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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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Dollars and cents. Don't be naive.


Your posts about the themeing have no cause. You're just bitching about what everyone else already knows and you refuse to accept the way things are and focus on the positive. Everyone has a right to complain, but you're just ranting. It serves no purpose.

I mean I'm really just trying to have a conversation about it. Just because it's been talked about before doesn't mean I can't talk about it? I get that it seems bitchy, (sorry) but it's something that not only I care about. That being said, I know I'm in the minority. I actually do appreciate a lot of what the park does, and I apologize for not talking about those aspects.

Oh, and don't bother posting the results of the survey you just put up on Instagram on here. You have maybe 25 active followers vs a Guest Satisfaction Survey that has thousands of peoples opinions. Your not going to prove any point with that small of a sample size.

I wasn't planning on it. I do surveys like that all the time. And 25 active followers? You clearly haven't been following me for that long. I don't know why you keep mentioning my page though, it's really besides the point.

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I don’t think anyone likes the way Six Flags does theming, but you are just beating a dead horse here.


What I was told by a manager at the park is the reason Supergirl’s placement is two-fold. Getting a new attraction is the only way to get funds from cooperate to improve an area of the park. Sucks that they “improved” it like so, but the real smoking gun here is actually DC. They are extremely controlling on how their intellectual property is represented in the parks: down to the colors for the area, the overall appearance, and even wether or not an “‘s” can be used after the name in possessive cases (See: Riddler’s Revenge vs Riddler Revenge). What’s worse is that their standards change so frequently that the JL area of the park is already out of code, and so to have installed a new DC ride would have meant major detail changes in the area.

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I don’t think anyone likes the way Six Flags does theming, but you are just beating a dead horse here.


What I was told by a manager at the park is the reason Supergirl’s placement is two-fold. Getting a new attraction is the only way to get funds from cooperate to improve an area of the park. Sucks that they “improved” it like so, but the real smoking gun here is actually DC. They are extremely controlling on how their intellectual property is represented in the parks: down to the colors for the area, the overall appearance, and even wether or not an “‘s” can be used after the name in possessive cases (See: Riddler’s Revenge vs Riddler Revenge). What’s worse is that their standards change so frequently that the JL area of the park is already out of code, and so to have installed a new DC ride would have meant major detail changes in the area.

I knew that DC was very strict with their IP, but that's ridiculous. DC was also the reason why they stopped doing super hero meet and greets regularly, because they wanted to approve their own actors to fit the roles. They even fly the actors out to the parks just to make appearances. I don't remember if that's been discussed here before. So that Supergirl that was at the park today is likely the same one they used for the Justice League opening ceremonies.

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Oh and while we're on the topic of Supergirl, the ride closed multiple times today after having malfunctions with riders onboard. So after a failed member preview, it's still having issues. Someone I know that was on the ride said that it was perfectly fine, but then the ride began to lower down like normal, before shaking violently and stopping mid-air. After being let off, the guests that had that experience were supposedly just given exit passes. Then they tested the ride, reopened it, and had the same issue at least two more times. I wonder if there's some kind of defect?


One of the passes that was given to a guest that was stuck on the ride

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Oh and while we're on the topic of Supergirl, the ride closed multiple times today after having malfunctions with riders onboard. So after a failed member preview, it's still having issues. Someone I know that was on the ride said that it was perfectly fine, but then the ride began to lower down like normal, before shaking violently and stopping mid-air. After being let off, the guests that had that experience were supposedly just given exit passes. Then they tested the ride, reopened it, and had the same issue at least two more times. I wonder if there's some kind of defect?


eh. . it's a brand new ride (and a version that is the 1st a Six Flags has installed). it's gonna have issues.

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You act like this park under original Six Flags and Warner Bros. didn't do things like put the Moon Cars and Log Flume in the Spain section, you know, themed for Spain's burgeoning automotive and timber industries.


Look, if people were telling the park they wanted highly themed areas, they'd do it. The guests are saying we don't really care about it, so the park doesn't really care about it. I'd say that meets the definition of being responsive to guest concerns.

The moon cars were actually part of the Missouri section if I remember correctly, but you've got a point with the log flume. I mean they weren't going for 100% historical accuracy, but it was still cool because Angus Wynne wanted you to feel like you'd stepped into another part of the world that you've never been to before. If guests don't want that now, then so be it. But that's a shame.

You're right about the Moon Cars. The original entrance was where the picnic pavilion entrance is now. I found an old map on the Internet (because looking for it was way more fun than arguing about theming at a Six Flags park, because honestly stabbing my hand with a knife is more fun that arguing about theming at a Six Flags park), and it shows the original layout and entrance. Enjoy!



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You're right about the Moon Cars. The original entrance was where the picnic pavilion entrance is now. I found an old map on the Internet (because looking for it was way more fun than arguing about theming at a Six Flags park, because honestly stabbing my hand with a knife is more fun that arguing about theming at a Six Flags park), and it shows the original layout and entrance. Enjoy!

Thanks. I very much agree though, I never intended to start an argument in this forum again. So yeah, sorry about that

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The original layout for the antique cars was so nice. I know it has been mentioned several times here, but I do hope at sometime in the future they give a better layout for the antique cars. There are several areas in the park that would work perfectly.

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Vonni I agree with you about the antique cars. I know it sounds a little hokey but we were just at Coasterstock at King's Island where they have just refurbished their antique cars and we actually had a lot of fun riding them on a break from the coasters. It was set up very old road trip USA and totally nostalgic.


As far as Supergirl going down, new rides are always ripe for problems, that's not exactly unusual. But I can report from a newly minted ride op that lives in my house and was working at a nearby attraction that at one point they had to close Supergirl because the ride ops crew had gone several hours without any break and they used the downtime to train a second crew. Apparently it was quite popular all day, so lots of interest in the new ride.

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We like antique cars too, Kim. They're classic rides that have kind of a 'fun for all ages' appeal. At this point, I don't think our Antique Cars will ever change. I know at first everyone was happy to at least have some form of the ride in operation, but now I don't think many people seem to care about them at all. I forget they're even there. KI did it right, as per usual. I'm a big fan of KI and an even bigger fan after they brought back their antique cars.


I've always been on the fence and had trouble deciding if KI was my favorite park, including convenience of a weekend trip, their haunt, their best bang for the buck FL pass, and of course their ride/coaster offerings. Emily feels the same way. Next year it will be the clear winner for me. But, I'm think we're skipping it this year so we don't get burned out from going a couple times each season. That is, unless we can't get pregnant between August and The Haunt, which will be more likely than not the case.


Back to SFSTL...

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We like antique cars too, Kim. They're classic rides that have kind of a 'fun for all ages' appeal. At this point, I don't think our Antique Cars will ever change. I know at first everyone was happy to at least have some form of the ride in operation, but now I don't think many people seem to care about them at all. I forget they're even there. KI did it right, as per usual. I'm a big fan of KI and an even bigger fan after they brought back their antique cars.


I've always been on the fence and had trouble deciding if KI was my favorite park, including convenience of a weekend trip, their haunt, their best bang for the buck FL pass, and of course their ride/coaster offerings. Emily feels the same way. Next year it will be the clear winner for me. But, I'm think we're skipping it this year so we don't get burned out from going a couple times each season. That is, unless we can't get pregnant between August and The Haunt, which will be more likely than not the case.


Back to SFSTL...

Don’t forget for us St. Louis people, going to KI means passing HW and KK.


And soon as they get that giga next year — a GIGA within reasonable driving distance from STL? Whew.

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Yeah, we really enjoyed KI, I wish SF would get a little better food options like the CF parks have. But it is what it is.


I promised some friends we would go with them to HW this summer and I think we will add a day and go by KK as well since we have never taken the time to do that one.


By the way there is somehow a rumor circulating amongst the gp that SFStl is getting a "BIG NEW RIDE". Several people here at work have asked me about it, knowing that we are enthusiasts; as well as the guy at the bank when we were setting up the boy's new account. Not sure where that came from.

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By the way there is somehow a rumor circulating amongst the gp that SFStl is getting a "BIG NEW RIDE". Several people here at work have asked me about it, knowing that we are enthusiasts; as well as the guy at the bank when we were setting up the boy's new account. Not sure where that came from.


I have been hearing the same rumor since 2010 (haha) ... I wouldn't hold your breathe or get your hopes up.

Our Moon Cars are a joke, almost best to remove the ride and safe the Gas money.

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Oh I know the rumor has been around for awhile and of course know better than to assume any part of it is true. I was just surprised at how many people that I have never discussed the issue with have suddenly come up to me asking if I "know anything?"

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I heard from a Mooseburger cashier's 3rd cousin twice-removed that a Mack giga is coming in 2020. But the funnel cake guy's grandpa says it is a Vekoma giga with inversions. Screamscape is totally writing an article about the debate now.

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