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Whats The Weather Like Where You Live?

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  • 2 weeks later...

^ That looks beautiful!


I wish I had my camera back from the repair shop. This is nuts out here right now!

Some beautiful shots i could take from our upper house level.


I believe this probably combines the snowfalls of the last three winters! Beautiful, yet

totally freeking all the drivers out who don't have snow tires on.


And it hasn't really gone down into a real FREEZE yet. Fun, fun, fun.

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With all the bugs eating my garden this past summer due to 2016's ridiculously warm winter, I would absolutely love for a good deep freeze to kill them all off. Then maybe we'd get to eat more than 3 tomatoes next year.


Okay, that's an exaggeration...but not by much.

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Home -> sunny but a bit cold

School -> underneath the fog and cold!

Why it is like that? It is because my Hometown has an elevation of 900 meters over the sea, while ths school is only about 450 meters over the sea and in autumn/winter the fog is mostly around 600-800 meters over the sea!

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WOW! We got an overnight snowfall that's still coming down as I post this.


What I see from my computer desk, towards our back yard.


Without the window in the way.



Where'd the sidewalks go?


Just beautiful.


Looking outside the front window.

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Six years in a row without snow on Christmas now. In fact, we've only had snow on Christmas eight times in the last 30 years. I don't know how often we've had rain on Christmas during that period, but it has probably been more than eight...

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