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Weirdest Things The 'GP' Have Said

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"That SLC was such a smooth ride"




"I wish Cedar Point has more trashcans"

"You can never have too many trash cans"

--Dick Kinzel


Well, at least you don't have to walk far to throw something away. Though, some teenagers purposely drop their food items and what shocks me is that they drop it just a few feet away from the trash can.

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Well, at least you don't have to walk far to throw something away. Though, some teenagers purposely drop their food items and what shocks me is that they drop it just a few feet away from the trash can.

That really pisses me off too. They must do it on purpose, I saw someone at my local theme park drop a half eaten hotdog and can of coke into a flowerbed right next to a trashcan.

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I recently found out that one of my friends has to write a paper about how kids ages 8 to 16 should not be allowed to ride coasters. I'm kinda worried for the department of education now...


They should have made him write a paper about how kids 8-16 should not be allowed to write about coasters.

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Heard on some random site...


Six Flags Great America Complaint by Kevin Richards


Your prices are so high, infact I can get the same items at Wal-mart and Kmart for one third the price. Your prices are so high that you are pratically inviting people to steal things.


Today I was caught stealing personalized keychains from one of the stores inside your themepark, and I got into trouble when I got home and both my dad and I were kicked out of the park without a refund.


Lower your prices. Drinks cost like five times as much as they do at Kmart and Wal-mart and so does your food and it is not exactely good quality food. Seriusly lower your prices. We already have to pay to get in the *** park. With your prices you are encouraging people to steal. 2ae8f4b

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Conversation yesterday:


Friend: Goliath at Magic Mountain is the tallest coaster in the world! I just saw this documentary about it.

Me: Uhh... the tallest coaster in the world is in New Jersey.

Friend: Really? Well this documentary was a few years old so maybe Goliath was the tallest back then.

Me: The Superman coaster at Magic Mountain is a lot taller than Goliath, and older.

Friend: Oh...well Goliath is so much fun and it goes completely vertical!

Me: Are you sure you're not talking about Superman?

Friend: No, Goliath! The one that goes in the tunnel!



Other Friend: Space Mountain at Disneyland was closed for 3 years because a really tall guy got decapitated by a support on the ride.


Friend: Well... I'm not sure if it actually decapitated him, but it hit him in the head and it broke off part of his head and he died.


(I looked this up on the off chance that it could be true, turns out it's an urban legend: http://orlandoworld.wordpress.com/2008/03/07/top-10-disney-world-urban-legends/

However, my friend said this was recent and the ride was closed for 3 years, not sure where she got that or the thing that it was a tall guy who got brained.)

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Conversation yesterday:


Friend: Goliath at Magic Mountain is the tallest coaster in the world! I just saw this documentary about it.

Me: Uhh... the tallest coaster in the world is in New Jersey.

Friend: Really? Well this documentary was a few years old so maybe Goliath was the tallest back then.

Me: The Superman coaster at Magic Mountain is a lot taller than Goliath, and older.

Friend: Oh...well Goliath is so much fun and it goes completely vertical!

Me: Are you sure you're not talking about Superman?

Friend: No, Goliath! The one that goes in the tunnel!

The Goliath conversation has got me lost...

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Conversation yesterday:


Other Friend: Space Mountain at Disneyland was closed for 3 years because a really tall guy got decapitated by a support on the ride.


Friend: Well... I'm not sure if it actually decapitated him, but it hit him in the head and it broke off part of his head and he died.


(I looked this up on the off chance that it could be true, turns out it's an urban legend: http://orlandoworld.wordpress.com/2008/03/07/top-10-disney-world-urban-legends/

However, my friend said this was recent and the ride was closed for 3 years, not sure where she got that or the thing that it was a tall guy who got brained.)

I've never heard that story before for some reason, but if it's on the internet it must be true.

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Conversation yesterday:


Friend: Goliath at Magic Mountain is the tallest coaster in the world! I just saw this documentary about it.

Me: Uhh... the tallest coaster in the world is in New Jersey.

Friend: Really? Well this documentary was a few years old so maybe Goliath was the tallest back then.

Me: The Superman coaster at Magic Mountain is a lot taller than Goliath, and older.

Friend: Oh...well Goliath is so much fun and it goes completely vertical!

Me: Are you sure you're not talking about Superman?

Friend: No, Goliath! The one that goes in the tunnel!


To be fair, it may have been a documentary on the tallest complete-curcuit coaster in the world, but it would have had to been made sometime within the three months it actually held that record.

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The Goliath conversation has got me lost...

It lost me too when I was having it.


I've never heard that story before for some reason, but if it's on the internet it must be true.

If someone said it, it must be true! A guy totally got brained on the ride!! OMG!!!!!!


To be fair, it may have been a documentary on the tallest complete-curcuit coaster in the world, but it would have had to been made sometime within the three months it actually held that record.

Probably, I was confused about when she saw this thing and how old it was when she saw it.

I was just glad that she wasn't one of those people that insisted she was correct. I guess she can stay my friend.

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Today, a fellow co-worker at Publix told me that he can't wait to go out to Las Vegas in 10 days to ride his favorite coaster which is at New York, New York. He then asked me what I thought of the ride. How do you tell someone their favorite ride is complete trash?


I really need to stop talking about coasters with people at work.

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that person sat below me

WHOA people can sit under you on X2!!!! That doesn't sound very safe.


I meant he sat in the seat below me! Never mind you know what I mean!

Sorry to bring this from a few pages ago, but are you still trying to tell us that there are multiple levels of seating on X2? I guess they must have added this after the train valley'd... Or it's just the TPR GP

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Sorry to bring this from a few pages ago, but are you still trying to tell us that there are multiple levels of seating on X2? I guess they must have added this after the train valley'd... Or it's just the TPR GP

Maybe galindoverhere was sitting on the GP's lap?

I heard the GP loves coaster enthusiasts.

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I just recalled this as I posted earlier in the SFDK thread, discussing Zonga and roughness/problems.


Back when Zonga opened, my neighbors got to the park before we got a chance to check out the ride. When they came back, I was excited to ask them how the new Zonga coaster was. Well, the father immediately stepped in and said "That ride banged your head around! If I wanted to get my head banged around and beat up, I'd get in a fight with someone!" Well, that says a whole lot of how he'd handle the fight, lol.


Others also complained of roughness and 'not worth it.'

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