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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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I'm trying to compare photos...the dragon moves, right? Or no?


I was wondering the same thing.


Also, does the Hogwarts express always return in reverse? I know that there are 2 trains, so I assume that in one direction they are moving forward, but then to go back, they are both in reverse (no closed loop to turn around), correct?

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Wow just wow ! So glad i added a stay in January. has anything been mentioned about future projects? i guess theres so much buzz around they may keep that up their sleeves for another day.


Don't like to do comparisons but i am going to Avatar land has to be pretty dam cool to beat this.


Stu K

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Any idea how the train actually moves?? In the video, there was nobody on the footplate and the "smoke" coming from the chimney was fake. I know they shipped the locomotive from the movies out there so why don't they run it under it's own power??

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Will there be a soft opening before the opening on July 8th? I have an opening of July 5th to 7th to go to the park, so I'm wondering if I have the chance to experience Diagon Alley and all the new things around it.


...Only time will tell. I'm sure there will be some form of softs. We're still waiting on info on the TM previews, which will be first, and also AP and hotel guest previews. Not to mention the special vacation packages that start on the 29th.



BTW, fantastic job on the media event coverage, Adam.

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I'm hoping that Passholder Previews will take place...I will be at the park so fast (I'll be driving at the speed limit however) but you know what I mean! I have been hearing $45 for the interactive wands. Is that the official price?


You must be REALLY hoping for that P.Preview. 3 posts about it in the last couple of days. LOL


Yeah, yeah... I'm just bitter because I don't live in Florida and can't get be a passholder.

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On the POV of the train, it sounds like Rupert Grint (Ron) was the only actor to reprise his role. Harry only seems to make general sounds (I don't think he says a word) and Hermione's silhouette is clearly not voiced by Emma Watson. Frankly I don't care either way, but if they're spending this much on a massive attraction like this, wouldn't it make sense to get all original actors (or just edit together random lines from the movies).


As for the train, how fast does it move? I mean, there's not THAT much of track length between Gringotts and Hogsmeade is there? Or does the train move VERY slow while the images on the screen make the movement seem faster?

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There are an absolute tonne of Potter haters on this forum, so it will be interesting to see if Universal have managed to change their minds with this amazing edition! Looking at the breathtaking pictures and reading the review makes me seriously excited to visit Universal again!

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There are an absolute tonne of Potter haters on this forum, so it will be interesting to see if Universal have managed to change their minds with this amazing edition! Looking at the breathtaking pictures and reading the review makes me seriously excited to visit Universal again!


I know for me I am 'won over' in terms of the quality, but would still have preferred it if they hadn't done Potter in both parks. If they were to do it, at least they did it as well as they did.

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Do we know the manufacturer of HP: Escape from Gringotts yet?


While nothing will likely be officially confirmed, it is believed that the track and most elements of the coaster were developed by Intamin. There are other elements to the experience that were built in house, and outsourced to specialized companies.

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On the POV of the train, it sounds like Rupert Grint (Ron) was the only actor to reprise his role. Harry only seems to make general sounds (I don't think he says a word) and Hermione's silhouette is clearly not voiced by Emma Watson. Frankly I don't care either way, but if they're spending this much on a massive attraction like this, wouldn't it make sense to get all original actors (or just edit together random lines from the movies).


As for the train, how fast does it move? I mean, there's not THAT much of track length between Gringotts and Hogsmeade is there? Or does the train move VERY slow while the images on the screen make the movement seem faster?


Daniel and Emma both have been trying to distance themselves from the world of Harry Potter for a few years now. Daniel openly says that he won't do anything Harry Potter anymore. So it is more the actors not wanting to do it than Universal not wanting to get them back. Funny how they completely turned their backs on the franchise that made them who they are today.

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You would think so, but Daniel has really been adamant about not doing great ANYTHING H.P. in interviews in the past two years. Emma just followed suit about a year ago.


I also read somewhere (about 2 months ago) that his voice/pictures/video that are used for the promotional stuff is from other recordings done previously (some for Forbidden Journey) that since they were signed off on were able to be used for Diagon Alley.

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Daniel and Emma both have been trying to distance themselves from the world of Harry Potter for a few years now. Daniel openly says that he won't do anything Harry Potter anymore. So it is more the actors not wanting to do it than Universal not wanting to get them back. Funny how they completely turned their backs on the franchise that made them who they are today.


Or maybe they're just ready to move on and make a name for themselves with other projects after a decade working on only one. If they don't distance themselves now, when do they ever finally get to move on? It isn't their fault that Universal and J.K. are clinging to it for eternity.


(Not that I'm opposed, because I love(d) Potter and I'm 99% sure this new area is going to get me down to Orlando this off-season.)

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Daniel and Emma both have been trying to distance themselves from the world of Harry Potter for a few years now. Daniel openly says that he won't do anything Harry Potter anymore. So it is more the actors not wanting to do it than Universal not wanting to get them back. Funny how they completely turned their backs on the franchise that made them who they are today.


Or maybe they're just ready to move on and make a name for themselves with other projects after a decade working on only one. If they don't distance themselves now, when do they ever finally get to move on? It isn't their fault that Universal and J.K. are clinging to it for eternity.


(Not that I'm opposed, because I love(d) Potter and I'm 99% sure this new area is going to get me down to Orlando this off-season.)


Oh, don't get me wrong, I agree 100%, but you would think that after a decade of massive popularity, consistent work (to make them better actors), and of course a good paycheck, that they would have some level of loyalty even to do some minor bit work for an afternoon or two.


My point was just that it wasn't Universal that "dropped the ball" as it was being suggested, but it was the actors just not wanting to do it any more.

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