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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: DreamWorks Land passholder preview report!

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^^ That is huge news. I'd expect some Nintendo character meet-and-greets not too long from now and possibly a new themed area not too far off. Personally, I think this is bigger and more exciting news than Kong!


Just an idea but with Disney owning Marvel, would they use Nintendo to re-theme some of IOA's Marvel rides? There's so many things under the Nintendo name could just that be used to make a 3rd park?


Even if it couldn't in Orlando, with all that talk about a 2nd park in Japan, i think it would go down really well over there.

Edited by Garet
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I agree with others that this is WAY more exciting than Kong. Nintendo parks have been a dream of many for years and Universal could really do it justice as based on the effort and money they put into the Harry Potter areas. I'm already redoing the parks in my head to Nintendo! I see the rest of the Lost Continent at IOA becoming Zelda themed, the old and busted kids area at Universal to Pokemon, Marvel to Mario...oh man!!!!! Hulk Coaster can very easily be themed to Bowser!


I'm also assuming that Universal Japan will crap all over anything we would get. Perhaps the rumored 2nd Japanese Universal Park could be exclusive Nintendo????

Edited by SharkTums
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Makes me wonder if this announcement and the news of Universal Japan looking to build a second park have anything to do with each other. I noticed that the press release came from Universal Orlando (creative offices) and Nintendo Japan NOT Nintendo of America. Interesting.... http://www.todayonline.com/entertainment/universal-studios-japan-plans-okinawa-theme-park

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Wow this is simply amazing news. I'm onboard with the Marvel area being rethemed to Mario. The Hulk could be themed to a Pirahana plant seeing that the coaster is green and gets launched out of a tunnel.



Or paint it purple and make it the Wario Coaster

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Don't screw this up, Universal!


Just going into attractions and doing cut-and-chuck re-themes isn't going to work. Universal has set the bar insanely high with the Wizarding World. Nintendo keeps their IP insanely close to their chest, and it would be a shame for the one time they branch out be ruined by a low-quality set of attractions.

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Don't screw this up, Universal!


Just going into attractions and doing cut-and-chuck re-themes isn't going to work. Universal has set the bar insanely high with the Wizarding World. Nintendo keeps their IP insanely close to their chest, and it would be a shame for the one time they branch out be ruined by a low-quality set of attractions.


I could not agree more with what you wrote. I feel exactly the same. Universal better deliver!!!

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I've talked about Nintendo building a theme park for years. Just with your core games, you could easily have themed lands. The characters alone are worth all the merch you could sell. I could see them redo the kids area to Pokemon or just Nintendoland. Have all the Nintendo characters in the area. Turn the old Barney Live into a huge Nintendo store where you can play all the games. I love to see them build huge themed lands. This is exciting, especially since Comcast has stated they will continue to add to the parks.

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Just an idea but with Disney owning Marvel, would they use Nintendo to re-theme some of IOA's Marvel rides? There's so many things under the Nintendo name could just that be used to make a 3rd park?


Even if it couldn't in Orlando, with all that talk about a 2nd park in Japan, i think it would go down really well over there.


I was thinking the exact same thing. Rumors are already swirling that Universal could remove the Hulk coaster theming as soon as the end of this year. Seems like the timing of this is about right to give Uni and new IP that could fairly easily be placed into the current Marvel section. Also, I know there have been rumors that UO is looking to get rid of the comic strip theming in the land adjacent to Super Hero Island. They could turn the whole area into a Nintendo themed section.


As much as I'd love something brand new (a big ticket attraction themed to Zelda would be awesome), I'd more expect a retrofitting/retheming of current attractions, especially given the rumored accelerated time table of the Marvel discussions. I wouldn't expect it to get the level of detail of Wizarding World for two reasons. 1) The world of Harry Potter lends itself much, much more to that immersive, heavily detailed theming. 2) Anything Nintendo themed is going to involve several individual IPs (Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Pokemon, etc). To me, that fits more into the way they have the Marvel and Comic Strip lands set up rather than the Wizarding World.

Edited by dreynolds1982
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Star Fox B&M Wingrider or Flyer with on board audio... "Do a Barrel Roll"!


...build this. Please. Universal, wherever you build this, I'll go. US, Japan, I don't care, just make this happen.

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Don't screw this up, Universal!


Just going into attractions and doing cut-and-chuck re-themes isn't going to work. Universal has set the bar insanely high with the Wizarding World. Nintendo keeps their IP insanely close to their chest, and it would be a shame for the one time they branch out be ruined by a low-quality set of attractions.


Nintendo most likely would never have agreed to this partnership unless Universal had something really special planned. Stay tuned!

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Nintendo would be a PERFECT replacement for Kid Zone. Not sure how I feel about it replacing Super Hero Island. I'm having trouble even thinking of what character you'd use to to re-theme Hulk. And Spiderman isn't going anywhere either.

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Nintendo most likely would never have agreed to this partnership unless Universal had something really special planned. Stay tuned!

I sure hope it comes soon, because I would love to experience it while I'm within driving distance of central Florida.

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Spiderman turning into Mario Kart.... that's my dream... right there.

Imagine little balloons on the back of the karts? How fun!


"I'm a Wario! I'm a gonna win!"

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If the 2nd Universal park in Japan is Nintendo themed, that would be simply amazing! There is so much diversity of themes within the Nintendo properties the possibilities are endless for attraction adaptations.

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