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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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I think I read that they set that up so that the wand shops are "Chain" shops (like Target) that are located in different places.

So Hogsmeade will probably have an Ollivander's as well (like in the movies) due to the popularity of the shop at IOA.


So they violated the story's canon to open a merchandise shop. Which was my point if people are worried that having a ride wouldn't fit into the story arc, they don't give a shit because they're already changing the story canon.

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I think I read that they set that up so that the wand shops are "Chain" shops (like Target) that are located in different places.

So Hogsmeade will probably have an Ollivander's as well (like in the movies) due to the popularity of the shop at IOA.


So they violated the story's canon to open a merchandise shop. Which was my point if people are worried that having a ride wouldn't fit into the story arc, they don't give a poo-poo because they're already changing the story canon.

Yeah pretty much.

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I think I read that they set that up so that the wand shops are "Chain" shops (like Target) that are located in different places.

So Hogsmeade will probably have an Ollivander's as well (like in the movies) due to the popularity of the shop at IOA.


So they violated the story's canon to open a merchandise shop. Which was my point if people are worried that having a ride wouldn't fit into the story arc, they don't give a poo-poo because they're already changing the story canon.


Totally agree. The entire Harry Potter ride's story was made up. It just visited a bunch of different scenes from different movies.

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Without making myself come across as a Potter fanatic, I can confirm that The Wizarding World of Harry Potter sits mostly within the canon of the stories established in the books and films by J.K. Rowling. The current version of Potter that is at Universal Orlando takes place roughly around the time of the fourth installment, The Goblet of Fire, hence the inclusion of the Goblet of Fire and golden egg in the Dragon Challenge queue, as well as the daily performances by the Beauxbaton twirlers and the Durmstrang stick fighters. It should also be noted that the characters as seen in Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey are all made up to look like their younger selves as they were seen in the fourth film.


As for Ollivander's, this was the only major exception made to the land's continuity, with the stretch simply being made that it was a branch off of the existing store in Diagon Alley.


J.K. Rowling is even more strict than George Lucas ever was on the continuity and canon of Star Wars... There simply won't be something in her land if it doesn't jive with the stories she's built.

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^1. I have no shame.

2. Yes. Hypothetically, the timeline would have to be the same between both areas to ensure continuity. With that in mind, characters that were killed off in later installments would still be alive to potentially be seen in the new area, which lends credence to the idea of Helena Bonham Carter's character along with others being brought back to reprise their roles for the new land.

Edited by jedimaster1227
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I'm also going to say the this is for the Gringotts coaster. My reasoning is below...





Excuse me for being a fanboy/nerd, but Bellatrix (Helena Bonham Carter's character) died at the end of HP7: Part 2. So probably the only way she could be reprising her role on screen would be if it took place within the existing series (as opposed to a "ninth" film like the article proposes). Just something I thought I'd throw that in there to give some reasoning as to why I believe this would be for the coaster.





Also, assuming that the article is correct in stating that this "film" will also be shown at USJ and USH, then I guess this would confirm that the Gringotts coaster will be coming to their versions of WWOHP as well, if in fact this is what the film is going to be used for. Whatever this is being used for, I am excited to hear that some of the cast has reunited to shoot some new footage! I'll be looking forward to seeing it.



Just to be aware, The WWOHP is "timeless", and places have been put near each other that aren't canon because the Ministry of Magic wanted Muggles to experience everything they had to offer. That's why in the FJ, Dumbledore is still alive. Also why Olivanders' is in Hogsmeade, granted, that's because it's a branch of the original. In addition, if you go to the park as a huge HP fan, they normally point out that our food locations shouldn't be in the area they are located, which amazes me how they know that. Technically I'm not allowed to say why I know this, for story reasons, hopefully everyone understands. xD

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Just to be aware, The WWOHP is "timeless", and places have been put near each other that aren't canon because the Ministry of Magic wanted Muggles to experience everything they had to offer. That's why in the FJ, Dumbledore is still alive. Also why Olivanders' is in Hogsmeade, granted, that's because it's a branch of the original. In addition, if you go to the park as a huge HP fan, they normally point out that our food locations shouldn't be in the area they are located, which amazes me how they know that. Technically I'm not allowed to say why I know this, for story reasons, hopefully everyone understands. xD


I think you're mixing up what the idea of "timeless" applies to for this. Yes, the Wizarding World is meant to be timeless, but in the same way that the Magic Kingdom and other themed environments are--that after a matter of years (whether it be five or fifty) the concepts behind the land won't be outdated, unrecognized by the guests or unappreciated.


The Wizarding World takes place in a specific time period within the canon of the overall universe, as I explained on the last page. Dumbledore is still alive because he hadn't been killed by the fourth book, which is around the time when the land takes place in.


There is a definitive backstory behind the land as you know that totally justifies why "muggles" can see it and all, and while it isn't publicized, it does exist. Again, it wouldn't have been allowed to happen if Rowling didn't agree to it fitting into her stories.

Edited by jedimaster1227
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^ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canon_(fiction)


In fiction, canon is the conceptual material accepted as "official" in a fictional universe's fan base. It is often contrasted with, or used as the basis for, works of fan fiction, which are considered to be non-canon. It is used in two slightly different meanings: first, "it refers to the overall set of storylines, premises, settings, and characters offered by the source media text". In this sense, canon is "the original work from which the fan fiction author borrows," or "the original media on which the fan fictions are based." Secondly, it is used "as a descriptor of specific incidents, relationships, or story arcs that take place within the overall canon"; thus certain incidents or relationships may be described as being canon or not.
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Sheldon: I'm afraid I can't allow that. Pursuant to Starfleet General Order 104, Section A, you are deemed unfit, and I hereby relieve you of your command.

Leonard: General Order 104, Section A does not apply in this situation.

Sheldon: Give me one good reason why not.

Leonard: Because this is not Star Trek!

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Sheldon: I'm afraid I can't allow that. Pursuant to Starfleet General Order 104, Section A, you are deemed unfit, and I hereby relieve you of your command.

Leonard: General Order 104, Section A does not apply in this situation.

Sheldon: Give me one good reason why not.

Leonard: Because this is not Star Trek!

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