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What Type of Rollercoaster Has the Most Airtime?

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Of the coasters I have been on, Balder has the most airtime.


When it comes to the most intense airtime, I have to say Wild Train. That coaster has by far the most intense airtime Ive ever experienced.


Thundercoaster in the rain is also very intense, especially the little hill where they take your photo in the backseat.

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As for coaster with most airtime that would be Voyage as it holds the record and has great airtime (haven't been on an Intamin woodie though so keep that in mind). Had my cell phone get knocked out of the holster while riding due to slamming into the lapbar.


As for the best airtime I think Intamin gets that vote as its so smooth yet so forceful, although I like Arrow's ejector I'm going to bruise your thighs airtime too.

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Intamin Woodies.
I think Intamin woodies achieve something like -0.5G (maybe -0.7, but i'm not sure)

For GeForce it is -0.8G, almost all your weight held just by the tiny lap bar


From what I've heard, Intamin woodies pull around -1.6 g-forces not -0.5, that's like weak floater airtime.

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I would have to say any ride that's designed to have a lot of air time will have a lot of air time. Grant it, different styled trains are used depending on the type of coaster, but none the less, if they wanted to a B&M stand up could have a whole ton of air time, or a floorless could ect. So it has nothing to do with the type, but rather how its built.

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If most airtime means quantity, then long coasters with tons of airtime hills would have the most. The Voyage should have that title for now. When I first rode it back during HoliWood Nights it had tons of air. Some was great and some was just okay. I went back over Labor Day weekend and that ride is a lot faster now. Every element that could possibly have air has very high quality air now and the train just flys for the entire 6,442 feet. It has as much air as you can possibly pack into a coaster that long. The only coaster longer than it with several airtime hills that I can see in pictures is SD2K, but I don't think I will be riding that any time soon to compare. As for The Voyage, it went from the best coaster I had ever been on early this season, to pretty damn close to perfect by the end of the season. I honestly don't know how they could make that ride significantly better at this point and that is the only coaster I have been on that I can say that about.

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