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  1. A 'how they built it' documentary is on Discovery Science right now (1 pm Oct. 27th) for anyone in the US (Eastern time) on the Hard Rock park. The people building that place were a joke from the looks of it.
  2. Great pics man. Real quick question. The paint job on Nemesis... It's beyond faded. That has to be on purpose, right?
  3. gah gah. Not that I will ever be able to figure out how to do switches, I REALLY look forward to seeing designs incorporating them!
  4. The ride was great. It was well paced, and exciting. All things that anyone that downloads your rides has come to expect. Only problem with that, is they start to expect more I saw that stuff on the other site. As to their comments.. the idea that the ride was too slow, or pumpy is ridiculous . I wouldn't say all the comments were bad, either. It looked pretty 50/50 to me anyway. The scoring on that site seems pretty low across the board. So a 6 over there may mean more than a 6 at coasterfuel, coastercrazy, or TPR.
  5. That was a really good job especially for a first ride. Very smooth considering that, as well Since I'm pretty sure you already know what needs to be changed, I won't repeat anything that's been said. Look forward to your next project.
  6. It's going to be sad to see BBW's pictures. This is a great thread though. Very interesting. I can't wait till Scorpion gets the ax.
  7. Wow. I want that in my backyard. Busch Gardens Tampa should buy one. Put it out with the zebras and lions.
  8. Cool pics from the NY trip Mike. How was the Freedom concert? I wanna go to one of those. Anyway, week 5 is our match up in Fantasy. Say hello to my friend Mr Peterson
  9. Hey man, I'm not sure how much help I could be, as I'm currently learning how to do supports as well, but I'd love to try to help ya out. It looks like a very interesting layout! Chris email is chriscoogan@live.com if you need the help
  10. Oh, nevermind. Got the question answered on another forum... in 30 minutes. Great, helpful place ya got here, Jaco, keep up the good work!
  11. Alright well I waited 3 days for anyone to respond to the help thread question. Since the thread seems fairly dead, I figured I'd give it a go as a thread topic. Jaco, could you help me with my question?
  12. Quick question about flanging. I'm trying to use the Auto Flanger. It seems to be working well, but only on the track itself and not the supports. Is there a way to manually flange them? Also, why does the auto flanger screw with my launch settings?
  13. Mike, what are the chances of you pulling some weight with TPR and getting us a FF sticky somewhere. I know they don't like to pile on stickys, but it might make sense to separate the FF talk from your road show stuff.
  14. Someone needs to make a Newton guide. But nobody will. So good luck
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