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Michigan's Adventure (MiA) Discussion Thread

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After reading the Negative post on here I was not expecting much so I guess my 1st visit in May was not a disappointment. My wife whos not as much an enthusiast as me was maybe a bit under whelmed after 2 days at kings island and Cedar point before the visit. It was free with platinum passes and Shivering timbers was awesome and coaster 400 70th woodie (sad geek I know). As someone else said the area is a nice destination wish I had planned another night to explore. So I guess I'm sitting on the fence its an OK park to do if you are in the area with other things could it be expanded YES would it be worth it for CF maybe.


Stu K

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The new training center looks nice. They are fighting both townships they are in over hooking up to the city sewer. If they were to remove there onsite water treatment plant, it would clear up a lot of room for expansion. I feel like the townships that MIA is in are being horrible to them. CF has done a lot of infrastructure improvements the last couple years to comply. Hopefully with the granted permit for onsite water treatment, water tower, ect ect they have all that nonsense behind them to actually start adding attractions.

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You guys should really watch this. it's some coaster boy with speech problems spreading a rumor he heard that Mi would close.




Thanks for the laugh! I've watched some other videos and the majority of his information is either incorrect or made up! I also like how he said that Behemoth and Leviathan are the worst hyper and giga coasters in this video. He also states Canada's Wonderland as being the 5th best park in the Cedar Fair chain in the same video. I greatly disagree with that statement! It's probably in the top three in my opinion! He obviously knows very little about the industry and how amusement parks make their decisions as to what they're going to do next! I wish people wouldn't make these videos if they have no idea what they're talking about but, then who would there be to criticize online? I think this kid should have stayed with his video game prediction videos!

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You guys should really watch this. it's some coaster boy with speech problems spreading a rumor he heard that Mi would close.




Thanks for the laugh! I've watched some other videos and the majority of his information is either incorrect or made up! I also like how he said that Behemoth and Leviathan are the worst hyper and giga coasters in this video. He also states Canada's Wonderland as being the 5th best park in the Cedar Fair chain in the same video. I greatly disagree with that statement! It's probably in the top three in my opinion! He obviously knows very little about the industry and how amusement parks make their decisions as to what they're going to do next! I wish people wouldn't make these videos if they have no idea what they're talking about but, then who would there be to criticize online? I think this kid should have stayed with his video game prediction videos!


Haha! Yes! He's better doing "Mind Crap" videos (minecraft, as my dad tells it to my younger brother)

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Move S.T. to Cedar Point. HA Ha Ha.

Move Wildcat to Knott's. Ha Ha.


"Valleyfair has no Invert". What is Steel Venom or V2 or whatever that is called?


We have a steel venom coaster, but when we get our next coaster it is EXTREMELY LIKELY to be a Invert. I know, it seems weird. but the park needs it.

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The screaming swing that was rumored to be headed to Michigan's Adventure would have been an Upcharge attraction for $1 or $2. It could be impactful, though, as it would give MA a new attraction. You would have to see how Upcharge attractions do at MA. Does ripcord do well? Mini Golf? Go Karts? The screaming swing is a good ride, and it is disappointing to see Michigans Adventure not getting it. With the low attendance MA receives, Cedar Fair probably thought it would be more profitable to sell it to a carnival or scrap metal.

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The screaming swing that was rumored to be headed to Michigan's Adventure would have been an Upcharge attraction for $1 or $2. It could be impactful, though, as it would give MA a new attraction. You would have to see how Upcharge attractions do at MA. Does ripcord do well? Mini Golf? Go Karts? The screaming swing is a good ride, and it is disappointing to see Michigans Adventure not getting it. With the low attendance MA receives, Cedar Fair probably thought it would be more profitable to sell it to a carnival or scrap metal.


That ride isn't portable, for starters. I'm sure upcharge attractions do fine there. But maybe it isn't one given that they don't demand an upcharge for the bumper boats and their near nonexistent capacity.

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The screaming swing that was rumored to be headed to Michigan's Adventure would have been an Upcharge attraction for $1 or $2. It could be impactful, though, as it would give MA a new attraction. You would have to see how Upcharge attractions do at MA. Does ripcord do well? Mini Golf? Go Karts? The screaming swing is a good ride, and it is disappointing to see Michigans Adventure not getting it. With the low attendance MA receives, Cedar Fair probably thought it would be more profitable to sell it to a carnival or scrap metal.


Considering the smallerish market that MIA is in, and lack of investment in the park, attendance does very well. I believe I read somewhere that over the last 6 years they have had reported record attendance and profits in all 6 of those years. Its rumored they hit the million guest mark this year. That would put them extremely close to VF and WOF in attendance which are a lot bigger parks with larger metro areas. Lets not forget they have the highest profit margins in the chain. They literally do nothing with this park and it turns a profit. I still blame MIA management for not wanting to invest in rides, and not numbers or CF. Having your general manager married to head of maintenance is asking for trouble.

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Are relocated woodies even a thing? It sounds like a lot of work anyway.


I point you to Phoenix at Knoebels.


On another note...


I'm planning an upper mid-west coaster trip for myself this coming summer and I was wondering when Michigan's Adventure normally publishes their calendar for the next season. My home park (Dorney) already has theirs up and I was surprised MA doesn't.

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