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Fuji-Q Highlands Discussion Thread

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The Japan 4d train was at magic about 2 weeks ago testing on X. From reports of some people, the trains did really s*****.

Really? That's not what I heard at all. I can't go into details, but I didn't hear about the entire train actually being on site. Parts, maybe, but not a train.



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I can't imagine there is a lot of love between S&S/Arrow and SFMM with all the legal battling that went on over X so it seems a little odd that they would be testing new hardware cooperatively. But then again if this is true and design improvements are out there what's good for the Fuji Q 4D could be good for X.

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I can't imagine there is a lot of love between S&S/Arrow and SFMM with all the legal battling that went on over X so it seems a little odd that they would be testing new hardware cooperatively. But then again if this is true and design improvements are out there what's good for the Fuji Q 4D could be good for X.


SFMM and S&S have a good relationship seeing as how they are rehabbing one of X's trains.

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I don't think that SFMM will get any negative effects from having another 4D halfway across the world!!! The fact is, 99% of the people that go to SFMM will never even have heard there's another one, let alone go and ride it!


99% of the people that go to SFMM probably haven't even heard of Japan..

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^just because they are doing rehabs doesn't mean that they have a good relationship.



I just can't wait to see the layout!

S&S is a different company from the former Arrow. Plus I think all S&S bought from Arrow were the designs, and the rights to the 4D coaster. Besides, its not that SFMM would have anything against arrow, its just that they didn't deliver a quality product, and in retrun it cost them millions just to try and fix. If anything, it would just be that one ride in particular.

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I think there's just a LITTLE more to the fourth dimensional coaster story than that, but let's just say SFMM pushed Arrow a little too far a little too fast for development and things basically hit the fan real quick. When that happened, Arrow, for the second time in its life filed for bankrupcy but before that could happen S&S bought them out.


In case some of you don't already know, there's hundreds of Arrow rides around the world and they all still need spare parts. Bearing that in mind, it's a great idea to tap into a market that could've died so easily just like how Arrow did. On top of that, S&S took over development as far as I know and basically said "you're S&S now, all your base belong to us" and they now do S&S attractions only... up until now I suppose though. I think it'd be a wise business idea to maybe not chuck out blueprints to a revolutionary type of roller-coaster huh?


Look forward to seeing some more photos!

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^ me to. As an Australian, its good having an amazing coaster nearby (well, i hope its amazing)


Parking lot coaster?


Not really. It is going in the area previously occupied by Double Loop, a Meisho that had trees and whatnot in it's interior. This one has a bigger footprint and extends slightly into the employee lot. Even if there is zero theming, this park will at least place sod and trees around the ride. Fujiyama was also placed in the main parking lot, but it has recieved landscaping immediately after completion.


Chris B


And Chris, i think that was a bit of a joke

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Wow! I hope S&S Doesn't cease to fix all the arrow coasters out there..!


That's pretty much the whole reason S&S aquired Arrow, for their lucritive parts and matainence catalog.


And don't worry, it took some time but I made the transition from ADD/RADP Pinhat wearing Disneyland Goon to full-fledged coaster tool. It was pretty painful and I have some scars but I do get to go to a lot more parks now!


Just trade in your pin vest for a patch jacket and join the fun!


-Don "No longer just 'DCADon'"

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We also have Morgan to make hypers like Magnum XL-200.


I'll be most likely taking a trip to Japan to meet my grandmother half-way and bring her back. But we'll be going earlier, so that we can visit LaQua(Thunder Dolphin), Nagashima Spaland (Steel Dragon[if it opens] and Ultra Twister[sFoT didn't get it, SFFT didn't either, Astroworld has to give it] , and Fujikyu Highlands(Dodonpa and "SUrPriSe"). The trip is already upsetting because Steel Dragon is still expected to be closed. If this "surprise" isn't a 4-D Coaster, then the trip will be ruined again.

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