I was at the park on Saturday. Here are a few photos of things I found noteworthy:
We all knew metal detectors would be added this year. Here was the scene at 11am when the park opened:
The areas that used to house souvenir photos and Guest Relations are now brick walls:
Here's the new guest relations (near where the front of park lockers used to be):
I didn't snap a photo of the new souvenir photos location, but it's just to the right around the corner from Guest Relations in the above photo, across from the funnel cake location.
The front lockers have been relocated to the left when you enter the park:
A few of the dining locations have added queuing areas (as other CF parks have done):
In the last photo, on the right side you can see the ordering kiosks
And last, but not least, here is the new Funnel of Fear entrance (to the left of the tube rental):