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Knoebels Discussion Thread

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With a little luck, it'll be open by mid August, when I visit. That looks a bit intense for a family coaster, but as HSTC's successor that's to be expected. Looks like a good fit for the park.

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That looks a bit intense for a family coaster, but as HSTC's successor that's to be expected.


Well, according to the Knoebel's e-newsletter, they wanted a coaster that would be "as fun as the High Speed Thrill Coaster has been for over 50 years." I can't wait to see how it measures up.

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Most anticipated "kiddy" coaster ever! I feel like the picture is just bad, because the ride looks rather large. Are there any stats to this ride yet?


It's kind of sad, I actually probably will take a special trip out to Knoebels by the end of the summer just to ride this.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I visited the park yesterday and look at what I have found!

This is the only car I found like this, but it was also hooked up to 2 other prototype trains with several others sitting inside the station. The welding cage around the seats are different than the others and this one has padded seats.


I do think that they are going to try to get it open for the Halloween events. They still need to add the transfer track back in which is sitting in sections behind the ride. There are still many unused footers, but a couple have the metal ancher on the top bent over. Maybe those are extra?

Knoebels also has some merchandise for sale for the ride such as water bottles and t-shirts.

I will have more photos included in my Trip Report which I will post very soon.

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I don't know if this has been talked about before, but doesn't it seem odd how much bare metal is being placed where (presumably) the riders heads go? Seems like a bad idea, IMO

I'm sure they'll make sure it's comforable when it's all done though, I just can't get over how odd the cars are. It was a lot easier when all you needed was a hollowed out toboggan and a seat belt.

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I don't know if this has been talked about before, but doesn't it seem odd how much bare metal is being placed where (presumably) the riders heads go? Seems like a bad idea, IMO

I'm sure they'll make sure it's comforable when it's all done though, I just can't get over how odd the cars are. It was a lot easier when all you needed was a hollowed out toboggan and a seat belt.


Well, I assume it's like a roll-cage however unnecessary that may be. In today's society many people could possibly be scared away if there were no roll bars present? Also I think they'd rather be safe than sorry since this is the first of this type of coaster in a long, long time.

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Man, this totally beats HRRRRRRR for being the most delayed coaster.

When it finally opens however, I'm sure it will be awesome. I've seen some videos of old Flying Turns coasters and they looked amazing, can't wait to finally have the chance to ride something like them.

I do hope they do something about the cages though, some padding would be nice.

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I love Knoebel's and everything, but the way they've handled this is a complete joke. I don't care how new of a ride it is, it doesn't take 3 years to finish one ride. They need to stop thinking they can do things themselves and hire a company that knows how to do things efficiently. They didn't even open Twister until July of '99...it's getting old.

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Sure it took them a while to open Twister, but it was well worth the wait, right? Why would this be any different? You have to realize that they weren't familiar with the ride. No one else is, either, so they would probably run into the same problems, or simply ignore them and open the ride...which could lead to far worse problems, most of which could lead to injury, and shutting down the ride. Knoebels wants to do this right.


That said, I do think it is odd for them to go without any improvements for extended periods of time. I've read that they essentially been waiting for the new trains to arrive, and in that time they were fine-tuning the ride. I can understand if they want the trains to be comfortable to ride in, but that's not what I'm getting at. How many months ago did they begin dismantling the transfer track? It's been gone for a few months, I think. Yet they haven't started the new one yet. What are they waiting for? This is an issue where the train probably doesn't matter, so I don't know why they've not started the new one, especially since they resolved more important issues, such as replacing the final trough with a flat curve, without the train.


On to the new prototype train...I think the padded seats will easily resolve the comfort issue. I like the design, and if it were me, that would be the design I'd go with.

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They always said "It will open when it opens." I'm sure the park is doing just fine business without the ride being open, and it's not like they've ever given an exact opening day and then taken it back. I'd say get over it, they don't owe you anything, and enjoy all of the other wonderful things there are to do at Knoebels already.

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I love Knoebel's and everything, but the way they've handled this is a complete joke. I don't care how new of a ride it is, it doesn't take 3 years to finish one ride. They need to stop thinking they can do things themselves and hire a company that knows how to do things efficiently. They didn't even open Twister until July of '99...it's getting old.


Name me one coaster company builds wooden flying turns. Heck, name me one that's built one in the last 70 years.



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I love Knoebel's and everything, but the way they've handled this is a complete joke. I don't care how new of a ride it is, it doesn't take 3 years to finish one ride. They need to stop thinking they can do things themselves and hire a company that knows how to do things efficiently. They didn't even open Twister until July of '99...it's getting old.


Name me one coaster company builds wooden flying turns. Heck, name me one that's built one in the last 70 years.




None, but at least hire a consultant or something instead of being so hard-headed.


I think we've all been patient enough now. Even though I live near the place and can go regardless of when it opens, it's still ridiculous. They couldn't even finish a traditional woodie on time...I think there comes a point where you need to realize you can't do everything yourself.


If they ever build the mountain woodie I've dreamed of for years I pray they hire GCI or Gravity Group, because if they don't it'll take 8 years to finish.

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Back when Twister was being built, Knoebels did try to get Mike Boodley and Clair Hain from GCI to help, but they were too busy.


I have been used to Flying Turns to be under construction and for some reason I like it like that because it is always interesting walking by it and seeing what they are working on each day I visit.

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Back when Twister was being built, Knoebels did try to get Mike Boodley and Clair Hain from GCI to help, but they were too busy.


I have been used to Flying Turns to be under construction and for some reason I like it like that because it is always interesting walking by it and seeing what they are working on each day I visit.


You must be seeing something I'm not, because every time I go there has been nothing. It just sits there while time is being wasted.


Maybe I'm a bit irrational, but it's been 3 years now. Time to actually become productive and finish the ride.

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This is the only car I found like this, but it was also hooked up to 2 other prototype trains with several others sitting inside the station. The welding cage around the seats are different than the others and this one has padded seats.


I do think that they are going to try to get it open for the Halloween events. They still need to add the transfer track back in which is sitting in sections behind the ride. There are still many unused footers, but a couple have the metal ancher on the top bent over. Maybe those are extra?

Knoebels also has some merchandise for sale for the ride such as water bottles and t-shirts.


I hate to break it to you, but none of this is new. That gray car has been around for a year or so, not always on the track though. Merchandise appeared in 2007 or maybe even 2006. The footers between the helix and the road, next to the Flyers, are left over from the first attempt at a storage track (I'm not sure why anyone thought this was a good idea); the set by the brake run are the new location for the storage track. (I'm not going to get worried by the lack of one unless they hold up the opening for it, since the original plan was to open with one train til the other two could be made.)


Was any track on-site yet for Kosmo's Kurves? The footers all appeared to be done three weeks ago, so I'm hoping they get it up soon.

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Flying Turns will "open when it opens".


Then everyone, that is bitching now, will start bitching about how long it is taking to open Black Diamond.


Yes, Knoebels' may have bitten off more than they can chew with this project, but I applaud them for even trying. I have patience and can certainly wait for completion. It's not like the world is going to end in 2012.


As others have said, Knoebels' business is not reliant on this coaster, they are doing fine. The coaster is not going to draw sifnificantly greater traffic and since there are no experts on this type of coaster out there I think spending money on consultants would be wasteful. John Fetterman is a smart guy, he will get this completed.

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Flying Turns will "open when it opens".


Then everyone, that is bitching now, will start bitching about how long it is taking to open Black Diamond.


Not really, as we know what we're getting with Black Diamond: a nice, tame, family borderline "coaster".


We don't know what FT is going to be like, we only have an idea based on the older models.


To me with the construction, they're saying "screw you paying guests, we'll leave the ride there and work at an intentionally slow pace for no apparent reason"

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To me with the construction, they're saying "screw you paying guests, we'll leave the ride there and work at an intentionally slow pace for no apparent reason"


This is beyond ridiculous. The park has never published an official opening date, not to mention the park is free to get in. It's not like people are just showing up and paying money to ride a ride that everyone knows isn't open. Nobody is getting screwed here.


That kind of attitude you just come across as really, really entitled and petty. Is the whole thing kinda crazy? Sure, but it was crazy from the very start. We should applaud for the park for even attempting such a project, and even if the project ultimately succeeds or fails the rest of the park is still 100% brilliant either way.

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