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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Dark Universe revealed!

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When do you think Dueling Dragons will be closed for the retheming work?

I am going to visit the park during my stay in Orlando between 12 september and 22 september.


It will be open during your visit! I cant imagine it closing for any retheming until after the holiday season.


I haven't had the chance to do any updates cause my camera is broken, but I was just there this past Wednesday and Hogwarts has begun its castle exterior and the rock work is going up quickly.


^Check here for the most recent up to date pics.


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Please stop asking for updates. It's rude. Going to parks and doing updates are extremely time consuming.


well sorry. geez, i was just curious. no one said anything about you having to do updates. you dont have to get snippety. i was just asking.

Please improve your grammar and your attitude. If you do not, you may be banned for 24 hours or more. If you have any further issues, PM me or any of the other moderators.

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Went today and got a new song to add:


116 - Mexicola by Queens of The Stone Age


I decided to pick #116 because it has not been "Discovered" yet and was psyched that they picked a Queens of The Stone Age song! Especially a not well known song. They're one of my favorite bands.

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^ I spotted some new rebar and maybe a new faux stone.




Cool, when? i will bring the pumpkin juice, no wait the other harder stuff they drink... forget what is...




Ok, this one had me laughing hysterically, Cane fan. Thanks for the laugh.

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