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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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  On 8/30/2023 at 7:14 PM, liltrekkie said:

Going in Dragon Wings old spot makes a ton of sense. It'll fill that section of the park nicely. 


But that still leaves the spot by tidal wave, and really that whole section of park, incredibly empty and neglected.


It will take the next decade but they will get there now they got that side pretty well done up besides everyone's favorite topic, Boss.

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  On 8/30/2023 at 7:14 PM, liltrekkie said:

Going in Dragon Wings old spot makes a ton of sense. It'll fill that section of the park nicely. 


But that still leaves the spot by tidal wave, and really that whole section of park, incredibly empty and neglected.


Well if that's where it is going I guess this works then?


The ride support structure is 75ftx100ft and it swings out an additional 50ft each on the long sides (total 75ftx200ft). They could use this arcade for the queue rather than Axis or obviously build new buildings.



Edit: An easy retheme for Joker would be just name it Riddler. No need to change the color. Slap some question mark decals on there. Remove the face that already is nearly disappeared and call it a day.

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Having just ridden Wonder Woman at Great Adventure a few days ago, this is a great addition.  My only complaint is the hard plastic molded seats that are not nice to my butt.  Once it gets moving, though, it isn't a problem.  They're tons of fun and pull some nice Gs at the base, plus the floater air is incredible once it gets to height.

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  On 8/30/2023 at 9:10 PM, Danrarbc said:

Well if that's where it is going I guess this works then?


The ride support structure is 75ftx100ft and it swings out an additional 50ft each on the long sides (total 75ftx200ft). They could use this arcade for the queue rather than Axis or obviously build new buildings.



Edit: An easy retheme for Joker would be just name it Riddler. No need to change the color. Slap some question mark decals on there. Remove the face that already is nearly disappeared and call it a day.


I have to admit, the thought of it swinging over the lagoon is absolutely thrilling to me. It would be a lovely view. 

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  On 8/31/2023 at 11:59 AM, liltrekkie said:

I have to admit, the thought of it swinging over the lagoon is absolutely thrilling to me. It would be a lovely view. 


There'd be a lot of room to play with orientation within that plot of land but the general placement that I chose there makes for an impressive sight walking the midway from Pandemonium to the games, while swinging towards the lagoon. You'd be able to see it right in front of you swinging above the 'arcade' building. It could be pushed a good 25ft closer to the railroad track without changing this framing I just did a quick and dirty fit check.

The angle would look about like this walking this direction.Britania.thumb.jpg.b78531d4700ed9f7fe99d4f76230ef42.jpg

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  On 8/29/2023 at 5:47 PM, Danrarbc said:

The app has a slightly different description. It mentions a themed queue.


The one at Fiesta Texas has the same name and a themed queue.

Knowing the Six Flags web team, it's very likely that they just copied and pasted this description from that one. It may have a themed queue or it may not.

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  On 8/31/2023 at 2:55 PM, coasterbill said:

The one at Fiesta Texas has the same name and a themed queue.

Knowing the Six Flags web team, it's very likely that they just copied and pasted this description from that one. It may have a themed queue or it may not.


The copy is not the same on the Fiesta Texas website or app description though.

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  On 8/31/2023 at 2:06 PM, Danrarbc said:

There'd be a lot of room to play with orientation within that plot of land but the general placement that I chose there makes for an impressive sight walking the midway from Pandemonium to the games, while swinging towards the lagoon.


Also would make a wonder to the skyline since it would be sitting up higher than the front of the park on the hill added to its already tall height.

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  On 9/3/2023 at 2:35 AM, Sportsdude360 said:

This looks to be identical to the one at SFFT.


I imagine it's exactly the same ride, just different paint. Six flags has a history of buying multiple of the same ride and spreading them out over their parks over 2-3 years. Maybe they get a discount buying in bulk or something. 

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  On 9/3/2023 at 2:35 AM, Sportsdude360 said:

This looks to be identical to the one at SFFT.


Six Flags Over Texas has the Giant Discovery model, St. Louis is getting the Giga Discovery which is 25 feet taller than the Giant version. St. Louis will have the same as Great Adventure, Fiesta Texas, Magic Mountain, Mexico, and soon to be Great America.

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I am surprised we got the Giga version of this ride.  Seems too grandiose for St Louis.

Especially when you look at Catwoman Whip's riders per hour.  It's one extreme to another.

Just another reason to think the folk's making the decisions really don't pay attention to what they are doing for SFSTL.

We are just an afterthought.

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  On 9/4/2023 at 12:34 PM, castaway_kid said:

Six Flags Over Texas has the Giant Discovery model, St. Louis is getting the Giga Discovery which is 25 feet taller than the Giant version. St. Louis will have the same as Great Adventure, Fiesta Texas, Magic Mountain, Mexico, and soon to be Great America.


SFFT = Six Flags Fiesta Texas.  SFOT = Six Flags Over Texas.

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  On 9/4/2023 at 12:34 PM, castaway_kid said:

Six Flags Over Texas has the Giant Discovery model, St. Louis is getting the Giga Discovery which is 25 feet taller than the Giant version. St. Louis will have the same as Great Adventure, Fiesta Texas, Magic Mountain, Mexico, and soon to be Great America.


I'm still ticked off that Great America is getting an original name for theirs and that name ISN'T Sky Whirl.

It should totally be called Sky Whirl.

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  On 9/8/2023 at 7:45 PM, RSHSLax said:

Can anyone explain how preferred parking works? I bought the 2024 Diamond Pass but I can't find any additional information about how to use it. 


at the entry/parking gate they'll give you a paper tag when they scan your diamond pass, and then you just go to where the preferred parking is.  (it's a marked section of the lot, and there will be signs up).


personally, I never use Preferred at my home park (Fiesta Tx). . I've always managed to find closer places to park in the general parking

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