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2 odd coasters in Thailand....

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Sorry to bring this thread back from the dead, but we are planning on going to Thailand in April and I hear Pattaya is doable as a day trip from Bangkok. I was wondering if anyone had any more info regarding this park and rides?


Also I have already been to Dreamworld so will give it a miss but I hear that siam park is getting 2 new coasters. Anyone any info on this?



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That launched coaster looks really cool. Judging from the launch track and the height of the tower, it must have a fairly fast launch to reach up that high. It probably pulls some serious G's. It would be cool if they made a WTF park. It would have all the weird not so normal rides we sometimes tend to find on rcdb when were bored.

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Heya, Having been to leoland (i took those photos actually) the leoland coaster does look good but unfortunatly as far as im aware its been shut since i was there in 2004.

It was built by what i think is an offshoot of pinfari

they have a site here



heres a shot during the construction of the mall


Anyhow dubaidave

The 2 new coasters for Siam Park are a boomerang and a custom SLC. they were first located at jerudong park in Brunei



The Custom SLC was known as Pusing Lagi and is a slightly modified version of the standard SLC.


There is also a clone of it at Suzhou Amusement Land in china http://rcdb.com/pd608.htm


There is a new park in bangkok in the form of "wonder world fun park"

The park has a sister coaster to the slalam down south and an interesting set of tower rides. unfortunatly the site is down at the moment (it was up last week)



This new park does have a hubless wheel which the coaster passes through


Pattaya is deffienetly doable in a day. although i say the best way to do it would be to book an overnight coach down from bangkok and one back. if you avoid the touts on the street and watch where the backpackers go you can probably grab one for as little as $7 each way. i used to go down to Krabi (which is much further south at about 14 hours) for about $10 a throw.


If you have a spare day "Leoland" at Central City Bangna Shopping Center is worth a visit for the water park on the roof of the shopping mall. And if their coaster is running then it looks pretty good. "Yoyo land" at the Seacon Square shopping center is one to miss though. Zoom is possibly the worst coaster ive ever been on lol. but if you want the credit

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