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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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Regarding JLBM: The ride is becoming much, much more reliable. Saturday was overall a fantastic day for the ride, in terms of downtime. Having a full week off really helped, and this trend should continue (including enhancements like having eight ride vehicles at a time hopefully soon). Hopefully Marvin the Martian will also be back in action soon.


Agreed, the first go around it broke down but maintenance was right there and it was running a minute later. Near the end of the day there was a screen issue. The ride both times as far as I could tell was operating flawlessly when I actually rode it.

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According to Screamscape, on of the trains from SFDK Roar has arrived at SFStL to be used for spare parts for American Thunder. The other train is expected to go to SFMM to be used for Apocalypse. I was really surprised to hear this as I was sure the trains would go to SFA to be used on their identical Roar.


Edit: I guess there is the possibility that SFA Roar could be on tap for an RMC conversion for 2017.....

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Don't hold your breath. New for 2016, probably some lame parade and a children's flat.


I've been around long enough to know better

Ugh okay....there has been a couple users speculating if I really know what is being added in 2016. The answer is yes. I know the big picture even though some details are a bit vague & sketchy. I guess I'll just save you all the time and give it away (or at least part of it) right now.


We all know that SFSL has really gone big with the "Coaster Capital of Missouri" thing since 2013. With that being established, you can bet that the park will never have any less than nine coasters, because going backwards wouldn't reflect well on the coaster capital slogan, right?


So if the park does get rid of the Ninja at some point, either a new coaster needs to be introduced either the following year or the year before. So if you're still following me, look at the park as a whole. Now once you've done that, consider this:


What if corporate doesn't want to install a new coaster the year before or the year of Ninja's demise.


Well, as you can imagine, that leaves the marketing department in a tough spot. But don't fear, as tough spots are the places in which marketing departments can shine the brightest. What does this mean for the park? (Don't worry, that question is rhetorical, as I'm about to tell you.)


It means a brand spanking new slogan! One that not only matches but exceeds the Coaster Capital of Misery...err...Missouri.


In 2016, Six Flags St. Louis will open a new (or refurbish an existing) store...*cough* Colossal Closeouts *cough*. This store will still sell souvenirs, but it will be a bit specialized. It will be home of the largest selection of drink coasters that feature different rides in the park. This will give birth to the new slogan... The Coaster Coaster Capital of Missouri!


Considering there is going to be a "huge announcement" of something "unbelievable" certainly this is our year for a hyper!


Right Prozach?



Prozach, may I suggest a possible switch to lexapro or zoloft? I'm not sure if the prozac is working too well for you.





Been gone for a few weeks, but dammit, HW, this had me literally laughing out loud. Thanks for that.

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^ I'm glad you appreciated my long-winded tease. One clue that I will give you about the new investment is that you could say it's a fire hazard...


Anyone know why?


EDIT: I also forgot to mention that the train should be fully made up of refurbished cars this weekend. One thing that really stands out is the two toned roof. Seriously, it looks really sharp. In less glamorous news, you can all ooooh and ahhhhh over the freshly sealed asphalt in DC Comics plaza this weekend.

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^ I'm glad you appreciated my long-winded tease. One clue that I will give you about the new investment is that you could say it's a fire hazard...


Anyone know why?


Well that doesn't sound like a Hurricane Harbor investment....so it sounds like the investment will be inside the theme park..

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^ I'm glad you appreciated my long-winded tease. One clue that I will give you about the new investment is that you could say it's a fire hazard...


Anyone know why?


Well that doesn't sound like a Hurricane Harbor investment....so it sounds like the investment will be inside the theme park..


Well, that depends... A waterslide would be a hazard to a fire!

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Larson Superloop confirmed: Named St.Louis Fireball. Located next to Tidal Wave.


IF that were true.... there's not really a lot of room over there



Lol what do you mean? That is where the majority of the free space in the park is! Huge acres of expansion to be exact.

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^ When I was there on Monday it looked like it still had the lights for the jack 'o lantern up. Of course it wasn't lit, but just an observation I made.

Actually both the regular white lights and Fright Fest orange lights stay on Colossus all year long. That is one of the nice parts of having the new, longer lasting LED lights. Without it, it would be a LOT harder to do the lights in terms of taking them down and putting them up each year.


I had noticed the clock program hasn't been on for a while now. (During the 55 hour weeks, it seemed like the giant clock was almost mocking me as I left each night, counting down my hours of sleep.) I will go ahead and look into it tomorrow and report back.



Did you find anything out on this?



guess no one at the park is willing to answer you on this??


HW-I guess this one won't get answered?

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All of them (well, most of them) were good guesses but no. It's a fire hazard because if I say what it is, I'll get fired!


(Feel free to set up a "I Hate HWFan" Facebook page after that one, because I definitely deserve it.)

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Miami Heat themed gift shop?


"Los Heat"

Two "Heat" related Teases. So no HH addition this year? The only rides that SF has themed to fire or heat in the past few years has been the Super Loopers... So realistically I would look to that.

Feel free to correct my if there are other Fire or Heat themed Rides at SF Parks. And I mean "Themed" Lightly.

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I'm still leaning toward a HH addition. The teasing involving heat makes perfect sense. You enjoy a water park in the heat. Water parks don't open until its hot. Beat the heat with our new in 2016!

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