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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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Besides of being a rider and an amusement park flyer, I am also an great fan of playing minature golf. Seeing the pictures of those two courses, one haunted and the other sci-fi, it appears that the Univeral City Walk has another great attraction to help generate more $$$, plus to prove that the City Walk is just more than restaurants and night clubs.


Question - Where in the City Walk did they put this course?


In closing, who knows what will be next to be installed in the City Walk?


"I've got one: how about one giant-sized bed with many pillows on top, so any weary, tired riders can pay a few bucks and lie down. I would love to work at that attraction, in fact, I'll do it for free!"

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Universal Orlando has sent us a new press release regarding the upcoming reopening of The Amazing Adventures of Spiderman!


Today, Universal Orlando Resort revealed what people around the world have been waiting to learn: The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man will reopen on Thursday, March 8 – featuring all-new stunning 4K digital high-definition animation, a rockin’ new musical score and all-new 3-D “Spider-Vision” glasses.


The enhancements will transform what is already one of the most popular theme park attractions ever created into what will feel like an all-new adventure. The newly reanimated, high-definition experience will unfold within the attraction’s towering visual spaces. The enhancements will allow guests to experience details they’ve never been able to before – from the flames spewing from Hobgoblin’s pumpkins to the electricity arching through Electro’s body to the stitching on Spider-Man’s gloves.


Here are highlights from the must-see 3-D experience:


1. Legendary comic book icon and Spider-Man co-creator Stan Lee makes a cameo appearance in the new film animation.

2. The action is more life-like than ever. Guests will actually see the movement of the characters’ muscles and the changes in their facial expressions.

3. The enhanced attraction features a new original music score. It is the same Spider-Man theme you love – with a rockin’ twist.

4. The ride vehicle audio system has been upgraded from 8-channel to 16-channel so riders will be even more immersed in the action. Guests will experience 3-D sound quality.

5. There are hundreds of cool new details for guests to discover in the attraction. Lighting, sets, graphics, props and even scenic detail have been updated to further enhance the animation’s tremendous improvements.


And, for the first time ever, Universal Orlando is giving fans the opportunity to unlock sneak peeks of the new hi-def ride animation before the attraction reopens next week. Click HERE to see a new piece of the reanimation and to learn how you and your readers can unlock even more.


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This morning we checked out the new updates to Spider-Man at IOA! The ride really looks fantastic! The new animation did not take away anything from the ride at all, and the updated screens really add quite a new dimension of the ride. Here is the official press release from the park...



All-New High-Def Animation and Other Major Enhancements Bring All-New Thrills


New Experience Unveiled Today Includes Cameo by Spider-Man Co-Creator Stan Lee


Orlando, Fla. (March 8, 2012) – The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man at Universal Orlando Resort – one of the

world’s most popular theme park experiences – is now even better.


Mind-blowingly better.


The attraction reopens today with all-new 4K digital high-definition animation, a new highly-sophisticated Infitec 3-D

projection system, a new music score and new high-tech 3-D glasses so that guests can experience the improvements the

way the attraction’s creators envisioned. The attraction’s sets, audio system and lighting have also been upgraded.


The new animation comes to life across the attraction’s towering visual spaces – some of which are more than four stories

tall and just as wide. Live special effects such as heat blasts and water surges as well as the motion of the ride vehicle are

precisely calibrated to match the animation so that riders will feel as if the entire adventure is happening to them.


As they reanimated the attraction film, the creative team added hundreds of new details and effects. Guests will see moss

swaying in the wind, rats scurrying through the streets and hear electricity arching so close it will raise the hair on the back

of their necks. And for the first time ever, Spider-Man co-creator Stan Lee will make a cameo appearance inside the

attraction. Lee was meticulously animated in 3-D and placed in more than one scene inside the new animation.


“The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man was so wonderful before,” said comic book icon and Spider-Man co-creator,

Stan Lee. “But now – with all of the new technology that’s been added – it is indescribably spectacular.”

“We took an incredible theme park ride experience and made it even better,” said Thierry Coup, senior vice president of

Universal Creative. “If you have been on this attraction before, then it will seem like the first time. If you have never been

on it, then you will simply be blown away.”


Here are the top 10 unique new elements in The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man:

1. The action is more life-like than ever. Guests will actually see the movement of the characters’ muscles and the

changes in their facial expressions.


2. The new HD film animation combined with brand-new, highly sophisticated Infitec 3-D projection, allows guests

to experience mind-blowing details they’ve never been able to…from the flames spewing from Hobgoblin’s

pumpkins to the electricity arching through Electro’s body to the stitching on Spider-Man’s gloves.


3. Guests will experience the ride’s new details through all-new 3-D “Spider-Vision” glasses, complete with new

lenses made of dichroic filters for amazing color and clarity.


4. The enhanced attraction features a new original music score. It is the same Spider-Man theme you love – with a

rockin’ twist.


5. The ride vehicle’s audio system has been upgraded from 8-channel to 16-channel so riders will be even more

immersed in the action. Guests will experience 3-D sound quality.


6. All of the film animation for The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man has been completely reanimated in 4K highdefinition

– that’s one of the highest HD resolutions available.


7. Every single scene in the attraction has at least one new element.


8. There are hundreds of cool new details for guests to discover in the attraction. Lighting, sets, graphics, props and

even scenic detail have been updated to further enhance the animation’s tremendous improvements.


9. Legendary comic book icon and Spider-Man co-creator Stan Lee makes a cameo appearance in the new film



10. The attraction experience continues to use the latest technology to provide guests a fully integrated and immersive

experience with some of their favorite Marvel characters.


Take a look at the new Spider-Man!


On, no! Scream!!!


Hobgoblin is still a "blast!"


You still get Electro-cuted!


And of course, there is always Doc Ock!


Check out the new 4K projectors used in the attraction.


Spider-Man is here to re-open his new ride!


Spider-Man reopened with new 4K 3D animation, new musical score, and high tech 3D glasses!


Spider-Man has officially re-opened!


Which is the real super hero? Spider-Man or Piers? RESPOND NOW!!!


Check out the new 3D glasses for Spider-Man!


"Do I look fancy in my high tech 3D glasses?"


Ride boarding area is still the same...


The "Scoops" look familiar...


But the ride is even MORE fancy with awesome new animation, high-tech projection, new musical score...and PIERS!!!!


Get out to Universal Orlando Resort's Islands of Adventure and check out the updated Spider-Man!

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Even the old version of Spider-man was the best ride at Universal, and I'm glad they've decided to make it even better (yes, I do prefer it to the Harry Potter ride, as good as it is).

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Alright, just got back from the parks today and let me tell you. Completely new ride.


To answer some questions..


-Yes, the falling bridge effect is working perfectly now.

-Stan Lee appears three times.

-The ride went down about 4 to 5 times for extended periods at some points.

-The wait was at 130 minutes at 6:35

-The old water effect holes on Spidey's hand in the facade have been covered.

-There's a great new color changing LED light that bathes the entrance area. Gorgeous at night.


Got to ride it six times today and it was amazing even with getting stuck on it twice. Got to ride Spiderman backwards which was interesting. Our Scoop stopped moving in the HobGoblin scene and we basically did the whole ride from the opposite of the usual perspective. Also got to experience a silent version of the ride during one of the breakdowns. It was pretty hilarious. They gave re-rides and re-admission passes by the handfuls though.


The ride itself looks like it did on opening day. Fresh paint everywhere. The ride itself is fantastic and feels longer cause of the new actions and scene effects. All the villains really got a heavy dose of kickass. The best scene is going to go to the Doc Ock brick wall scene. The struggle between the scoop and his tentacles is really amazing with tires squealing and huge jerking motions. The biggest change is the audio. Its so clear and crisp. The finale scene is incredibly more believable now. Especially with the new teetering off the edge of the building effect. Its honestly amazing. Really really amazing.


Spiderman returns to the throne as best Theme Park attraction at any park.


Oh, and two other things. Keep an eye out for all THREE Stan Lee's and a huge thank you to Universal for setting up social media tables right across from the attraction. They took our picture with a great professional camera and instantly uploaded it to their facebook page. Not only that, but they had six laptops set up and set to facebook ready for you to log in and upload/tag the pictures they just took for you. All free of charge. Great use of social media and really classy way of giving something extra to the guests at the park.

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-must resist uge to look up POV-


This looks absolutely amazing! I was utterly wowed by Spiderman when I rode it this past summer for the first time! it's was so cohesive and smooth with some amazing visuals. I hope to get back to Orlando soon and ride this updated version, gotta see how it stacks up against the West Coast's Transformers when it opens!

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All I can say is wow! I was very impressed with all of the new enhancements that Spidey received. Also a side note, did anyone else notice that Cat In The Hat is back at the normal insane spinning mode again?

We were actually talking about this at Orlando United. Some cars spin a lot, some don't spin that much.

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