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Weirdest Things The 'GP' Have Said

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^ True, but you'd think the GP would go crazy over Nemesis as "It GoEz UpSIDe down OMzZ". I think GP like Thirteen as Alton Towers have managed to convince them its the terrifying ride they're marketing it as.


More gems from the Alton Towers Facebook page on a pic of nemesis:


its cool but would be better id the seats were on the top off the rails, just a suggestion.......

*Facepalm* Its called an inverted coaster for a reason.


Isn't that good. All the signs around it, 'most extreme ride in the country' ha.

Obviously hasn't ridden it.


its lookin a little rusty, maybe time to take it down and build a bigger better nemesis?

Yes, rust is a perfect reason to tear down the best ride in the UK.


I could go all day...

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On a video I uploaded of skyscreamer. (the B-roll Six Flags gave out) This one guy commented "windseeker at Knott's Berry Farm is taller." I said "u don't say?" Then he commented back "windseeker is safer." and "yeah at 301 feet its safer too." I really just don't know what to even say back to him...

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I just remembered something from a few years ago. I was reading a coaster book in class and there was a picture of Texas Cyclone in it. A conversation then ensued between me and this kid who thought he knew everything about coasters.


He said "Hey it's the Rebel Yell."

I said "No, it's called Cyclone."

"No! It's the Rebel Yell. See, it's white!"

"Lots of coasters are white."

"Yeah but the cars are red."

*Facepalm* "Rebel yell has two tracks, this only has one."

(referring to the double turn around)"No! There is two tracks! See, one on the outside and one on the inside!" At this point the kid was getting furious with me. I was just getting pissed off, so I just dropped it.

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I just remembered something from a few years ago. I was reading a coaster book in class and there was a picture of Texas Cyclone in it. A conversation then ensued between me and this kid who thought he knew everything about coasters.


He said "Hey it's the Rebel Yell."

I said "No, it's called Cyclone."

"No! It's the Rebel Yell. See, it's white!"

"Lots of coasters are white."

"Yeah but the cars are red."

*Facepalm* "Rebel yell has two tracks, this only has one."

(referring to the double turn around)"No! There is two tracks! See, one on the outside and one on the inside!" At this point the kid was getting furious with me. I was just getting pissed off, so I just dropped it.


I hate when people think they know so much about coasters because they know the name of one ride.


The other day my idiot friend was telling me about how he wants to go to SF Over Texas to ride Titan. He said Titan is the tallest coaster in the world. The funniest thing is that he has been on kingda ka many times before.

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On a video of Green Lantern at Six Flags Great Adventure:


This particleular rolling coaster was manufractured by T&M and was originally mantis at Cider Point but then they dismantled it and painted it green and then turned all the pieces around so that the coaster could fit in six fangs grease adventure


yes they did. and the dinosaur thing is a ride. it is a 540ft rolling coaster that goes 180mph. it is a new vekoma model that uses a special steel-cement hybrid


Here's his response to how Mantis is Green Lantern:


yes they did!!! want proof? watch a pov of mantis at cider point. and it also makes sense becuz they took out teh mantis to make room for dinosaurs: the ride


I just don't know how to respond to any of those at all.


From a different guy:


This ryde is so skary. it has like a hundred inversion. im nevar going on this jew-coaster.
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On a video of Green Lantern at Six Flags Great Adventure:


This particleular rolling coaster was manufractured by T&M and was originally mantis at Cider Point but then they dismantled it and painted it green and then turned all the pieces around so that the coaster could fit in six fangs grease adventure


yes they did. and the dinosaur thing is a ride. it is a 540ft rolling coaster that goes 180mph. it is a new vekoma model that uses a special steel-cement hybrid


Here's his response to how Mantis is Green Lantern:


yes they did!!! want proof? watch a pov of mantis at cider point. and it also makes sense becuz they took out teh mantis to make room for dinosaurs: the ride


I just don't know how to respond to any of those at all.


From a different guy:


This ryde is so skary. it has like a hundred inversion. im nevar going on this jew-coaster.



I call trolling.

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On a video of Green Lantern at Six Flags Great Adventure:


This particleular rolling coaster was manufractured by T&M and was originally mantis at Cider Point but then they dismantled it and painted it green and then turned all the pieces around so that the coaster could fit in six fangs grease adventure


yes they did. and the dinosaur thing is a ride. it is a 540ft rolling coaster that goes 180mph. it is a new vekoma model that uses a special steel-cement hybrid


Here's his response to how Mantis is Green Lantern:


yes they did!!! want proof? watch a pov of mantis at cider point. and it also makes sense becuz they took out teh mantis to make room for dinosaurs: the ride


I just don't know how to respond to any of those at all.


Was this this particular commenter FunAndOnly, by any chance?

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From a Steel Dragon (Maurer Sohne spinner) operator at Waldameer Park.


Guest: (Pulls lapbar down) Asks me, "Where are the restraints?"

Me: "You already pulled it down."

Guest: "Huh?"


Me: "Sir, please remove your hat so it is not lost while riding."

Guest: "Don't tell me what to do!"

Comes off the ride: "What are you gonna do about my $40 hat down there?"

Me: "Maintenance can retrieve it after the park closes at 10" (It was about 3).

Guest: "Bullsh*t! You could have told me what would happen!"


Guest: "Jesus Christ! Those breaks are painful, (pointing at me at controls) tell him to ease up or someone is going to get hurt."


Child is walking past height check. I look at him making an initial height check, as I was pretty sure he was tall enough, which he was.

Guest: "Why are you staring at him?"

Me: "Ma'am, I'm just verifying height."

Guest: "He is tall enough, you checked him earlier!"

Me: "Sorry I could not remember, a couple thousand people have come through here today."

Guest: "You should do your job!"

Me: "I did, and he is good to go for the ride."

Might I add that she is screaming at me for some reason.

About thirty minutes later, we rotated positions, and I am at controls and I glance behind me to see how long the line is. Sure enough, with eyes locked on me, she is in line again. As we are only about 15 min from closing, I tell the gate host she is back and just let them on as he is tall enough and we don't need any more headaches. Sure enough this co-worker likes to pick fights, he stops them, does the whole nine yards, she screams some cuss word at him, screams at me that she is filing a harassment complaint, and I respond with a simple, happy, "Just doing our jobs, have a good night at Waldameer Park."

If a complaint was filed, it went into the "Waste Management drawer."

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From a Steel Dragon (Maurer Sohne spinner) operator at Waldameer Park.


Guest: (Pulls lapbar down) Asks me, "Where are the restraints?"

Me: "You already pulled it down."

Guest: "Huh?"


Me: "Sir, please remove your hat so it is not lost while riding."

Guest: "Don't tell me what to do!"

Comes off the ride: "What are you gonna do about my $40 hat down there?"

Me: "Maintenance can retrieve it after the park closes at 10" (It was about 3).

Guest: "Bullsh*t! You could have told me what would happen!"


Guest: "Jesus Christ! Those breaks are painful, (pointing at me at controls) tell him to ease up or someone is going to get hurt."


Child is walking past height check. I look at him making an initial height check, as I was pretty sure he was tall enough, which he was.

Guest: "Why are you staring at him?"

Me: "Ma'am, I'm just verifying height."

Guest: "He is tall enough, you checked him earlier!"

Me: "Sorry I could not remember, a couple thousand people have come through here today."

Guest: "You should do your job!"

Me: "I did, and he is good to go for the ride."

Might I add that she is screaming at me for some reason.

About thirty minutes later, we rotated positions, and I am at controls and I glance behind me to see how long the line is. Sure enough, with eyes locked on me, she is in line again. As we are only about 15 min from closing, I tell the gate host she is back and just let them on as he is tall enough and we don't need any more headaches. Sure enough this co-worker likes to pick fights, he stops them, does the whole nine yards, she screams some cuss word at him, screams at me that she is filing a harassment complaint, and I respond with a simple, happy, "Just doing our jobs, have a good night at Waldameer Park."

If a complaint was filed, it went into the "Waste Management drawer."



Story of my life! #Ride Op Problems!

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That FunandOnly guy is awesome. Someone commented on the Green Lantern (SFGA) POV saying "Green Lantern at Movieworld is better" and I disagreed, saying that a B&M standup is much better than a cloned El Loco. Funandonly replied this to me:


wake up and smell teh weed. teh olny parks tht still hav T&M standups r six fags parks. notice tht not 1 six fag park has an B&S el loco motive. becaus six fargs has a unsatisfied hunger for bad costers, u can determine from this fact tht el locomotives > standusp


This guy is a genius. Watch his videos and read the comments, its hilarious how many people don't realize he's trolling.

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That FunandOnly guy is awesome. Someone commented on the Green Lantern (SFGA) POV saying "Green Lantern at Movieworld is better" and I disagreed, saying that a B&M standup is much better than a cloned El Loco. Funandonly replied this to me:


wake up and smell teh weed. teh olny parks tht still hav T&M standups r six fags parks. notice tht not 1 six fag park has an B&S el loco motive. becaus six fargs has a unsatisfied hunger for bad costers, u can determine from this fact tht el locomotives > standusp


This guy is a genius. Watch his videos and read the comments, its hilarious how many people don't realize he's trolling.


How can you wake up by smelling weed?

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This isn't a GP comment, this is a guy who makes fun of the GP. From Robb's Crystal Wings video.

Has anyone said that this looks like Superman: Ultimate Flight yet? I looked through all of the comments and saw nothing related to Superman... Come to think of it, it MUST be Tatsu! It's the same type of coaster so it's automatically exactly the same.
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On Six Flags Over Georgia's website about Guest Survey:



We asked our guests what they most liked to scream as they fly through the air on their favorite Six Flags Over Georgia coasters (which on our survey were Superman: Ultimate Flight, Batman: The Read, and Mind Bender).


I couldn't find anywhere else to post this, so I thought this topic was the best place to put it.

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