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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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Wow, new parks allready, that's kind of sad to look at. I wonder how long it will be until

any demo work begins.

I wouldn't be shocked to see it start today. I'm sure one of us will head over to the park in the next week or two and get some sort of an update.

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I like Jaws, but what made it a hit or miss attraction was the skipper you got, I've had some really amazing ones that are just great at what they do, then I've had (I don't want to say bad because they weren't) but just kind of average skippers.


The ride will be missed but I'm even more curious as to what is going to be replacing it.

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Nice coverage, guys.


^ You just barely beat me to that point, which I agree with.


I think I'm mostly sad to see another "ride host" attraction disappear. What is Orlando down to now....four? The Great Movie Ride, The Backstage Tour, The Jungle Cruise, and Kilamanjaro Safaris....am I forgetting any?


Aside from the Safaris (which seems pretty pivotal to that park), with the Great Movie Ride and The Backstage Tour not real high on most peoples' lists, will we eventually see the Jungle Cruise as the only one left of its kind? Considering Living with the Land, Jaws, 20K, and even the front cab of the Monorail, we've either lost the human element or the entire ride. I gotta imagine the others might also be on somewhat borrowed time.


Personally, it's a real bummer to see these types disappear in favor of automation. There's something about the human interaction on rides like Jaws that was always enjoyable. Sometimes you'll get the host who's having a crap-filled day, but most of the time it's fun just to see an employee who's seemingly enjoying their job, and perhaps thinking, "Hey, my big break could come at any moment, 'cause you never know who's onboard."

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I unfortunately only had the operotunity to ride Jaws once, it was closed for the rest of the time I was at Universal, but I really did love it to death.


It was such a unique and one of a kind attraction that really ate through the crowds. I like Potter, but only to an extent. I would have rather seen a long rehab/update of Jaws with new theming and maybe a new tagline to bring in guests and then just kept the Potter Expansion in IOA and take out LC. But alas...


As for the slanted buildings, I believe that's a classic "forced perspective" effect that makes the buildings look bigger than they are when you're looking stright at them (ala Pottercastle).




If anyone is a Roller Coaster Tycoon fan, someone actually made the Jaws ride vehicle as a downloadable car. I can put the link up of anyone wants it!

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Wow, new parks allready, that's kind of sad to look at. I wonder how long it will be until

any demo work begins.

I wouldn't be shocked to see it start today. I'm sure one of us will head over to the park in the next week or two and get some sort of an update.



Amity is already all boarded up with walls. They wasted no time getting started with the progress.

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If anyone is a Roller Coaster Tycoon fan, someone actually made the Jaws ride vehicle as a downloadable car. I can put the link up of anyone wants it!


Yes, Please! I was going to attempt a recreation last night but could't find any in game boats would work.

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Wow, new parks allready, that's kind of sad to look at. I wonder how long it will be until

any demo work begins.

I wouldn't be shocked to see it start today. I'm sure one of us will head over to the park in the next week or two and get some sort of an update.



Amity is already all boarded up with walls. They wasted no time getting started with the progress.

If you're at the park today, please email me pics to robbalvey@themeparkreview.com

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Nice coverage, guys.


^ You just barely beat me to that point, which I agree with.


I think I'm mostly sad to see another "ride host" attraction disappear. What is Orlando down to now....four? The Great Movie Ride, The Backstage Tour, The Jungle Cruise, and Kilamanjaro Safaris....am I forgetting any?


Aside from the Safaris (which seems pretty pivotal to that park), with the Great Movie Ride and The Backstage Tour not real high on most peoples' lists, will we eventually see the Jungle Cruise as the only one left of its kind? Considering Living with the Land, Jaws, 20K, and even the front cab of the Monorail, we've either lost the human element or the entire ride. I gotta imagine the others might also be on somewhat borrowed time.


Personally, it's a real bummer to see these types disappear in favor of automation. There's something about the human interaction on rides like Jaws that was always enjoyable. Sometimes you'll get the host who's having a crap-filled day, but most of the time it's fun just to see an employee who's seemingly enjoying their job, and perhaps thinking, "Hey, my big break could come at any moment, 'cause you never know who's onboard."


Backstage Tour (At least the Tram Portion) has been automated for a while. So when your Tram gets stalled the "Narration" stops and you sit there in awkward silence, where as before at least the Host could stall. Whats even more Bizarre is that a live Cast Member still sits in the spieling position and occasionally will pick up the microphone.


Having a Live Skipper or Spieler on an attraction always adds so much life to an attraction. Thats another thing that Jaws I'm sad to see go.



Wow those walls really want to make me pay 85 bucks to go to a park. Thats just pathetic. They could've at least taken down the signs.

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Not sure if I should like those walls as they are Jaws colored or hate them as they might be the most bland monochromatic construction walls in recent history.






`Chris "isn't really a construction wall snob and just wonders when they'll theme them to wizards" con


PS. Thanks Gregg for the pic.



Edited to say: Comcast is one of those rare corporations that actually ends their fiscal year at the end of the year (most end it in October and large corporations typically put off huge capital investments till the beginning of a new fiscal year), so I'd suspect that they have a huge crew of people that have been chomping at the bit for 1/2 to pass so they can immediately start demolition and then building.


Edit 2: Is there any sign of action over the walls?

Edited by Chroniq
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Wow those walls really want to make me pay 85 bucks to go to a park. Thats just pathetic. They could've at least taken down the signs.


You do realize that they just closed the ride last night, correct? Now that the walls are up, let the tearing down commence.

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^I think you've hit on it, Elissa--they now have the perfect venue for a "permanent" NIGHT MAZE!


Screw Harry Potter! Night Maze shall live forever at Universal!

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I really like Jaws a lot, but I'm not willing to spend 60 minutes in line for it...even on the very last day!


My thoughts exactly. Bring on the new credit...even if I don't know anything about Harry Potter.

Oh, I'm not saying that. I'd much rather have Jaws than anything Potter. I'd be more willing to wait 20 minutes for Jaws thsan FJ, for example. Wouldn't wait 60 minutes for either.


Sorry, wasn't trying to put words in your mouth by any means. I was just echoing the sentiment that the ride wasn't worth the 60 min wait. The part about a credit is my own opinion...I'm indifferent about Harry Potter and Jaws, so I'd personally rather have the credit!

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