting that they pad that section of the bar because I suspect that the thin foam rubber that they used on the horizontal sections will quickly rot away under the influence of weather and skin oils anyway.


Moving on, since this is a Knoebels 2009 thread and not a Kozmo's Kurves thread, I have something to report about the bumper cars. I don't know what they did to them, but they're running really slick. Much slicker than I've ever seen them. They glide around like a brand-new set. While this means that you tend to coast through crashes rather than just sitting there, which is good, it also means that it's harder to regain control if you get spun and if you do get pinned somewhere its harder to get out of it. I saw more unintentional head-ons today than I ever have. Luckily, as I said, they tend to keep going smoothly as long as there's space. I don't know when they found the time to do that much work on them, because they were nowhere near that slick on opening day and by the time of my last visit in June when the park was already into daily operation, many of them had actually become quite clunky.

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^Good to know...


Kozmo looks pretty sweet. I accpected it to have a faster lift as a tribute to HSTC, but I suppose its still in the testing phases more or less. Then again, I havent been able to get down there yet, so it could still be a great ride (and since its Knoebels, it is probabbly epic.)

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According to Kozmo's Facebook page, they put the sealant on the track this week. I'm surprised they didn't do it a long time ago, some of the track is looking pretty old already.


Yeah, big news I know, but it's the only news there is.

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The only other news is that Knoebels is now waiting for what is supposedly the final train design for the Turns. What they have on the track now is a conglomeration of modifications as they went through the testing process last year. Also, in the facebook pictures it appears that they are now framing the roof over the final brake run as well as what appears to be the two storage tracks running parallel to the brake run.

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Maybe they bit off a little more than they wanted too but we should all be grateful that they did, had they not charged head first into the unknown most of us would have only ever seen a flying turns in black and white pictures. I bet Mr. K wishes that he could get a zombified Mr. Bartlet to help with the consulting though.


As they said they hit a few bumps with the trains, which is to be expected since they're building them from scratch. I'd be happy to wait till 2010 to fly the turns as long as I get to do so.


Just remember Ravine Flyer took what 10-15 years? That'll teach us that good things come to those who wait!

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Then I guess after that the trains will be added and testing would restart? So could they be trying to open it by October? From the way it sounds it could be possible.


And then they'll find something else wrong with the trains, so they'll redesign those, modify them, run more tests, then by the time that's done, the track will need replacing again, so they'll tear that up some more...and on and on it goes.


I think the only realistic opening date that can be given for Flying Turns at this point is "sometime between now and never."

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  • 1 month later...
I'm wondering if anything has happened with the coaster. The last time we heard anything as far as construction goes was the top coat being added to the trough 2 months ago.


The last thing I heard from anybody in a position to know was that they were still waiting for the "final" train design to be fabricated, but they thought it should arrive soon so they'll have all winter to test it. No explanation was offered for why it was taking so long.


I'm sure Dick will have something to say at his Saturday night closing remarks -- unfortunately, last year he thought it would be running by last April.

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