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Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (SFDK) Discussion Thread

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My family and I took a trip to the park yesterday. It was definitely different from my usual visits (marathoning coasters...especially the delightful RMC), as my kids are 5 and 6. It was nice to see the family side of the park. I forget how much there is for kids to do there. There also appears to be some real movement on Wonder Woman. There are many ride pieces in the parking lot, and from my brief glance from the shuttle on the way back to our car, I saw some dirt piles at the construction site (hey, they're only dirt piles, but it's better than nothing). I'll try to get some pictures when I go next weekend with a friend. As delightful as it is to go to the park with my family and ride Cobra with my daughter, it's a bit difficult to go and not ride any of the big coasters.

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^I was actually at the park yesterday as well, and I did manage to snap a few pics as we drove by through the the parking lot (sorry for the horrible quality though). I noticed on one of the sections of the main pendulum there looked to be lights but I could easily be mistaken.20170225_110427.thumb.jpg.271de8433a194bc1aa1c3d988f5a506b.jpg



Other than the previously mentioned dirt piles, I also saw some markings in the ground on the walk back to the parking lot where they appear to be moving the fence back a bit to make room for one of the ride's legs. However, I didn't manage to get any pictures of them.


My friend and I also decided to check out Galactic Attack on Kong, and we had a very interesting experience. We ended up riding it 3 times, because twice my friend's headset malfunctioned and showed two ships in an idle animation throughout the ride. I didn't experience anything like that, and I actually very much enjoyed the VR. The mixed reality was really cool and the actual ride was very well done (Kong was also running very well, so that did help too). That being said I wouldn't have ridden it again unless I experienced problems the first time or there was no line. With one train VR operations, the dispatch times were slow and help a line for the ride, even though almost everything else in the park was a walk-on (excluding joker, towards the end of the day they took off the green train and it built up a 5-10 minute line). Hopefully they add at least a second train to cut down dispatch time a little.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just saw these posted on Screamscape.


Also, they report there are markings around Joker and the Go-Karts. Maybe the Go-Karts will be moved/removed for a ride after all. 2018 seems early to invest in a big new ride or attraction since we just got Joker. I'll be happy for like 10 more years, but new rides are always welcome.

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^Those are definitely LED's on the side of that pendulum! But there doesn't seem to be as many of them as there are on the one at SFOT. There also doesn't appear to be any LED's on the support legs.


I can't be sure but to me it looks like there are mounting points for led panels, as they aren't "intergrated" into the metal anyway.

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I just saw these posted on Screamscape.


Also, they report there are markings around Joker and the Go-Karts. Maybe the Go-Karts will be moved/removed for a ride after all. 2018 seems early to invest in a big new ride or attraction since we just got Joker. I'll be happy for like 10 more years, but new rides are always welcome.



Maybe it'll be something Free that Spins.

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^as much as I'd like to have a free spin so close to me (I'm a sucker for 4D coasters, including Green Lantern ), the park really does need family rides. They have some big holes in their lineup and while adding thrill rides is great, putting a small coaster or ride to bridge the gap between Cobra and Boomerang. It would really help the people who are trying to work up to bigger rides.

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Hello, everyone! I'm new to the site, and this is my first post. I'm posting here in specific because Six Flags Discovery Kingdom is my home park.


I was formerly a ride operator for Medusa a couple years back, before Roar became Joker. I decided to join the site because currently, I've only ridden coasters at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom and California's Great America. I was wondering if I could get some good help on how to increase my coaster count and hobby as a coaster enthusiast?


Here is some information you should know about me...


Coaster Count - 16 (I know, it's pathetic)


Top 5 Coasters

1. Joker

2. Gold Striker

3. Medusa

4. Flight Deck

5. Superman - Ultimate Flight

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  • 2 weeks later...
^as much as I'd like to have a free spin so close to me (I'm a sucker for 4D coasters, including Green Lantern ), the park really does need family rides. They have some big holes in their lineup and while adding thrill rides is great, putting a small coaster or ride to bridge the gap between Cobra and Boomerang. It would really help the people who are trying to work up to bigger rides.


Like a wild mouse?

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Hello, everyone! I'm new to the site, and this is my first post. I'm posting here in specific because Six Flags Discovery Kingdom is my home park.


I was formerly a ride operator for Medusa a couple years back, before Roar became Joker. I decided to join the site because currently, I've only ridden coasters at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom and California's Great America. I was wondering if I could get some good help on how to increase my coaster count and hobby as a coaster enthusiast?


Here is some information you should know about me...


Coaster Count - 16 (I know, it's pathetic)


Top 5 Coasters

1. Joker

2. Gold Striker

3. Medusa

4. Flight Deck

5. Superman - Ultimate Flight


Best way to increase your coaster count? Take a trip to SoCal. Magic Mountain alone would double your count. Then you have Knott's and Disney and Universal.

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^Seems likely. Three thrill rides in three years, though? That's not usual for SFDK. They certainly don't need any more kiddie rides, but they could use some "middle of the road" family rides.


Back at the Joker media day last year someone from the park implied to me that there was a good chance something would happen in the spot where the Go-Karts are to complete the "Justice Leaguing" of that corner of the park.


I think I'd prefer a Justice League dark ride to a new big coaster, though. Well, no, that's not true, I'd love a free spin (or similar), but I think they could really use a dark ride of some kind.

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^Seems likely. Three thrill rides in three years, though? That's not usual for SFDK. They certainly don't need any more kiddie rides, but they could use some "middle of the road" family rides.


Back at the Joker media day last year someone from the park implied to me that there was a good chance something would happen in the spot where the Go-Karts are to complete the "Justice Leaguing" of that corner of the park.


I think I'd prefer a Justice League dark ride to a new big coaster, though. Well, no, that's not true, I'd love a free spin (or similar), but I think they could really use a dark ride of some kind.

I would probably prefer the Justice League dark ride opposed to another free spin. Free spin coasters are fun but I've ridden two of the Justice League rides and they really are a blast to ride. Plus I think that a dark ride would make that corner of the park a little more diverse, you would have two family rides (Penguin and the Justice League dark ride), one thrilling flat (Wonder Woman), and two thrilling coasters (Joker and Superman). Overall I'm glad they are removing the Go-Karts. I hate when parks have upcharge attractions, at Celebration City (before it closed) their Go-Karts and the Mini Golf was free with admission.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to see the park add both the FreeSpin and dark ride. It needs a dark ride badly. And they really need to upgrade the screen on the 5D theater. The seats are fine, but the screen and projector are such poor quality. And Monkey Madness, while fun, looks like it was made in 1998.


How long have the elephants officially been gone for? I was at the park today and noticed they weren't there. It got me thinking, they could build a nice family woodie over there, maybe even cross over the walkway and extend into where VooDoo is (since that is down more often than not anyway.

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If memory serves me correctly, it was earlier last year that they left. So it's definitely been over a year. I don't think they would get a wooden coaster back there because of the noises to the animals, and possibly the noises to the neighbors across the lake. The height restriction is also more strict back there, but I'm not sure how strict. As of now it's a fairly decent unused portion of land. Come to think of it, that would potentially be a great spot for a family coaster.

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If memory serves me correctly, it was earlier last year that they left. So it's definitely been over a year. I don't think they would get a wooden coaster back there because of the noises to the animals, and possibly the noises to the neighbors across the lake. The height restriction is also more strict back there, but I'm not sure how strict. As of now it's a fairly decent unused portion of land. Come to think of it, that would potentially be a great spot for a family coaster.


What about a less intense Hyper GTX? Due to its low height and lack of inversions (At least on Lightning Run), it seems like it would be a good ride both kids and adults would enjoy, and its height restriction is only 48 inches.

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If memory serves me correctly, it was earlier last year that they left. So it's definitely been over a year. I don't think they would get a wooden coaster back there because of the noises to the animals, and possibly the noises to the neighbors across the lake. The height restriction is also more strict back there, but I'm not sure how strict. As of now it's a fairly decent unused portion of land. Come to think of it, that would potentially be a great spot for a family coaster.


What about a less intense Hyper GTX? Due to its low height and lack of inversions (At least on Lightning Run), it seems like it would be a good ride both kids and adults would enjoy, and its height restriction is only 48 inches.

That could possibly work, but I was thinking even smaller, something like FireChaser but not as long. They could probably theme it pretty well if they wanted to.

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That could possibly work, but I was thinking even smaller, something like FireChaser but not as long. They could probably theme it pretty well if they wanted to.


That would also be a great addition. I just want something to be built there if they don't plan on bringing back the elephants. Hopefully, park management doesn't intend to just let the area sit unused for years like they once did with the 3D theater.

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If memory serves me correctly, it was earlier last year that they left. So it's definitely been over a year. I don't think they would get a wooden coaster back there because of the noises to the animals, and possibly the noises to the neighbors across the lake. The height restriction is also more strict back there, but I'm not sure how strict. As of now it's a fairly decent unused portion of land. Come to think of it, that would potentially be a great spot for a family coaster.


What about a less intense Hyper GTX? Due to its low height and lack of inversions (At least on Lightning Run), it seems like it would be a good ride both kids and adults would enjoy, and its height restriction is only 48 inches.

Or an RMC Raptor

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If memory serves me correctly, it was earlier last year that they left. So it's definitely been over a year. I don't think they would get a wooden coaster back there because of the noises to the animals, and possibly the noises to the neighbors across the lake. The height restriction is also more strict back there, but I'm not sure how strict. As of now it's a fairly decent unused portion of land. Come to think of it, that would potentially be a great spot for a family coaster.


What about a less intense Hyper GTX? Due to its low height and lack of inversions (At least on Lightning Run), it seems like it would be a good ride both kids and adults would enjoy, and its height restriction is only 48 inches.

Or an RMC Raptor

Joker Jr?

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