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Fuji-Q Highlands Discussion Thread

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I think that I too pointed it out in my description. I wasn't sure exactly how it was going to be done, but I figured that a full backflip was in there somewhere. I didn't see a whole lot of the overbanked turn in the video though. Plus, it looks like the give you a face full of the catwalk during the brake run. Can any of our Japanesse speakers elaborate on all that text we see going by in the video?


EDIT: I just noticed the Guiness World Record certificate on the site. I couldn't imagine what record this ride could be holding, but if you read it carefully, it says it has the most inversions... 14! I'm gonna have to sit down and think about that one...

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I would agree with the other post in that I don't think the ride has a MCBR, but that platform is (taking a lesson learned from X..lol) designed for an evacuation/unloading area in the even the ride does 'valley'.

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I know this isn't exactly on topic, please forgive my ignorance...


But is there any recent word on when the TPR trip to Japan might take place? I know the Alveys are still busy with the UK trip, but I'm 100% going to go on the Japan trip... just wanted to know when abouts it might be...


From what the UK tourers have been told, (my understanding) Robb & Elissa 'will most likely' announce the (rough) dates of a Japan TPR Tour near the end of the UK Tour.


So that means, you only have to wait until.... June 19th?


Patience, patience.

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Let's see, 14 inversions.


Inversions and flips...

1. (1) after lift before drop/completes mid-way through inside raven turn

2. (1) at the top of the inside raven turn.

3. (.5) from the track inverting in the inside raven turn.

4. (1) during the full-full

5. (1) from the track inverting in the full-full

6. (.5) during the half-half

7. (.5) from the track inverting in the half-half

8. (.5) from the track inverting in the outside raven turn.

9. (.5) during the half-half

10. (.5) from the track inverting in the half-half


7 inversions ?


From the video, I came up with this inversion timeline. Even if the count everything as a whole, I only see 10 inversions. If anyone has any other info, please post.

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How many inversions, counting the seat flips does X have? I would imagine Eejanaika would have at least one more inversion because the full-full should be counted as two inversions (when counted this way) compared to X's half-half which equals one inversion.

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Let's see, 14 inversions.


Inversions and flips...

1. (1) after lift before drop/completes mid-way through inside raven turn

2. (1) at the top of the inside raven turn.

3. (.5) from the track inverting in the inside raven turn.

4. (1) during the full-full

5. (1) from the track inverting in the full-full6. (.5) during the half-half

7. (.5) from the track inverting in the half-half

8. (.5) from the track inverting in the outside raven turn.

9. (.5) during the half-half

10. (.5) from the track inverting in the half-half


7 inversions ?


From the video, I came up with this inversion timeline. Even if the count everything as a whole, I only see 10 inversions. If anyone has any other info, please post.


That's where the two inversions are on the full-full. I don't know where any other inversions could be?

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Well Guiness is wrong again. First with Kingda Ka 418 feet high and now with Ejanaika having 14 inversions.
Sure, the screwed up Kingda Ka, but that doesnt mean they've made a mistake with Eejanaikakakakaka. Just because we can't work out where the supposed 14 inversions go, doesn't mean Eejanaikakakakaka wont have 14 inversions.
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Excuse me if I'm ignorant, but I always thought that the number of inversions on a coaster is defined by the motions of the track, not of the cars. I mean...X isn't advertised as having 10 inversions or however many it would have if they counted them the way Eejanika's are counted apparently.


If that's really what the record is, it's complete BS if you ask me...I would think it would get the record for tallest looping coaster though, since it's 262' tall.

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There counted that way for advertising...


The 4D's are a strange thing, An inversion is a place where the track is banked at 160 or more(180 is a full inversion in my books)

Alot of people will say it's only an inversion if the car is upside-down...

The 4-D combines this, so I guess it's fair to say an inversion on a 4-D is where both the track and the trains are 180 upside-down at anypoint during the ride.



-Inside Raven

-Entrance an exit of Full-Full because it turns right-side-up for a bit(not sure if the seats flip, I think they do, and you end facing backwards, while the train goes forwards...)

-They could count the overbank as extremely overbanked(right-side-up), and count the exit and entrance as two seperate inversions due to the extreme banking.

-Twice on the outside raven, once for the flipping of seats, and the second of the track going upside-down.


Even then, I only count 8.

With just the track going inverted it's 4.

With the seats, only where you are technically upside-down: 2.5(.5 because the Full-Full turns you almost upside-down, enought to count as .5)

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This might be a stupid thought, but its a thought...


What if it keeps flipping in that first raven. You know how on X, you remain in the lying position throughout the whole raven. Well this raven is very awkwardly shaped. It sort of turns 150 degrees, then straightens out, then turns another 90, then straightens out again, then plummets back down.


Perhaps it is awkwardly shaped because the trains dont simply remain in the flying position, but rather continue flipping forward, doing one front flip at the top of the raven.



At least it was a thought.



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If anyone has any other info, please post.


1. (1) Vehicles spin 360º durin the drop

2. (.5) Inside Raven Turn

3. (1) Vehicles spin 360º at the top of the Inside Raven Turn

4. (1) Zero-G Roll

5. (1) Vehicles spin 360º during the Zero-G Roll

6. (.5) Fly To Lie

7. (.5) Vehicles spin 180º during the Fly To Lie

8. (.5) Outside Raven Turn

9. (.5) Vehicles spin 180º during the Outside Raven Turn-

10. (.5) Lie To Fly

11. (.5) TercVehicles spin 180º during the Lie To Fly






Inside Raven Turn (.5)

Zero-G Roll (1)

Fly To Lie (.5)

Outside Raven Turn (.5)

Lie To Fly (.5)

Total: 3 Inversions.


I can account 11 inversions, mmm... posibily 13, please Visit http://www.montanarusa.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=514

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