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Steel Dragon 2000 could be scrapped!!!

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I heard the wheel flew off, and then the wheel grew legs and a mouth, and then the wheel ate five children, and then Godzilla came and breathed fire onto the broken train, and everyone was burned alive, but then Ultra-Man came, and threw the train into the ocean, but the Loch Ness Monster was in there, so he ate everybody. Then Godzilla, the Loch Ness Monster, and the wheel had a civil union marriage, and moved to Prague, where they run an internet fan site for Diet Dr. Pepper.


Well at least thats what the news said


LMAO!!!! Sounds like something Peter Griffin would say in Family Guy!!! I can hear him now saying all that!!!

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I heard the wheel flew off, and then the wheel grew legs and a mouth, and then the wheel ate five children, and then Godzilla came and breathed fire onto the broken train, and everyone was burned alive, but then Ultra-Man came, and threw the train into the ocean, but the Loch Ness Monster was in there, so he ate everybody. Then Godzilla, the Loch Ness Monster, and the wheel had a civil union marriage, and moved to Prague, where they run an internet fan site for Diet Dr. Pepper.


Well at least thats what the news said


damn it, the news said the wheel flew off, and then the wheel grew legs and a mouth, and then the wheel ate five children, and then Godzilla came and breathed fire onto the broken train, and everyone was burned alive, but then Ultra-Man came, and threw the train into the ocean, but the Loch Ness Monster was in there, so he ate everybody. Then Godzilla, the Loch Ness Monster, and the wheel had a civil union marriage, and moved to Prague, where they run an internet fan site for Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper!

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What I heard about SD2K is this:


The coaster being closed has nothing to do with money, bad luck, or lawsuits, but rather that the park would wait until its contract with Morgan has expired. The Japanese are very careful and precise people, and after the accident they do not trust Morgan, more or less. They are going to wait until the contract is up and then they are going to have another company come in and fix and modify whatever is necessary. Nothing that I have heard would make me believe that Nagashima Spaland would tear down that coaster. It is simply just a time issue.

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Coasterzak, I've heard pretty much the same thing. Here is what I posted on RRC:


>From what I've gathered, and granted, my 'sources' aren't that good...


The Japanese Govt. will not let Morgan fix the trains. Knowing a bit

about culture and what not, the Japanese culture is very supersticious

(SP?). When Steel Dragon had the problem, the Government wouldn't

approve Morgan fixing it, since they were the ones that built it and it

was apparently a fabrication/construction of the rolling stock problem

that caused the issue in the first place.


There is some contract in place that runs out at the end of 2005. When

that apparent contract runs out, someone else can be commissioned to

build/fix the rolling stock. I don't know if the contract is between

Morgan and the Park, Morgan and the supposed 'owner' of the coaster

(have to say, I hadn't heard that before, though I'm not going to

dispute what I don't know about), or whom, but I would venture a guess

that it was some type of warranty contract or some such, but again, I

have no clue.


I had heard that Next year (or 2007) would be the year that the coaster

could re-open, and when I mentioned that *elsewheres*, a couple people

that either went to Japan on their own or went on the ACE/ECC trip

semi-confirmed what I had heard (and I hadn't mentioned what I had been told in the first place).


So who knows. Perhaps what I've been told is true, perhaps it isn't.

There were rumblings before that it would be scrapped, but I wonder if

this is a case of 'too expensive' to tear down. It has sat there for a

couple years, and they've obviously not went about preparing to tear it

down up to this point, which leads me to believe that what I've been

told could be true.


Either way, if it opens, I'm hoping sooner rather than 2007. Otherwise, I won't get my credit in September.

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Ummm. yeah, no. It's Japan. They don't want to open it back up because it's bad luck. They are VERY superstitious.


ie MGM Grand....






ouch... what a fire.

It's weird walking into Bally's now and seeing the exact same place.


I think he was referring to the redesign of the entrance at the new MGM. The lion head represents some form of bad luck for them so they wouldn't go inside.


My Grandmother was Buddhist, so my Mom used to hold me to a lot of strange superstitions

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Fences were up all around the entrance



Wow, I must be really tired...I had to doubletake 'cause I thought you said "feces."


Having never ridden it before, it may be unfair for me to judge it by looks, but it LOOKS boring. I bet more Japanese people have ridden MF than SD2000. Irony, anyone

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Fences were up all around the entrance



I wouldn't call those little barriers, fences.

I actually shot that photo from behind the fence I was talking about. There was a sign up on it and everything. I didn't get a photo of the actual fence I was talking about.



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Robb, what photo are you talking about? I took that photo above a couple of months ago and the only thing stopping you from entering the queue where those little barriers.


Anyway, I did get to ride Steel Dragon 2000's little brother while i was in Japan. Steel Dragon 100!


Steel Dragon 100

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Robb, what photo are you talking about? I took that photo above a couple of months ago and the only thing stopping you from entering the queue where those little barriers.

Oh, whoops. Sorry, I thought that was the photo from our Japan trip (looks VERY similar!) But when I took this photo below, where I was standing (if I recall correctly) was the closest you could get to the ride due to a fence:



That sign that is in your photo in front of the little barriers is the sign that was out in front of the fence.



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Yeah, we took that picture through a pretty decent chain link fence covered in tarp. Very similar to what they're using at SFMM to keep onlookers away from Bus Parking and Orient Express.


Heck, maybe if it's gone and you can go right up to the entrance now that's a good sign!!!

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  • 8 months later...

^ its an old thread from back when SD2K's future wasn't looking so good, back then there was a lot of rumors going around saying it would be scraped, someone must have responded to his thread and it ended up back with the newer topics, so it isn't actually a wild rumor, its just an old one someone brought back to scare you .

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