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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: DreamWorks Land passholder preview report!

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^ Hmm, I'd say touche, but I'm still not convinced.


Perhaps the front of the building is clear, but the backside still doesn't look like it. Of course, I'm not standing there in person either, so I'll give you that. Basically though, I'd hold off on an official guess until we saw the envelope actually pulled through inch by inch. Or has anyone actually seen it stall at the frame of the building during a pull-through? Maybe I missed that.

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It is possible that the reason for not cutting away part of the building for more clearance is because that section of the building me be a major supporting beam. They would have to take some time to restructure where to redistribute weight so that they don't cause any significant damage to the building itself. That's just what I am assuming.

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^^Actually that pic does show it doesn't clear, if you know what you're looking at. The shadows in the pic all grow down from their object, and you can see on the right side of the reach envelope (in between the track frame and rail) a small shadow on the wall caused by the envelope. Thus, the envelope is above that part of the wall.


Well, at least we know the fly through will be nice and tight, which is always cool for high speed encounters on rides. Just grab those industrial scissors...

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On the one hand, this coaster looks really interesting and unique.

But I have to say that it`s no beautification for this park and the landscape.

Especially the supports look somehow "ugly" to me...and the rest of this coaster looks somehow "disharmonic". It`s hard to explain. Absolutely not comparable with B&M or Intamin.

That´s special, because normally I really love the way big coasters look like...many of them look beautiful to me.

(I really hope no one feels bothered, because I`m writing this...)


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^No I feel the same way.


Imo the track is gorgeous with all those sexy twist and turns but when it comes to the supports it's like MS just through their hands up and said F it put the supports anywhere and EVERYWHERE! The supports alone for this thing probably costed over 10 mil alone, how much is Universal paying for this thing anyway?


The first drop does look alittle bit steeper then in the renderings but they should of went on and went 90* degrees Imo it would of looked more visually appealing. At that height this is not a family ride by anymeans, the average person/people, families are going to look at this thing like Just the amount of supports on this thing makes it look terrifying, then some of the elements on this monster don't look to friendly either like that huge non inverting loop


Anways yes she looks alittle hedious Imo dwelling her uglyself over the park like that, but she also looks like shes going to provide one hell of a ride and I can't freaking wait, i've been waiting for that NIL to come to reality for a very long time and I'm dying to see if it's everything i've dreamed of

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There are a lot of supports on this ride. But if you think about it, it's going to be traveling at a pretty high speed throughout the course. I'm sure that the supports are placed perfectly so the track doesn't have much give, therefore making the rides pacing much better.


It also looks much better in person.

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It also looks much better in person.


He's right. In person, the coaster look much more impressive and visually appealing. I didn't get a lot of the hype until I saw this beast in person. It really is a mamoth ride. I think it's about time Universal Studios got a ride (besides Jaws) that is outside. It looks better in person, it really does.

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am i the only one who likes the supports, then? they're just sort of taking the opposite approach of, say, B&M — B&M uses the fewest beams possible by making them as large as necessary, while Maurer Söhne seems to be using the smallest beams possible by using as many as necessary — but, neither is inherently any more “right” than the other, and the approach Maurer Söhne is using actually has it's advantages, not the least of which is how beautiful it can look (to me, at least!) for instance, i think this is one of the most beautiful rides ever built (although i might be alone in that):



it kind of reminds me of a wooden coaster, actually — a completely screwed up wooden coaster, of course — which i, at least, consider a good thing!


what i don't like, though, are all the different track types they're mixing and matching! it always bugs me when Intamin does it and Maurer Söhne does it even worse! i also agree that the “loop” looks awful (and, yes, i know all about the heartline, but, still…), and the colors could definitely be improved, as well!

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I don't believe it's been topped off yet. Some minor, but interesting updates:


A new construction blog update:


The Skyline is Changing!



If you’ve been to the park lately, you’ve probably noticed the skyline is changing at Universal Studios®. Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit track is flying up rapidly. Before you know it, the last piece of track will be put in place. But first, here’s the scoop on how the track got here...



Work began on the Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit track system in Germany back in July of 2008. Five months later, the entire track system (more than 60 sections of track and more than 200 columns) was completed.


All of the track and columns were then packaged into containers and loaded onto ships for transport to the U.S. In total, 120 containers were used to hold the track and columns during the trip overseas.


The track system was shipped from Munich, Germany to Savannah, Georgia, and then began a trip down to Orlando, Florida. When it arrived at Universal Orlando, the track and columns were organized in a holding area so build-out could begin.


This past December, all of the track system pieces were moved by flatbed truck from the holding location to the construction site. Steel erectors, crane operators, technical services personnel and members of the project team then began work on erecting the track system you see “rockiting” into the sky every single day.


Thanks for stopping by…check back in for more inside information on Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit…coming very soon..


They've changed the rendering on the Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit attraction page.





There's also a slightly updated logo with a new tagline:



And finally, Burger King has started a contest to "win a vacation for 4 to Universal Orlando Resort to ride the all-new Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit roller coaster":




Part of the prize consists of:


four (4) DVDs of the Winner and his or her guests' Hollywood Rip, Ride, Rockit ride experience.
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