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Best Theme Park Food

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I'm on the verge of a new trip, as I've mentioned before, and I've been looking through this thread to see any mention of the parks I'm going to. I already know about Kennywood and their fries, of course.


Plus, it seems that Del Grossos makes good pizza, and other Italian fare, which is why I'm going there the same day I'm hitting Lakemont.


I love hearing that Idlewild makes gyros as well. The fact they serve Potato Patch fries too is very encouraging. I also remember that they gave Robb and the guys some good looking doughnuts when they visited on the Behemoth Bash trip . Do they serve those at the park, or was that a special treat for the visit?


Is there anything I should look out for at Waldameer Park, or is all their fare pretty standard?

Edited by Movieguy
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^ RE: Waldameer...pretty standard fare, although there is a Potato Patch over by the entrance to the water park. Not sure if they are quite as good as the one's at Kennywood, but they smelled pretty good when I walked past!

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Busch Gardens Williamsburg is my home park so I have to vote for them. I eat at Trapper's Smokehouse every time I go. When I used to work there, I would get over to the Three Rivers Smokehouse (that's what it used to be called) almost every night for dinner. Ristorante della Piazza has some fantastic Italian food and is really a can't miss. If I remember right, its all home-made right there. Having lived in Germany for 3 years, I can also vouch for the food in Das Festhaus. The sausages and german potato salad are pretty spot-on.


Maybe I didn't eat at the right places, but Walt Disney World's food didn't really impress me. We had some crap burgers in Hollywood Studios and EPCOT. The food at the Morocco pavilion was awful. We ate at the Rainforest Cafe in Animal Kingdom so that doesn't really count. We had some pretty mediocre fish and fries in Magic Kingdom. The quality never really matched the price.


We had some amazing food at The Three Broomsticks in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Islands of Adventure. My wife and daughter had huge chicken salads, my son had a a great turkey leg, and I had a fantastic plate of chicken, corn and potatoes.


But...hands-down THE best restaurant I've ever eaten at inside a theme park has to be Sharks Underwater Grill at Sea World Orlando. It was sooo expensive but very worth it. My wife had one of the best New York Strip Steaks ever. I had a perfectly grilled Alaskan Salmon steak and my kids shared delicious chicken pasta alfredo. If you can spare the money, it really can't be missed. Also, go there early in the day and reserve your seats right next to the shark tanks. It will be one of the most amazing dining experiences of your life!

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  • 4 months later...

Anyone have any real good food this summer at a park that they had not tried previously?


For me the cheese steak at Jumbo's at Morey's Piers was real good even though the wait time was horrendous. Also, had awesome Katsu Chicken/Pork Curry at many parks in Japan. Kijimi Kogen, Universal Japan and Mitsui Greenland stand out as exceptional. Also had great Shrimp Tempura at Nasu Highland.

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This summer, I experienced quite a bit of good park food. I experienced the pizza at Del Grossos, and I loved the sauce, which I just ordered another case of recently for our pasta dishes back home. I still like the pizza at Knoebels a little better though, because the crust on the Del Grossos pie was a little bit lacking for me.


At Lakemont, I tried a stack of millennium chips (They called them something else I can't remember), topped with all kinds of tasty, heart clogging stuff, and it was quite good, aside from maybe needing a little more salt.


Then I got to experience the phenomena known as the Potato Patch at Kennywood for the first time since 2005. Plus they had one at Idlewild, which made things doubly sweet. Something about those fries, the real bacon bits, and the cheese, that just keeps me coming back for more.


There wasn't really anything of note at Waldameer, though I thought their funnel cake was pretty good.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 8 months later...

Anyone want to add any new food items they tried? My highlights from 2012 were.


This past summer at Knoebels, I introduced some TPR members to Frozen Sweet Tea and Cheese on a Stick.

Potato Patch Fries (Bacon and Cheese) at Kennywood for the first time in years.

Dollywood's Cinnamon Bread

Beaver Tail at LaRonde

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WDW Hollywood Studios had some AMAZING pretzels. When handing over the money I was told "No, it's ok - Mickey is paying for it today" by the worker... which I was shocked about. Very very generous. Does this happen a lot?


Also, the Rose and Crown pub at Epcot had a great fish and chips. I've ate there a few times and always enjoy going back especially when eating in front of the fireworks.

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Knoebels' food is always awesome, as is BGW's. The all-you-can-eat buffet at BGW isn't actually that expensive, and the food is pretty good. If there aren't a lot of people in your group, it isn't much of a wallet-breaker. Plus, it's fun spraying people on the neighboring rapids ride between plates!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Best overall park food: Knoebels. The pizza, chicken fries, tri-taters, the ice cream (hard and soft), pork BBQ...I could go on and on, but trust me, the food here rules, and it's pretty damn cheap too.


Best Restaurant Inside A Park: Mythos - Could easily compete with any place out on Citywalk. So looking forward to my meal there soon!


I agree that WDW has good food. Except the stuffed baked potato at The Land food court. That was horrid! I'll have to try some places in the World Showcase, as the only places I've been to are Japan (which kicked A$$) and France (where we just had bread and cheese). Any suggestions? dt

yeah dude its overall good keep it for sharing such a nice info...it should be share around the web.

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^The corn dogs from that wagon on Main Street are excellent. If you're craving corn dogs at Busch Gardens Williamsburg, get them at Pigs in a Kilt in Scotland, where they fry them up fresh.

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Disney has come a long way in their food offerings. I remember back when I was in high school in the 1970s that outside of the French Market or the Blue Bayou, DL's food was pretty much "meh," at best.

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Disney has come a long way in their food offerings. I remember back when I was in high school in the 1970s that outside of the French Market or the Blue Bayou, DL's food was pretty much "meh," at best.


I think the Blue Bayou had the best food I've ever had in a theme park. Expensive, but totally worth it at least once!

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