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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: Super Nintendo World unveiled!

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Will the new Hulk coaster be identical in design, speed, and track length as the original coaster or will it be different? Will the queue line be different from the original's? Will the new Hulk be considered a new coaster credit from the original? Will they still have the mist effect? Any changes other than new trains and track?

I think the launch technology is probably going to change, and apparently (according to someone in this thread who has been right about everything else) it will still have overheads (some people wondered whether it might have vest restraints). Universal said that the queue would be getting "enhancements" so I guess this might be modernised. I actually quite liked the vibe of the old queue with the cartoon video, but I'm interested to see what they do. As rcdider says, the track is idential. I thought they might smooth it out and remove some of the snaps, but apparently they've not even done this, they just clicked 'print'

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Will the new Hulk coaster be identical in design, speed, and track length as the original coaster or will it be different? Will the queue line be different from the original's? Will the new Hulk be considered a new coaster credit from the original? Will they still have the mist effect? Any changes other than new trains and track?

I think the launch technology is probably going to change, and apparently (according to someone in this thread who has been right about everything else) it will still have overheads (some people wondered whether it might have vest restraints). Universal said that the queue would be getting "enhancements" so I guess this might be modernised. I actually quite liked the vibe of the old queue with the cartoon video, but I'm interested to see what they do. As rcdider says, the track is idential. I thought they might smooth it out and remove some of the snaps, but apparently they've not even done this, they just clicked 'print'


They kinda just hit 'print', but they did change some stuff up. For example, the new track is built using the latest tolerances. This is evidenced in they no longer are using the old ball and socket connections for many joints, but just a flat connection now (see the supports leading into the first corkscrew as an example). They started using that style of track connection around 2005-2006 I think. Also, the track segments in several spots are slightly different lengths than the previous version. One spot I've really noticed this is the top piece of track in the first corkscrew now appears to be either longer or slightly placed different with respect to the support as you exit that element. You can count the track ties on the old vs the new and see how they've changed.


Which, I'd also add that I expect a smoother experience since their track tolerances are much tighter than the old ride. Also, they might be using thicker gauge steel in the higher G areas now, which means the track should hold up better this time around.

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Oh wow CoryPA77, nothing gets past you, well noticed Thanks for the pictures CPmillenia94. In their original permit Universal said "remove and replace the coaster's accelerator launch motors" so I think a lot of people (myself included) assumed they might be replacing with LSMs now that the technology has improved, but you could be right

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They were considering a modification to randomly simulate a launch failure. Will be curious to see if that made it into the final design. I recall it being a costly change so they may have nixed the idea.

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Great to see the Hulk coming together again! Looking forward to see a POV when it's done to see if there are any noticable shaping differences.


Thanks for the pic! Are the two little supports on the left of the image square, or is it just the light?


They are square indeed! There is also a square support on the right. Why I have no idea. Probably just to mess with us enthusiasts, to keep us speculating for hours on why they have done such a thing...

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The later B&M's use this type of connection opposed to the ball and socket joint, mentioned on the previous page.


You look at rides like Nemesis and the track literally moves and bends in front of you with the weight of the train. Newer rides do not do this and are clearly a lot more rigid, which I am assuming is one thing the Hulk definitely needs to be with its operational hours.

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I wondered if it might be something to do with that, but was a bit surprised to see whole I beam supports as some of these I beam supports are quite large. But like other people have said, it's obviously not a complete carbon copy of the previous Hulk and has been refined quite a bit. Is the loop track a bit different too? Quite a few sections have a very deep backbone which I can't remember on the Hulk V1.

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The lower track sections of the loop where presumably there are higher G's seem to be thicker, but difficult to tell without further close up pics.


If you compare an older pic:



With a new pic:



.. you can see that the main loop supports are different and have a round connector similar to what Valravn has on some parts, eg the main drop.

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