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Robb & Elissa in Japan - 2015!

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  bombora said:
Funny how bad it sucks, but TPR still goes back for more.

Wow. What an obnoxious comment. I expect it from an Australian. Have you know those of us who had been before did NOT go back. It was only those who had never been. Maybe next time you should have a clue what you are taking about before you made an insanely stupid and rude comment.

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  robbalvey said:
  bombora said:
Funny how bad it sucks, but TPR still goes back for more.

Wow. What an obnoxious comment. I expect it from an Australian. Have you know those of us who had been before did NOT go back. It was only those who had never been. Maybe next time you should have a clue what you are taking about before you made an insanely stupid and rude comment.


WOW. What happened to your sense of humour mate?

Sorry you didn't get it, but writing you expect it from an Australian is just as insanely stupid and rude as i was. You have posted plenty of negative comments about Fuji Q in the past and yet you(TPR) still go back and have some fun.

It is far from a perfect park, but it is still worth a visit IMHO.

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I think that was one of The Most Japanese Awesome Things I had ever seen in Japan.

And at first, we didn't realize both were together (literally) in the same water, with no divide!


Sea Paradise Park is a really nice park, especially for the marine life parts of it.


(EDIT: And Blue Fall.)

Edited by Nrthwnd
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  bombora said:
  robbalvey said:
  bombora said:
Funny how bad it sucks, but TPR still goes back for more.

Wow. What an obnoxious comment. I expect it from an Australian. Have you know those of us who had been before did NOT go back. It was only those who had never been. Maybe next time you should have a clue what you are taking about before you made an insanely stupid and rude comment.


WOW. What happened to your sense of humour mate?

Sorry you didn't get it, but writing you expect it from an Australian is just as insanely stupid and rude as i was. You have posted plenty of negative comments about Fuji Q in the past and yet you(TPR) still go back and have some fun.

It is far from a perfect park, but it is still worth a visit IMHO.


And again you prove why Robb made the comment. You lack reading comprehension skills. TPR did not go to Fuji-Q. A few people traveling with the group went on their own during a free day.

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  Meteornotes said:
^Yeah, it would never work here. I, too, really miss Japan!


So does Space World still have the theme song? I had heard that they no longer play it or have replaced it with a new song.



Yes, and they are playing it on Titan MAX now as well.


Go to the space, go to the Space World, go to the space, go to the Space World... And it goes on and on and on.

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Here is some video of Thunder Dolphin that we shot while in Japan. Interestingly, when I first rode this in 2004, I felt it was pretty lame. But then again, we had also ridden Expedition GeForce, Goliath, all three Superman coasters, and Millennium Force within a couple of years before that, so then hitting this one seemed pretty lame in comparison to other other Intamin hypers.


Fast forward 10+ years and a lot of really forceless and boring B&M hypers later and Thunder Dolphin seems MUCH better! While I still feel it is my least favorite of all the Intamin hypers it's certainly better than every single B&M hyper or giga I've ridden!


Edited by robbalvey
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Thunder Dolphin isn't one of Intamin's better rides, but it does have one hell of a view, and it still beats the crap out of Intimidator at Carowinds or Gatekeeper at Cedar Point.

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  robbalvey said:
While I still feel it is my least favorite of all the Intamin hypers it's certainly better than every single B&M hyper or giga I've ridden!

I definitely think that Thunder Dolphin does its job for the park. It definitely looks like a coaster that guests would want to ride just for the "wow" factor of being on top of the building, or going through the Ferris wheel. That kind of coaster is really great for a downtown park because the sheer existence of that massive coaster, right smack dab in the middle of EVERYTHING, probably makes residents just want to stop by and take a lap.

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  cfc said:
Thunder Dolphin isn't one of Intamin's better rides, but it does have one hell of a view, and it still beats the crap out of Intimidator at Carowinds or Gatekeeper at Cedar Point.


Seems like a cheap way to take a shot at other coasters that some people may like.

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  FaithPlus1 said:
  cfc said:
Thunder Dolphin isn't one of Intamin's better rides, but it does have one hell of a view, and it still beats the crap out of Intimidator at Carowinds or Gatekeeper at Cedar Point.


Seems like a cheap way to take a shot at other coasters that some people may like.


Nope. Merely expressing my opinion that Thunder Dolphin is better than both of these rides--particularly when it comes to the view.


As for your opinion, it has been duly noted and logged.

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  cfc said:
  FaithPlus1 said:
  cfc said:
Thunder Dolphin isn't one of Intamin's better rides, but it does have one hell of a view, and it still beats the crap out of Intimidator at Carowinds or Gatekeeper at Cedar Point.


Seems like a cheap way to take a shot at other coasters that some people may like.


Nope. Merely expressing my opinion that Thunder Dolphin is better than both of these rides--particularly when it comes to the view.


As for your opinion, it has been duly noted and logged.


Personally, comparisons to other coasters are helpful to me! Thunder Dolphin looks like it has some incredible elements that weave the structures, and even if it's not the most intense ride, it seems like the integration makes up for that.

Edited by glouthan
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  glouthan said:

Personally, comparisons to other coasters are helpful to me! Thunder Dolphin looks like it has some incredible elements that weave the structures, and even if it's not the most intense ride, it seems like the integration makes up for that.


The integration with the building and the view are the ride's most interesting elements.

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