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2 odd coasters in Thailand....

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Wow, what a find. It's really crazy what kind of strange rides there are that we really have little knowledge about. I'm really curious as to how big the shuttle is. Is it just me or does it look to be like 200ft tall? That launch seems fairly short for such a height as well.

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Wow those things are messed up! I think that mini STE's tower is leaning to the right more than it should (not like it SHOULD lean in any direction). It also looks like the car's on both trains are pretty close to the same (except for the wheel assemblies). But yeah I would ABSOLUTLEY ride that mini STE, though I might crap my pants because of the lack of everything on the train!


Colin C

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We were just there!!!!! But nothing was running when we went! My wife and I travel a lot for our jobs and spent awhile in Thailand recently. Even if they were running, i am not sure we would of ridden them, some of the Thai laws are not exactly up to US standards. We will be going back soon and will check it out and see if its running this time, if it is, we will take some pics!

Here is a pic of an Elissa friendly place in Bangkok.


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We were just there!!!!! But nothing was running when we went! My wife and I travel a lot for our jobs and spent awhile in Thailand recently. Even if they were running, i am not sure we would of ridden them, some of the Thai laws are not exactly up to US standards. We will be going back soon and will check it out and see if its running this time, if it is, we will take some pics!

Here is a pic of an Elissa friendly place in Bangkok.

I've been to thailand before and I also have family there. there is alot of corruption going on in thailand

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Whoa, I don't know, that thing's either messed up or just frieking weird.


I think it'd be very safe to say that it looks to be a custom job or better yet made from a not very well known manufacturer. There are some key things to point out to tell that it's not an Intamin or S&S made ride:


-The track beams are of a different guage.

-Wheel assembly is different, as is the train.

-Braking system is different (be a big f*cking jolt on your neck)

-Seems to be pneumatically or hydraulicly launched, how this is a mystery.

-Seems to be braked by a now common electro magnet type braking system.


But that's really all I could pick up. Anyone else with some photos or useful information? This sort of stuff is really interesting!

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